
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 1056-1060: Oath of the Transmitters (6k+ words)

"End the world? Isn't that a bit too extreme?" Li Fan's expression was somewhat astonished. "Now, in the darkest Star Sea, only the Xuan Huang Realm is relatively safe..."

Before he could finish speaking, Transmitter Wei waved his hand to interrupt, "Hehe, young friend, you've misunderstood. We're not really going to destroy the Xuan Huang Realm. It's just to create a disaster that ordinary cultivators can't handle, something that Jiang must personally resolve."

"Just attract Jiang over, and then, when the two of us persuade him, we should be able to get him to investigate the current ruling group of five," Transmitter Wei said with a hint of cunning in his eyes. "The deceptive methods of the Heavenly Teaching's demonic individuals, even if they are good at disguising themselves, absolutely cannot withstand the scrutiny of the Transmitter's Oath!"

"Transmitter's Oath?" Li Fan heard this name for the first time and curiously asked.

"This is the grand oath that everyone must take when they join the Transmitter. In the name of the Transmitter Tianzun, facing countless comrades who have sacrificed or are about to sacrifice, it pierces through the heart and confronts the soul."

"In those days, facing the fierce attacks of the ten major sects of the Immortal Dao, not everyone could maintain their original intentions."

"To distinguish the worms within the Transmitter ranks, the scrutiny of the Transmitter's Oath is indispensable! If a Transmitter betrays the initial oath, ten other Transmitters can gather to forcibly initiate an oath examination."

"Whether there has been a betrayal or not, under the illumination of the inner light and questioning of the soul, everything becomes clear!" Transmitter Wei arrogantly declared.

"Unfortunately, since the founding of the Immortal Alliance, and after many years of stability, the scrutiny of the Transmitter's Oath has not been truly implemented. Everyone has tacitly agreed not to talk about this matter, as if it never happened." At this moment, Transmitter Zhou interrupted Wei's speech with a cold and indifferent tone.

For a moment, there was an awkward expression on Wei's face.

"However, as long as we can assemble ten Transmitters, we can certainly expose the conspiracy of the Heavenly Teaching! Jiang has a special status, and one person is equivalent to five Transmitters. Adding the two of us, it means we only need to find three more supporters!" White-haired Wei quickly shifted the topic.

"With Jiang's prestige, if he takes action, it won't be difficult!" Li Fan nodded and said, "Our Multiverse United Federation has many surviving cultivators from other cultivation realms. The catastrophes that descended on their worlds in the past were different. To create a disaster that can alarm Jiang..."

"No problem!" Li Fan confidently affirmed.

"Now, the only thing that is still uncertain is the matter you mentioned about Chén and the others being taken over by the demonic individuals of the Heavenly Teaching."

Li Fan originally thought that the negotiation was about to be completed, but unexpectedly, the two Transmitters suddenly returned to the initial topic.

Transmitter Zhou's tone became lazy again, and the urgency to save the Immortal Alliance disappeared instantly.

"Speculation is just speculation. If there is no substantial evidence, and you can investigate the highest ruling organization of the Immortal Alliance, what will happen to the Immortal Alliance in the future?"

"You've been hunting the remnants of the Heavenly Teaching for so long; you must know them very well. Can you find crucial evidence?" Transmitter Zhou asked.

Li Fan remained silent for a moment, then slowly said, "This person, Mò Rú Bīn, is cunning and crafty. Various secret techniques that were effective in identifying Heavenly Teaching members have lost their effectiveness on him. However..."

He paused, confidently saying, "The Heavenly Teaching Law King cultivates the immortal techniques passed down by King Xuantian in the past. They form their own lineage, connected like branches of the same tree. After cultivation, they can sense each other."

"Based on this principle, I can create a miniature puppet that automatically operates the techniques of the Heavenly Teaching Law King. When holding this object, if there are Heavenly Teaching members nearby, a natural sense will arise..."

Speaking, Li Fan smiled as he took out a palm-sized, crystal-clear white jade figurine and showed it to the two Transmitters.

Zhou and Wei took the miniature puppet and, after checking it, both revealed expressions of amazement.

Because this white jade figurine was like a living being, the techniques within its body circulated on their own.

