
My Love Begins With You

She wants him, but he didn't wanted to pull her into his mess. Her love for him was evident as much as his love for her is. *** PEARL, a half sadistic but also a big time flirt college girl, age 21 years old. Undesirable by her family, grown up with a total stranger. They hated her, and she cares less about that. They badmouthed her but after so many years she was accustomed to that. She is infamous for being a playgirl. But evidently she doesn't even know how being a playgirl works. All she ever wants is someone's love for her. However the moment she realised her love for him, he left her all alone, just like how every other person in her life did. Abandoning her. EMMETT, aloof but playful for her, is a businessman, age 25 years old. His whole life revolved around his business. Known as a ruthless business tycoon, he gets total opposite to his character when it comes to her. He got no one to call his family until she comes in his life. His jealousy or possessiveness was all for her but he still couldn't bring himself to bring her to his dark world. Where his own family is plotting against him, every second. How is Pearl gonna handle herself when she will be abandoned by the only person she ever loved? What will happen when she will know why Emmett left her? What will happen when Pearl will go all out to get Emmett back to her once again? Will Emmett allow Pearl to get close to him? #Cover doesn't belong to me.

Einstein_829 · Urban
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45 Chs

Her being reckless

"Bro I helped the aunt with as much as we can. The only problem was that she didn't need our help in the end." Dhruv whispered closely to Emmett.

He didn't want others to know that someone actually denied Morgan's help. He got no chance to help them out, as Pearl had already taken care of everything.

"Hmm. I got it." Emmett said. Plainly

After the day Mr. Mallaya died, Pearl took a day to arrange everything with the SI company too. To his surprise, except for the part of internal conflicts and few losses in the stock market, Pearl takes over the company very easily, as if the demise of the CEO never happened. Her actions were way smoother than those experienced old hags.

Dhruv himself was shocked by that outcome. "Mr. Mallaya's granddaughter, Pearl already took care of everything. Initially, the inheritance had some problems but later it got sorted out too. All the arrangements have already been made for Mrs. Mallaya too.

All that was left for us was to take care of the external force on his company. To my surprise, even after such a big change in power, none of the shareholders or other companies thought to take a chance and strike on them for their benefits. They all agreed to the change smoothly. Our new CEO handled the company better than anyone can expect. Her expertise even without experience was way better than any of the expectations. The edge we thought for them has never come. As if nothing has changed."

Normally if any company faces a problem of its CEO's sudden retirement or expires, other shareholders or board of directors try their best to take the reins of the company in their hands.

But to his surprise even after seven days of swapping, none of them tried to take any action yet.

And it's not just the board of directors but also other companies who want to overpower or overrule such companies also find this chance as best to strike them.

However even after getting so many guests in those seven days, not a single news about Mr. Mallaya demise came out. As Pearl wanted to end things peacefully and then broke such news, she made it happen even when she was just a newbie. All the news channels are calm.

To his bro or his boss's order, he went to help SI and to make sure that it won't face anything wrong. But he can tell that now SI is actually self dependent.

Emmett coldly glanced at him. Giving it a moment of thought, he commented nothing.

He looked at the hall gate to enter the building where Mr. Mallaya's funeral was going on for the last eight days. Feeling a bit lost in his heart he moved forward to enter in.

Once the funeral was completed, those guests went back to their home. But as for their rituals, the funeral must carry on for at least the next thirteen days of the demise.

Emmett helped Pearl's side on their first day with cremation only. The other times he mainly handled stuff with the needy products needed in rituals for thirteen days.

Because of his work in straight seven days he hardly had the chance to see her shadow even. Their timing mismatched the most, because somehow unknowingly they planned it that way.

If it's morning, Pearl would handle stuff. By noon when she has work in the office, Emmett would handle it for her. And after evening, Pearl comes back and ends the ceremony.

Only today because he was busy since morning, only now he got the time to visit the mansion. Although he planned to meet by midnight, after meeting Pearl at the mall, his plan changed and came an hour earlier.

Emmett was carrying a bag of fruit as he entered. Following him, Dhruv and his guards were carrying something else for funeral convenience.

As he was putting down stuff on the table his eyes squinted as he saw a familiar coat on someone. Emmett waited a few seconds to confirm his doubts. But he didn't need it. Pearl was still wearing his coat.

"Whose coat do you think that girl is wearing?" Emmett asked Dhruv.

"Bro isn't that your suit coat?" Dhruv quietly asked as he saw a girl's back covered with a white striped coat. Earlier when Emmett left early from their meeting, he couldn't find him anywhere. But once he did, his attire was missing his coat. He didn't ask anything, till now.

Emmett's eyes darkened with anger. How could someone be so reckless with her own wounds, especially girls?

With a view of her still wearing the same outfit, he can tell by the stain that she didn't change her outfit nor did she have applied any ointment on her burn wound.

"Go and bring me an ointment and a female staff around here." Emmett said.

Dhruv frowned. Scratching the side of his head, he asked confusedly. "Lady? Ointment? Why?"

"Go now." Emmett coldly replied, to which Dhruv immediately ran outside.

His frustration didn't subside even after ordering the medicine. Without saying anything, he kept staring at Pearl. After five minutes Dhruv came back with an ointment and a lady beside him.

"Bro, here you go. What else do you need?" He asked politely.

"Send the lady with the ointment to that girl over there. Help her put on her medicines." Emmett pointed out Pearl standing at the corner of the hall.

"Huh? What did you say?" Dhruv got more puzzled. He suspiciously looked at the girl's back, trying his best to grasp her connection with Emmett and his coat.

Emmett frustratedly said. "Don't make me repeat things Dhruv. Do it now."

Raising his hands up in surrender Dhruv hurriedly said. "My bad my bad. I'll do it right away."

Telling the staff what Emmett wanted, he sent her to Pearl's side. The lady as per order went to Pearl.

Emmett quietly watched the staff talking to Pearl. Once she was done Pearl frowned a little. She didn't look around to find who ordered that staff or how that staff got to know about her wound. Instead, she just gave a small smile and asked her to follow her.

Emmett's frowned brows and coldness eased. Though he was calmed he still finds Pearl a little annoying with her actions.