
My longevity simulation

ChatGPT translation. I have not uploaded Chapter 1-125 since it was already officially translated in https://www.scribblehub.com/series/851465/my-longevity-simulation/ it's been years since I came across such a good novel. In my 10 years of reading webnovels rarely ever I came across such a well thought out plot and world building. Translation starts from Chapter 126. I started it since I couldn't wait for the official translation, I'm translating it myself using CHAT- GPT and it has much better translation than both mtl and google translation. I'll continue to update chapters and will try to keep up with raws. ********* Synopsis: The path of immortality is nigh unachievable. Furthermore, the immortal world has been completely transformed by a plague! When immortals contact infected mortals, their cultivation bases fall, or worse, they return to the heavens; thus, the immortal and mortal realms have been eternally separated. Moreover, all immortal arts may only have one practitioner; thus, the world of immortality has become a dark forest. … Although Li Fan had grand ambitions when he first transmigrated to this world, he could only be trapped in mediocrity, slowly wasting away his mundane life. Fortunately, as he was dying, he finally awakened a supreme treasure that could turn truth into lie and reality into dream, reversing time to when he first arrived! Following this, Li Fan embarked on his endless path to immortality! In his second life, Li Fan ascended through politics and ruled the world after 50 years, but after searching worldwide, he found no trace of the Immortal Dao. Only at the end of his life could he glimpse the immortal path. In the third life, despite immense efforts and carefully laid schemes, Li Fan ultimately couldn’t resist a single strike of an immortal’s sword! In the fourth life… … I, Li Fan, an ordinary mortal, will harbor no regrets throughout a thousand lifetimes, all for the pursuit of immortality! ******* Cultivation Realms: >Qi refining/Foundation building >Foundation establishment >Golden core/Core transformation >Yuan Ying/ Nascent Soul >Nascent Divinity/ Divine Transformation (Sometimes they are mistakenly called Nascent Souls) >Dao Integration/Harmonization/ Unity/ Fusion/Convergence (Daoist Sovereign) >Eternal Life Realm/Longevity Tianzun/ Trancendent Heaven Sage Wanxian alliance= Ten Thousand Immortal alliance. Cloud Mist sea= Cong Yun Sea Tianbao Tower = Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Xuantian= Profound Heaven

The_peanut_gallary · Eastern
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Chapter 1051-1055: Sacrifice for the Xuan Tian King (6k+ words)

"Perhaps this is not contradictory. Both half-immortal bodies gained breakthrough insights in their encounters, hoping to truly cast off the shackles of mortals and achieve the position of immortals."

"Grandmaster of Tian Du emulated the Immortals in the Immortal Expanse, resonating in Dao comprehension."

"As for Xuan Tian Wang..."

Li Fan recalled the fragmented memories from the Law King of Xuan Tian School in his mind.

"He encountered an accident during the breakthrough process."

Regarding the swift overturning of Xuan Tian School by the Ten Immortal Sects years ago, Li Fan had also inquired with Danxuan.

However, that old guy was evasive.

Claiming not to know, he won the final victory in the war in a bewildering manner.

It was as if Xuan Tian School lost inexplicably too.

"Danxuan probably has something to hide. But it can be confirmed that the destruction of Xuan Tian School involved a third force, beyond Xuan Tian School and the Ten Immortal Sects."

"Swaying the Ten Immortal Sects to rebel, taking advantage of Xuan Tian Wang's plan to eliminate the spy and pushing the boat along the river. It led to this major war."

"The ultimate winner seems to be the Ten Immortal Sects, who seemingly gained control of the Xuan Huang Realm's immortal path. But perhaps Xuan Tian Wang was their real target."

Li Fan's thoughts were in motion.

Associating it with Mourubin's fear of the faceless true immortal statue, a bold speculation surged into Li Fan's mind.

"Is it possible that it was the fanatic followers of the faceless true immortal?"

"The soon-to-be-immortal Xuan Tian Wang, offered as a sacrifice to the faceless true immortal..."

In these years of spreading the "Merciful Immortal in the Mortal World" with the help of the faceless true immortal statue, Li Fan had witnessed the faith of those cultivators, gradually growing from nothing to firm determination.

Source Force essence could transform decay into wonders, realizing many dreams for cultivators.

Even in the casually created and not heavily managed Universal Alliance, there were indeed beings genuinely swayed by the power of the true immortal, offering absolute loyalty.

Not to mention, in the ancient times, the Xuan Tian School was filled with faceless true immortal statues.

Even if Xuan Tian Wang later discovered something was amiss and removed the statues from the main altar of Xuan Tian School, how could the statues in the hearts of cultivators be completely erased?

Following a half-immortal of uncertain attainment, or following a true immortal, possibly even a true immortal of the level of the "Nameless True Immortal"...

For the vast majority of cultivators, they would probably choose the latter.

"So, after Mourubin saw the statue I displayed, he lost trust in me."

Revealing a possible truth, Li Fan continued to deduce the whereabouts of Xuan Tian Wang.