They could even feel the continuously fluctuating breath of life!

This kind of refining technique...

The Immortal Alliance was not on the same level!

So, their trust in Li Fan's words increased a bit.

"This puppet is a gift for you. With your methods, you should be able to perform the final verification. I hope it will be done as soon as possible."

"The demonic individuals of the Heavenly Teaching have been secretly infiltrating the Immortal Alliance for five years. Controlling such vast resources, whatever schemes they are plotting in secret are highly dangerous," Li Fan said seriously.

"I also need to go back and report this discovery. I hope it will attract more attention from the organization."

With that, Li Fan arched his hand in salutation and was about to take his leave.

The two Transmitters didn't try to keep him.

Li Fan left behind a disk engraved with "Multiverse" as a future means of contact before hurriedly departing from Transmitter Zhou's private realm.

Zhou played with the Multiverse disk, his eyes showing a strange color.

His divine sense penetrated the disk, as if entering a starry sky. However, most of it was shrouded in yellow mist, with only faintly visible distorted radiance beneath the cover.

Only one shining dot, representing Li Fan, was clearly visible and could be communicated with.

Zhou contemplated thoughtfully.

Each dot in the starry sky represented a cultivator from the Multiverse United Federation. They could all communicate through this disk.

However, currently, only Li Fan had permission, and the others were concealed by some force.

Agreement from the other party was needed to establish communication.

Zhou showed the Multiverse disk to Transmitter Wei.

After a moment, White-haired Wei sighed lightly, "It seems that the Multiverse United Federation is indeed real."

"This kind of technology is not something any random force can possess. And this puppet..."

"This fellow, Huang, seems to be quite negligent. We had no information about the emergence of such an organization in the Xuan Huang Realm."

Wei's face looked somewhat unpleasant.

Zhou remained noncommittal, "Let's talk about it when we meet those so-called Longevity Realm experts. The rest of these are just minor details. Only the Longevity Realm..."

"Is something that cannot be forged and is the most indicative of an organization's strength."

Wei's eyes revealed a hint of longing, "The Longevity Realm..."

"If it weren't for the restrictions of being a Transmitter, I had a chance back then. Unfortunately..."

Zhou gave him a glance, "Now even I was deceived?"

Wei just shook his head slightly without explaining.

After a while, he suddenly said, "By the way, investigate those youngsters who executed the mission this time."

"He knows about your actions so clearly; there might be a traitor among them."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1057: Tianyang Immortal Battle Puppet

"Do you still need to remind me? Those kids were locked up by me as soon as they came back. However, we haven't extracted any results yet," Zhou said indifferently.


Li Fan left Transmitter Zhou's small world and appeared at the border of Tianquan Prefecture. Glancing in the direction of the prison not far away, Li Fan finally withdrew his gaze.

"There will be a chance to go down and take a look. No rush for now."

Then he swiftly flew towards the Lingmu Realm.

"Young Junior Brother, no one is tracking us, right?"

After flying for a while, Li Fan suddenly spoke.

An invisible armor appeared on his body, with clear edges and corners, enveloping Li Fan's entire body.

Tianyang's voice came from the armor, "Senior Brother, rest assured, I have severed the two tracking divine senses. I also gave them a little warning."

Compared to five years ago, Tianyang's voice now sounded much more lively.

The aftereffects of transforming into a puppet were completely eliminated, making him no different from a normal cultivator.

All of these changes were brought about by this immortal-grade "Battle Puppet."

After being manipulated by Mo Rubin, Li Fan felt deeply stimulated.

So, he transferred this pressure to everyone in the Lingmu Realm.

Not only did Master Craftsman Jia play exceptionally well, completing the construction of the immortal-grade puppet in just five years, but even the Medicine King Sect achieved outstanding results, which satisfied Li Fan. However, let's skip this for now.

After a thorough transformation, Tianyang's strength underwent earth-shaking changes.

Even if Li Fan used all his strength, he couldn't even dent Tianyang's defense.

His divine abilities, such as Thread Extraction and Five Elements Annihilation Sword, couldn't budge Tianyang in the slightest.

Even divine sense attacks were like mud into the sea, creating no ripples.

