
My Love Begins With You

She wants him, but he didn't wanted to pull her into his mess. Her love for him was evident as much as his love for her is. *** PEARL, a half sadistic but also a big time flirt college girl, age 21 years old. Undesirable by her family, grown up with a total stranger. They hated her, and she cares less about that. They badmouthed her but after so many years she was accustomed to that. She is infamous for being a playgirl. But evidently she doesn't even know how being a playgirl works. All she ever wants is someone's love for her. However the moment she realised her love for him, he left her all alone, just like how every other person in her life did. Abandoning her. EMMETT, aloof but playful for her, is a businessman, age 25 years old. His whole life revolved around his business. Known as a ruthless business tycoon, he gets total opposite to his character when it comes to her. He got no one to call his family until she comes in his life. His jealousy or possessiveness was all for her but he still couldn't bring himself to bring her to his dark world. Where his own family is plotting against him, every second. How is Pearl gonna handle herself when she will be abandoned by the only person she ever loved? What will happen when she will know why Emmett left her? What will happen when Pearl will go all out to get Emmett back to her once again? Will Emmett allow Pearl to get close to him? #Cover doesn't belong to me.

Einstein_829 · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


After sending that lady with Pearl, Emmett called Dhruv to discuss a few matters.

"Bro, those shareholders are trying to create ruckus over village matters." Dhruv started with his report.


"That we are still unable to start our construction over there."


"We don't have that village land anymore." He replied with a little doubtful feeling.

Emmett raised his eyebrows at Dhruv's answer. The land they are talking about is for the construction of the highway. The project started a month ago. But they don't even have the land as a basic thing yet?

Biting his lower lips with little anxiousness Dhruv answered hurriedly. "They don't desire to sell it."

Emmett sighed with such an answer. "Those lands bought by them?"

"Nope but it was bought by someone for them. And that person doesn't want to let it go."




"Set up by the end of month."


"...." Like that both Dhruv and Emmett discussed matters at Mallaya's mansion. They were still talking when a staff member came on and served them funeral food.

"I heard that Krish Roy is also doing great after taking the post of President in his company. If he goes on with this speed, he can become a competition for me later on." Dhruv said while eating.

"You both are at the same age. If he can't give you competition now, what later are you waiting for?" Emmett said.

In meetings or Galla Emmett had met Mr. Roy or other powerful family masters many times. That's why he knows Master Roy's, Krish's father, identity too. With those people, their heirs were also present but only special talents were able to get his attention. And Krish wasn't one of them. And he is sure that a person can't be talented if he hasn't shown his hard-working passion yet.

Smiling awkwardly Dhruv accepted the indirect compliment. "Well, you are right too." He didn't compare Krish with Emmett because that's not a match. But compared to him, Krish isn't that bad.

Taking another inhale Dhruv brings out his last report of the day. "Another thing is that the SI still has some internal conflict going on."

After Pearl's action things quietened down at SI a lot. But no matter what, SI is a very big company and it can't be handled in just a week. Moreover, those small directors are way too childish for Pearl.

Emmett's movement on his tablet stops. Coldly looking at Dhruv he asked. "Why is it still there then? Clean it up." He asked as if the report was nothing but useless.

"You wanna clean up her mess again?" Dhruv raised his brows with tiredness. This character is not what Emmett ever carried for anyone before. Nowadays he is adamant of helping her anyway he can.

"Why not?"

"Don't you wanna let her prove herself in front of everyone properly?" He asked.

Pearl is totally a newbie in front of those old hag directors. The more she shows her talent the more they will believe her. Although not just once but a number of times she showed her qualifications but as things have only started, her single mistake will bring everyone pointing their fingers on her. As she has just started, everyone's eyes are on her.

Even if she had successfully scared everyone with her aura, her every move is still a surprise test for her. If she takes the easy way then those people will also take her orders for granted. They won't believe her judgement for companies, and that will make her lose her reign over her company one by one.

"Need to prove? She takes over the company without a CEO or any critic in the media. No one even knows that SI has changed in many ways. The shares prices are only rising in her commands. Her moves were smooth like butter, what else do you need? All we are doing is to clean a few small animals out of her way."

Hearing that Dhruv nodded his head in affirmation. What Emmett said was very right. Pearl did prove herself the best by now.

"But again why are you bothering yourself with her matters? Because Mr. Mallaya asked?"

"Hmm." Emmett asked.

"He asked you to guide her in the business?" Dhruv suspiciously asked.

Emmett shook his head lightly in denial. "No... He just asked me to take care of her."

"You? Taking care of any girl?" Dhruv almost choked on his food. Emmett never in the world ever took care of anyone before, let alone caring for some little girl.

To his question, Emmett didn't bother himself to answer. He ignored him once again and went back to his work and food.

"Okay don't reply to me, but don't you think that SI, such a big company, will be hard for her to handle as she doesn't even have any experience as a CEO yet. It's way too big for a newbie man."

"Newbie? How long did Mr. Mallaya trains me?" Emmett asked back.

"Four years." Dhruv said right away.

After Emmett's parent's death, his company again falls back to his grandfather's hands. But within a year his grandparents also left his side forever. His grandfather wanted him to be tough and that's why before dying he asked Mr. Mallaya trained him when he was just 16. Emmett was broken.

At that time Mr. Mallaya with Mr. Sen handled his company for Emmett till he was ready. And Emmett only gets ready for that when he is 20. That surprised many people but because of his cold aura, and always the right decision, no one dared to question him either.

"Yes, just four years. Whereas Pearl got her training from him for more than ten years. So how much do you think she must be prepared for?" Emmett asked with a smirk.

Only after four years of training, he was ready for his company, buy Pearl instead got Ten years with Mr. Mallaya. He is sure that Pearl is more than ready for her future at SI.

"You are right. But SI..."

"She has someone she trusts too."

"Who?" Dhruv hurriedly asked.

"Her assistant."

"So are you telling me that she is powerful too?"

"Hmm. And that's why I ask you to not bring her any more trouble."

"Trouble her? I don't do such stuff."

"Who instigated those managers from SI then two months ago?"

"It wasn't me." Dhruv straightly denied. He started looking around in embarrassment. He did create those problems for Pearl. But not because he doesn't like her but because he wanted to test her for her betterment.

"Whatever." Emmett simply ignored him.

"Hey. But because of me, those untrustworthy people came out of their shells. Now Pearl knows who is with her and who isn't."

"Then your timing is too right. Just within a week of her new project."


"Just don't do it next time." Emmett warned him.

"Yeah. I won't."

While Emmett was about to take his last spoon of food, he suddenly realised something. "Who brought us these foods for us?"