"There are two possibilities. One is that he has already been swallowed by the faceless true immortal as a mature fruit, disappearing completely from the world. The power of the faceless true immortal still remains in the Xuan Huang Realm, waiting for the appearance of the next fruit."

"The second possibility is that the faceless true immortal's devouring failed. Xuan Tian Wang fortunately escaped. Those fanatical followers were then punished by the enraged true immortal, bones reduced to dust, disappearing without anyone knowing."

"The second possibility is more significant. After all, in the current Xuan Huang Realm, apart from my branch, there is no trace of the inheritance of the faceless true immortal. If the sacrificial event really succeeded back then, and the faceless true immortal descended with rewards, those who tasted the sweetness would not stop."

In Li Fan's eyes, a faint light flickered.

"Mourubin was so determined to rescue Tian Xuan Jing, even cooperating with me in acting. I'm afraid he has long been sure that Xuan Tian Wang is not dead. Moreover, Tian Xuan Jing must know his whereabouts."

"I see."

"Since disappearing from the headquarters of the Wanxian Alliance that day, they haven't appeared in the Xuan Huang Realm. The paper people of the Du'e Sect have not seen them, and there has been no sign where Tian Xuan Jing is present."

"They have directly left the space of Tian Xuan Jing's main body and appeared in another location."


"It seems that I need to find a way to meet with Zhou Jian, the transmitter."

Li Fan's mind once again focused on the white jade statue he had created.

Recording the voice emanating from the statue and its vague influence.

Comparing it with the cultivator files in the Tian Xuan Mirror.

Attempting to find a breakthrough.

The majority of identified cultivators are on the Wanxian Alliance's pursuit list, officially declared dead.

However, after Li Fan's uninterrupted monitoring for more than ten days, he actually found someone not wanted by the Immortal Alliance, still maintaining a normal identity within the system.

"Quite daring, not afraid of implicating the family..."

Thinking so in his mind, but after checking the life file of this cultivator, he found that this cultivator named You Chisong...

Perhaps did it intentionally.

You Chisong, Yuan Infant cultivator.

The eldest son of the You family in Tianchen Prefecture.

Ten years ago, he had the opportunity to advance to the Nascent Divinity realm.

However, his father gave the only "[Changes of Life and Earth]" that the family heard about to You Chibai, You Chisong's younger brother.

Shattering his hope of reaching Nascent Divinity.

This move even received the support of the majority of the You family.

Because You Chibai's aptitude was much better than You Chisong's.

You Chisong, at the Foundation Establishment stage, with sufficient resources, spent nearly a hundred years.

While You Chibai, in just over thirty years.

The gap was too significant; even You Chisong's mother could only sigh helplessly.

But You Chisong refused to accept it!

Because he was the first to discover the information about the "[Changes of Life and Earth]" and then reported it to the family.

It should have been his possession, but it was forcibly taken away and given to his brother!

Resentment grew in You Chisong's heart.

The bloody purge by the Wanxian Alliance provided him an opportunity to retaliate against the family.

By coincidence, he happened to encounter Zhou Jian, the transmitter.

Seeing this group of "rebels," a plan to burn jade and stone emerged in his mind.

He immediately kneeled down, pleading to join.

Zhou Jian, seeing You Chisong so sincere, also brought him into his private world.

Originally, You Chisong intended to solidify his identity as a rebel, and then voluntarily report himself to the Wanxian Alliance.

But with his contact with Zhou Jian, learning about her deeds.

And getting along day and night with his companions, You Chisong's mentality gradually changed.

Compared to rectifying and eliminating the Wanxian Alliance, making the transmitter return to her original mission, those trivial matters related to a Nascent Divinity cultivator in the family were not worth mentioning.

Before, he was blinded by hatred.

But now, You Chisong had a more noble goal.

To give the Xuan Huang Realm a bright future!


Li Fan, combining what he heard from You Chisong in recent days.

And his life information, easily inferred his mental journey.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1052: Opportunity in the Abyssal Prison

In the private world of Transmitter Zhou, almost all the individuals are remnants of massacred clans. Those like You Chisong, whose families are still intact, are rare.

Even though they knew about You Chisong's background and his desire to bury his entire family, given the life and death situation, followers of Transmitter Zhou still maintained a certain degree of caution.

This included, but was not limited to: someone constantly keeping an eye on You Chisong, never allowing him to be alone. You Chisong was unaware of the secret method to open the portal to the private world; each time he entered or exited, someone else accompanied him. For critical tasks, he was excluded. He was only assigned unimportant tasks to begin with...

Despite facing such discriminatory treatment, You Chisong remained without complaint.

He worked diligently, taking on any task assigned to him without complaint.

His performance was observed by others, and gradually, their attitude towards him improved.

One day, he finally had the opportunity to participate in a real mission for the organization.

"The target of this mission is to infiltrate the Wanxian Alliance's Abyssal Prison and rescue a senior who is suppressed at the lowest level."