Only the simulated chaotic character mantra could bring trouble to Tianyang.

But it was limited to this.

Driven by the essence of Source Force, a power transcending the mundane, Tianyang's current strength was absolutely not inferior to the newly enacted Longevity Realm in the Xuan Huang Realm.

Perhaps his offensive methods were somewhat lacking, but his immortal-grade puppet's body was here. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he could only be suppressed and not destroyed.

With Tianyang's puppet armor as formidable protection, facing two Transmitters, Li Fan didn't even consider them a threat.

If he hadn't accidentally obtained information that Mo Rubin was secretly controlling the entire Immortal Alliance, Li Fan had originally planned to directly subdue these two Transmitters.

The protection brought by Tianyang was all-encompassing. Not only in terms of physical body but also in terms of soul attacks. One had to first dissolve Tianyang's soul will before being able to harm Li Fan.

Tianyang's will was incredibly powerful.

Even in the Foundation Building stage, he could crystallize for thousands of years without extinguishing, turning into an eternal remnant. Now, after becoming an immortal-grade puppet, it further ascended. Even Li Fan felt inferior.

In short, under the protection of the Tianyang armor, Li Fan felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Even if he faced Mo Rubin at this moment, he was full of confidence and fearless.

Tianyang, with Li Fan, quickly returned to the Lingmu Realm.

Five years had passed, and the Lingmu Realm had once again undergone tremendous changes.

The small worlds originally connected to the Lingmu Realm through spatial channels, such as Lijie, the Empire, and the Beastkin Realm, were gradually merging with the Lingmu Realm.

Li Fan, inspired by the fusion of the Xuan Huang Realm, comprehended the method of world devouring and fusion.

However, with his current strength, achieving the level of the Xuan Huang Realm was still a bit difficult.

He could only explore alternative methods through array refinement.

From a macro perspective, the current Lingmu Realm seemed like a deformed monster grafted with many small worlds.

However, aesthetics has never been Li Fan's focus; practicality is all that matters.

Moreover, this was Li Fan's first attempt. Practice makes perfect, and he believes that the technology of "fabricating" and merging worlds will only improve in the future.

In addition to the changes in the Lingmu Realm itself, the World Alliance has been subdivided into several departments based on different functions.

It's truly well-organized, no longer just an empty shell.

The "Alchemy" department, with the former Medicine King Sect members as its core.

The "Artifact Refinement" department, led by Master Craftsman Jia, Fang Zaiji, and many apprentices.

The "Seeking Mystery" department, led by Li Qing, with selected elite warriors from various small worlds as the backbone.

And the "Enlightenment" department, led by many talented young cultivators like Shanhe Xuan.


The scale has been established, and the momentum is diverse.

Without alerting them, Li Fan went straight to the side of the underground secret room, a vast space opened later.

Currently, only he knows about this space, and colorful divine light protects it from all sides.

Li Fan named this yet-to-be-formed department "Doomsday."

As its name suggests, what the cultivators in this department need to research in the future are various methods capable of destroying the Xuan Huang Realm.

It's a bit shocking, so even though the cultivators in the Alliance are absolutely loyal to Li Fan, he hasn't let them know about the existence of this department for the time being.

"It seems I can only find those equally extreme individuals."

"The Xuan Huang Realm is so big; if you really want to find them, you can."

As Li Fan thought, he looked at the colorful light clusters surrounding something in the "Doomsday" space.

Most of them are gray mold cultivated over the past five years for occasional use.

But there are also some new gadgets.

Li Fan reached out, and a seemingly faded seven-colored light flew weakly into his hand.

"Fentian Arrow..."

"With the false Deception Heavenly Dao, after being able to see through the strange power, I finally managed to replicate it."

Fentian Arrow was the ultimate tool that the Heavenly Alliance cultivators used to resist the Xuan Net in the previous cycle.

Utilizing the destructive power of strangeness to cause localized damage to the Xuan Net.

And now that the Tianxuan Mirror hasn't replaced the Heavenly Dao, the performance of the Fentian Arrow is to trigger a large-scale strange outbreak, causing the Xuan Huang Heavenly Dao to lose control.

The strange power of Fentian Arrow is not generated by Li Fan himself.

Instead, he personally went to those areas of strange outbreaks, collecting bit by bit. Then, he sealed and wrapped them with the colorful divine light.

One less, one more.

But judging from the current intensity of strange outbreaks in the Xuan Huang Realm, there is currently no need to worry about running out.

In addition to Fentian Arrow, another major weapon in the "Doomsday" space is the "Chaos" Character Mantra.

Drawing on the experience of the automatic detonation in the 115th cycle and obtaining improvement ideas from Master Craftsman Jia, the Chaos Character Mantra is engraved inside the puppet's body and has a certain level of intelligence.

It can follow Li Fan's instructions, go to specified locations, and detonate the Chaos Character Mantra at the designated time.

What's more, this puppet has the built-in function of disturbing causality.

Making it extremely difficult to lock down the mastermind behind the scenes through deduction.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1058: Mutated Spiritual Qi

However, based on past experience, launching the Chaos Character Mantra in the Xuan Huang Realm will inevitably attract the attention of the transmission law and recall him from the void.

With the Xuan Huang Realm being suppressed by the Transmission Law Celestial personally, there is almost no chance of causing trouble.

All kinds of demons and monsters must temporarily avoid its edge. Therefore, Li Fan generally does not consider using this method.

In the colorful space here, in addition to the two creations mentioned above, there is a third relatively mature doomsday solution.

That is to launch reinforced small flying bodies toward the Immortal Ruins.

These flying bodies follow the principle of Tianyang's transformation into a puppet and resemble living beings.

In addition to flying towards the part of the Immortal Ruins that attracts the attention of the immortals, there is another half of the body in the Xuan Huang Realm.

When it enters the Immortal Ruins, like human eyes peering, it will alert the immortals in the Immortal Ruins.

Then, following the connection between the flying bodies, it spans the void, locking onto the Xuan Huang Realm.

Thus achieving the effect of annihilating the world at a glance.

Just as Li Fan did unintentionally before.

Other than these three, everything else is still in the process of research and development. It's theoretically feasible but has not been truly tested.

For example, in the "Root of Heaven and Earth" space in Tianlingzhou, shattering the intersecting lines representing the principles of the heavens and the earth in the Xuan Huang Realm. Destroying the foundation of the Xuan Huang world, causing the world itself to naturally decay and collapse.

Another example is the large-scale manufacturing of artifacts containing the supernatural power of "False Deception Heavenly Dao" and spreading and dispersing them throughout the Xuan Huang Realm. In this way, it will inevitably cause chaos in the operation of the heavens and the earth. Filled with incorrect heavenly commands, it may even override the original true mechanism of the operation of the heavens and the earth. This will lead to global turmoil and may trigger another major change like "Incompatible Cultivation."


Li Fan still holds the origin of the Tianxuan Mirror. With the highest authority, he can eagerly check the dusty files of the World Alliance.

Various sufferings and calamities that occurred on the Xuan Huang land in the past, forgotten by people due to the influence of the divine power of the Carefree Celestial, are treasures in Li Fan's eyes.

Various doomsday measures in the "Doomsday" space are now the key for Li Fan to contend with powers at or even beyond the level of Longevity Realm.

As the only surviving pure land in the darkest starry sea until now, the existence of the Xuan Huang Realm is a prerequisite for cultivators to survive.

And mastering the method of doomsday means holding bargaining chips to negotiate with everyone in the Xuan Huang Realm.

It's not only useful in this world. As long as Li Fan does not leave the Xuan Huang Realm for a day, this place is crucial to him.

So Li Fan simply differentiated out a holy fetus, and then used the Faceless True Immortal statue to reward cultivation. He forcibly promoted the holy fetus to the Golden Core realm, which is enough to support his research work in the "Doomsday" space.

After carefully reinforcing the colorful divine light seal around the surrounding area, Li Fan quietly left this place.

He arrived in the Empire's small world.

Due to the fusion of the world with the Lingmu Realm, the world itself has undergone some subtle changes. Many exotic beasts in the empire died due to their inability to adapt to this dramatic change in the heavens and the earth.

The remaining ones were also in a depressed state, taking almost two to three years to slowly recover their spirits.

Now, in the central part of the empire, where the original royal castle was located, there is an additional round-arched building.

That is the experimental site established by the World Alliance in the empire.

The "Dao One Insect," which can synthesize spiritual qi, has nearly doubled its efficiency after continuous improvement over three generations.

And the probability of occasional mutations causing the failure of the world's furnace has also been greatly reduced.

Now, a world's furnace can stably and continuously release spiritual qi for a hundred years.

It basically meets the needs of the World Alliance.

Five years have passed, and the overall spiritual qi density of the fused Lingmu Realm is no weaker than that of the Xuan Huang Realm.

Of course, this is also due to the vastness of the Xuan Huang Realm.

The focus of the work of Di Guo's small team, including Xiao Qing and Xiao Hong, has also shifted to coordinating the fusion of the Di Guo small world with the Lingmu Realm.

As for the Di Princess, Li Fan gave her another task.

In the dome laboratory, the Di Princess was concentrating, staring at the countless Dao One Insects in the space in front of her, dense like black mist.

She didn't even notice Li Fan's silent arrival.

Li Fan glanced at the experimental records.

"Ancestral Dao One Insect variant, 76th test."

"After merging with the splitting fungus, although the lifespan of this variant has been greatly shortened, its reproductive efficiency has increased by more than a hundred times."

"According to calculations, under sufficient resources, a Dao One Insect only needs seven days to proliferate its population to the billion level."

"Key recorded information: The spiritual qi produced by this type of Dao One Insect, although it can be absorbed by cultivators, and initially there will be no noticeable abnormalities. However, if the absorption exceeds half of the stored spiritual power in the body, it will subtly affect the cultivator. The cultivator will become more irritable and aggressive."

"More importantly, there will be a certain dependence on mutated spiritual qi. Cultivators will feel that normal spiritual qi is not 'refined' enough."


Li Fan looked at the detailed experimental information recorded by the Di Princess and nodded with satisfaction.

The bloodline of the Di Guo, originating from the transformation of the holy fetus by Xu Ke, is truly passed down in one vein. The Di Princess perfectly inherited Xu Ke's talent.

In the past five years, many experimental projects she led have made significant breakthroughs.

Especially the research on Dao One Insect variants.

The spiritual qi produced by Dao One Insects undergoes many subtle changes in these variants. The new change that makes cultivators more irritable is just one of them. There were previous ones that could make cultivators lazy, lose their ambition, or produce a "drunk spirit" effect if the concentration of spiritual qi was too high. If absorption continued, it might even have irreversible and destructive effects on the cultivator's own consciousness.

There are countless variations.

Although these mutated spiritual qi cannot destroy the Xuan Huang Realm, it can to some extent remodel cultivators.

It makes all cultivators in a certain area uniformly transform into a fixed personality.

Li Fan is truly interested in this.

After sealing the data of this new variant and hundreds of samples into his own cave, Li Fan awakened the Di Princess, who was still immersed in research.

"Have you made progress in searching for the Saint Emperor?" Li Fan asked.

"Half of the small worlds have been excluded. Still, there is no sign of the Saint Emperor. It is expected that in another five years at most, we will be able to explore all the remaining worlds, ultimately locating the hiding place of the Saint Emperor," the Di Princess answered truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1059: The Celestial Emperor Like Minions

"If we're lucky, we might find the Saint Emperor tomorrow," the Di Princess's tone was somewhat excited.

"After finding the Saint Emperor, don't contact him rashly. There should be hidden reasons for the Saint Emperor's sudden departure back then. Report to the Alliance first, and I will make the final decision," Li Fan said in a deep voice.

The Di Princess nodded to indicate understanding.

Over the past five years, Li Fan had informed the empire of all the information about the caves and small worlds in the Xuan Huang Realm.

Using some kind of exotic beasts capable of freely traversing space, the empire conducted a thorough screening of these small worlds. The goal was to find Xu Ke's whereabouts.

During the 115th era, just before the final battle between the White Heavenly Dao and the Transcendent Dao Venerable, a figure appeared by White Heavenly Dao's side, carrying a coffin on its back. That figure should be Xu Ke.

As for what was inside the coffin, why he suddenly left the empire he had personally created, and even neglected his several beloved pets...

All these questions could be answered once he was found.

However, Li Fan was not particularly concerned about this. It was just a means to appease the people of the empire.

After revealing information about Xu Ke, the empire was truly convinced, and their efficiency in handling matters more than doubled. There was no need for Li Fan to supervise and urge them.

After giving instructions, Li Fan came to the deepest part of the dome laboratory.

In the darkness, red threads floated like wandering snakes.

This was the red thread that Mr. Bai left in the empire as a defense for Xu Ke.

Just a strand could kill top-tier monsters, almost as powerful as the full force of the new Transcendent Dao Longevity.

Out of fear for Mr. Bai, Li Fan did not directly contact him in this era. Instead, he let the people of the empire conduct research.

On the surface, the red thread was a form of a certain sword dao.

However, after several years of continuous experimentation, the empire found that this red thread was more like a living thing with its own spirituality.

To drive it, one didn't need spiritual qi but rather the vitality and spirit of living beings, something mysterious and profound.

Or, simply put, the lifespan of living creatures.

Moreover, ordinary living beings were not attractive to this red thread. Only those individuals within a race who were thriving and upward-moving caught its interest.

After cultivating with a large number of exotic beasts, the originally extremely thin red thread had now become a snake-like entity in the dome laboratory.

Even with several layers of protective formations, it was still daunting to behold.

Li Fan, who built his foundation as Hei Jian Tian, was quite familiar with the sword dao in the Xuan Huang Realm. After careful study, he found that the red thread contained not only the way of the sword but more of the Way of Balance.

To harm others, one had to pay a price. So, you would first harm yourself.

In the eyes of heaven and earth, all living beings are equal.

An ordinary person and a Dao-aligned cultivator have no difference.

So, wielding this sword of advantage, one could cut down Dao-aligned cultivators with ordinary bodies.

This classic ancient theory, which Li Fan had seen in many ancient texts, was no surprise coming from Mr. Bai, the last ancient Dao Longevity Venerable in the Xuan Huang Realm. However, with the changes in the times, even in the eyes of heaven and earth, there is a difference between one living being and another.

The higher a cultivator's cultivation level, the heavier their share of the heavens and earth, and the more they are hated by the heavens and earth.

For ordinary people to achieve a "one-for-one" exchange is now impossible.

Therefore, the actual utility of this red thread has been discounted.

After calculating, Li Fan found that the force unleashed by a strand of the red thread was enough to destroy the body of a Nascent Divinity cultivator. However, a new Dao Nascent Divinity, who was one with the heavens and earth, would not fall. They would only suffer severe injuries. As for Dao Aligned cultivators, they could easily block the red thread's attacks.

However, this was only the smallest measuring unit of the red thread.

If all the power of the red thread, which was as thick as a bowl, were to be released...

Even Li Fan had no confidence that he could survive in front of it. If not for the protection of the Tian Yang Immortal Puppet.

Now, it seems that the red thread has reached its limit and refuses to feed anymore.

Li Fan watched the red thread moving in the darkness, deep in thought.

"The essence of the red thread is to use the power of the Xuan Huang Realm's Heavenly Dao against enemies. It's not abuse, but an exchange within the allowed rules."

"Using the power of the red thread still consumes the cultivator's own lifespan."

"But losing a bit of lifespan can defeat or even kill Nascent Divinity cultivators..."

"If this gets out, those willing will definitely flock to it."

"Perhaps it can be a signature of the Alliance."

"But what to call it..."

"Sword Bearer."

Li Fan's eyes gleamed, instructing someone to separate nearly a hundred strands from the red thread, then seal them separately with the Seven-Colored Divine Light.

"As long as you join the Alliance, you can wield this sword and kill Nascent Divinity cultivators."

"Who dares to say that our Alliance lacks depth?"

"Moreover, killing New Dao cultivators is the will of heaven. There's no need to worry about excessive slaughter causing a backlash from heaven and earth."

"It's truly wonderful!"

Even after being separated, the free red thread still didn't resume feeding.

It seems that the total amount of red thread in the Xuan Huang Realm is fixed, and some must be consumed before it can regenerate.

Although the red thread is mysterious, Li Fan himself won't use it. He will only give it to members of the Alliance as a defensive treasure.

"It's just right. Among the death warriors who explored the Blood River previously, someone successfully survived. I can bestow this treasure on them and then officially teach them immortal techniques as an incentive." With this thought, Li Fan left the region of the Empire's Small World.

He arrived at the "Seeking the Profound" region.

On numerous empty pedestals, the first monument had silently descended.

The stone tablet engraved with the name and appearance of the cultivator who had recovered the lost history from the Blood River.

And the historical influence could be viewed through this stone tablet.

The first harvest was actually an insignificant scene.

The time node was probably before the Immortal Path was severed.

Visitors from other immortal cultivation realms arrived in more than ten immortal boats, and a grand exchange conference was held.

It was lively and full of vitality, in stark contrast to the lifelessness of the current Xuan Huang Realm.

Every cultivator, after seeing this scene, couldn't help but feel a faint sense of loss and sadness.

There was actually a very interesting point in this scene.

Li Fan saw the figure of the Heavenly Emperor Xuan Yuan Hong in this exchange event.

But at that time, he was just one of many cultivators responsible for welcoming guests, standing there nervously and excitedly watching the senior cultivators.

No one present probably imagined that this inconspicuous little cultivator would later become the last ascender of the Xuan Huang Realm and take on the heavy responsibility of saving the world.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1060: Counterattack Begins

Li Fan's gaze remained focused on the illusion of Xuan Tianwang.

At this time, Xuan Yuan Hong's performance wasn't much different from ordinary cultivators. If Li Fan didn't have some understanding of Xuan Tianwang through Ji Yuzhen's fragmented memories, he wouldn't believe that such an apparently ordinary person would be the protagonist of a future era, with an impact on the Xuan Huang Realm continuing to this day.

The scenes recorded on the monument didn't last long.

They abruptly disappeared amidst the joy of the hosts and guests.

Although the first image obtained from the Blood River didn't hold much value, it was a good start, leading to a breakthrough in the work of the "Seeking the Profound" department of the Alliance.

The beginning is always the hardest. With the first success, the second and third will probably come soon.

Li Fan, as the Upper Envoy, didn't personally reward it.

Instead, he handed the red thread to his clone, Li Qing, who then presented it.

In front of all the cultivators in the Seeking the Profound department, a man named Ji Ling, with a reddish complexion, received the reward of the red thread.

Because he consumed a lot of lifespan in the Blood River, Ji Ling, who was only twenty-three years old, looked like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

However, after practicing the true Nascent Divinity technique taught by Li Qing, he would have the opportunity to advance from the Yuan Infant stage, thereby gaining more lifespan.

At this moment, Ji Ling, surging with excitement, stood in front of the monument engraved with his name, imparting his experience of exploring the Blood River to thousands of Seeking the Profound cultivators below.

Seeing those who were originally more noble and had higher cultivation bases than himself now all attentively listening to his lecture, Ji Ling's sense of accomplishment was indescribable.

"If it weren't for the compassion of the Immortal Caring True Immortal, how could a small mortal like me have such good fortune?"

Ji Ling was filled with infinite emotion, and his faith in the Compassionate Immortal was once again elevated.

In the shadows, Li Fan watched this scene completely, smiling slightly.

After the Alliance embarked on the right track, it developed at an unimaginable speed.

Meanwhile, news from the Law Transmitters arrived promptly.

"It has been verified. Among the five supreme Law Transmitters in the Immortal Alliance, three of them are monsters who practiced Xuan Tian Sect's techniques!" Zhou gritted his teeth.

"As for the remaining Chen and Shang, even if they haven't been possessed by Xuan Tian Sect's monsters, they are definitely swayed by them. Their deaths are not regrettable!"

"We can start taking action now!"

Law Transmitter Zhou immediately invited Li Fan for a detailed discussion.

Li Fan, who had been waiting for a long time, naturally agreed readily.

With a thought, Tianyang transformed from armor form back into a cultivator's appearance.

He still had the appearance of a child of around ten years old, without changing his appearance further.

The two once again arrived in Law Transmitter Zhou's private Small World, and the gazes of the two Law Transmitters coincidentally fell on Tianyang.

"Who is this..."

At Li Fan's signal, Tianyang didn't conceal his own aura. Instead, he deliberately emitted the aura of a Nascent Divinity realm expert. It was so obvious that the two Law Transmitters naturally noticed Tianyang's extraordinary nature.

Without any contempt due to his childlike appearance, not to mention among the powerful Nascent Divinity realm experts, even among these Law Transmitters, there were many with peculiar preferences.

"This is our Elder Tian from the Immortal Alliance, responsible for assisting in handling matters related to apprehending the remnants of Xuan Tian Sect, such as Mo Rubin and others." Li Fan's expression was serious as he introduced.

Tianyang had the demeanor of a Nascent Divinity realm expert, coldly snorted in response, treating it as a reply.

Even without giving the two Law Transmitters a proper look.

Although Tianyang indeed displayed the strength of the Nascent Divinity realm, Zhou and Wei were once figures who stood at the pinnacle of power in the Immortal Alliance or, more precisely, the Xuan Huang Realm. Being looked down upon in such a way inevitably made them feel somewhat uncomfortable.

Externally, they dared not reveal their dissatisfaction, just quietly contemplating and keeping their thoughts to themselves.

"We can take this opportunity to test the opponent's strength."

"True. Relying solely on momentum is not enough to truly confirm the identity of the Nascent Divinity realm."

Zhou and Wei exchanged a glance, and then Zhou put forward a suggestion.

"During this time, we were fortunate to find information about another companion who left the Law Transmitter Council. Perhaps we can convince him to join us in our actions."

"This person has a rather peculiar temperament, behaves recklessly, and disowns his own relatives. Even when facing Jiang, he might act uncontrollably. With just the two of us, we might not be able to persuade him. If a senior were to take action..."

Li Fan instantly understood the intentions of the two in front of him.

However, he could also comprehend it.

Considering themselves quite familiar with the Xuan Huang Realm, suddenly, a Nascent Divinity realm expert they had never heard of before appeared. Anyone would find it difficult to accept for a moment.

Li Fan pretended to seek Tianyang's opinion and then nodded in agreement.

Time was of the essence, so Zhou and Wei immediately led the way to find the third Law Transmitter.

During the journey, they provided Li Fan with detailed information: "This person is named [Huang]. He was born with deformities, having two heads and four arms. Abandoned by his own parents on the roadside, on the brink of starving to death, he was fortunate to encounter the Law Transmitter Tianzun. Since then, he has become one of the most loyal Law Transmitters."

"He cultivates the special technique taught by Tianzun, subtly refining his physical body to the extreme. When he takes action, relying solely on brute force, he can easily tear apart ordinary Dao Unity cultivators."

"Moreover, this person's madness is actually just a facade. Regardless of the situation, Huang always remains in an absolutely rational and calm state. The reason for such a disguise is actually a strategy that makes opponents fearful before the battle even begins."

"However, it has been proven that this method is indeed effective. Over the years, members of the Law Transmitter Council basically won't actively provoke him. Even if he is approached, most of the time, they just hold their noses and endure it."

It seemed that Zhou and Wei had some apprehension regarding Huang, providing unusually detailed information about him.

As time passed during the conversation, they also got closer to their destination.

Upon reaching Quyang Prefecture, the air around them gradually became hotter.

The freely-roaming fire attribute energy in the air was erupting without any rules.

Occasionally, giant fireballs descended from the sky, crashing onto the ground with a deafening roar, creating towering waves of molten lava.

"Is this...?"

"A thousand-mile Scorched Basin?"

In the 114th era, Li Fan had assisted in building the Tianxuan Locking Spirit Formation in the depths of the [Spiritualization Gorge] here.

"Could it be..."

Recalling the terrifying green river in the Spiritualization Gorge that could suppress spiritual energy movements, a speculation emerged in Li Fan's mind.

And indeed, reality matched his conjecture.

Passing through the thousand-mile Scorched Basin, the three arrived above the Spiritualization Gorge.

The Immortal Alliance cultivators mining Spiritualization Stones here were unaware of their arrival.

(End of this chapter)