"This senior was once a member of the Transmitters, but due to his upright nature, he offended many other Transmitters. Five hundred years ago, when Senior Zhou left the Transmitters' council, he took the opportunity to make a move and was thrown into the Abyssal Prison."

"The Abyssal Prison is located in the fissure space in the central four states. It houses the most vicious and evil criminals suppressed by the Wanxian Alliance throughout its history. They are often not executed because of certain special reasons; they still have some value for the Wanxian Alliance, so they are only suppressed and guarded."

"Abyssal Prison is heavily guarded, but Senior Zhou has arranged for an insider. We just need to pretend to be Wanxian Alliance headquarters cultivators, present the orders, and escort the target out."


The Wanxian Alliance usually employs three teams of ten people each to interrogate prisoners from the Abyssal Prison. This time, You Chisong was selected as one of the members for the mission and was taught the insights into playing the role and the real extradition formation.

After half a day, they looked almost identical.

"Inside the Abyssal Prison, the situation is special. Senior Zhou cannot go there directly, so we can only rely on ourselves this time."

"The mission is difficult, and there is a possibility of failure. Everyone needs to be prepared to sacrifice at any time. If things accidentally get exposed, to prevent soul searching, everyone must immediately release the restrictions on their divine souls. Rather lose both body and soul than let the Wanxian Alliance gain the slightest information!"

"If anyone has doubts or is unwilling, you can withdraw now."

After a while, no one spoke.

So the plan was preliminarily formulated.

After the mission started, they would leave the small world. They wouldn't carry any items with personal identifiers, and Li Fan lost his sense of these people.

However, at the beginning of the monitoring, Li Fan infiltrated the You family and stole a drop of You Chisong's essence blood. Using bloodline resonance, Li Fan faintly locked onto You Chisong's location.

He silently followed.

The thirty-member cultivator team, all dressed in black robes that Li Fan was very familiar with. Even the aura they emitted was as cold and murderous as the orthodox black-robed cultivators of the Wanxian Alliance.

"Transmitter Zhou indeed has some tricks."

Following them all the way, they arrived at a deep valley at the junction of the central four states of the Immortal Alliance.

Clouds surrounded, obscuring the view of the valley floor.

The leading cultivator in black took out a jade seal, projected white light, and shone it into the deep valley.

The sea of clouds immediately parted, and the cultivator team entered without hesitation.

Li Fan did not follow them but observed from a distance.

From below the deep valley, the so-called Abyssal Prison, Li Fan faintly felt a dangerous aura.

His goal was not some prison disaster. He just had to wait for them to complete the mission outside.

The execution of the mission seemed unusually smooth.

After half a day, the closed sea of clouds opened again.

The thirty-member team had a white-haired old man at the center, flying out of the sea of clouds.

At first, it seemed relatively normal.

Later, the speed of escape became faster.

"Leave the range of the crack and immediately open the portal to the small world!"

The leading black-robed cultivator suppressed the excitement in his heart and transmitted his voice.

The white-haired Transmitter they rescued, however, seemed to show no emotional fluctuations about his liberation. He simply closed his eyes, indifferent to everything around him.

In the urgent situation, there was no time for explanations. They fled wildly, taking the white-haired elder with them.

When they finally retreated to the safety boundary, they were about to cast a spell to open the portal to the small world.

"Who goes there?"

At this moment, the leading cultivator's gaze swept towards Li Fan's position, and he shouted.

At the same time, a white sword light rose, instantly slashing towards Li Fan.

His companions also reacted, releasing their full strength without reservation. Various spells and techniques were aimed at Li Fan.

However, to their dismay, all their attacks were absorbed and vanished without a trace the moment they approached the enemy.

Not a single ripple was stirred.

"Who exactly are you?" The leading black-robed cultivator asked with a solemn expression.

Li Fan slowly revealed his figure, ignoring him.

Instead, he looked directly at the white-haired elder and said loudly, "Senior, don't be fooled by these people. They pretend to be followers of Transmitter Zhou, staging this act to rescue you from the Abyssal Prison, just to gain your trust."

"The real Transmitter Zhou is already dead!"

Upon hearing Li Fan's words, the dozens of people escorting the white-haired elder all shivered.

The disguised oppressive aura vanished, replaced by a hint of panic and confusion.

"You..." The leading cultivator couldn't conceal his shock.

However, he quickly reacted and hurriedly tried to explain to the white-haired elder.

"Senior, don't be deceived by this person! I have an item left by Senior Zhou to prove my identity!" he said, taking out a red knotted rope to demonstrate his affiliation.

Faced with the confrontation between the two sides, the white-haired elder, who had been watching the show, finally opened his eyes.

He first glanced at the red knotted rope and snorted, "What kind of token is this..."

"Such clumsy tricks, you're not the first to use them. Do you think I would fall for it?"

"If it was really instructed by Zhou, why didn't she come here herself?"

Unexpectedly, the white-haired elder would think like this, leaving the leading black-robed cultivator momentarily speechless.

The white-haired elder then continued to assess Li Fan and shook his head slightly. "You, boy, don't seem like a good person at first glance."

"Zhou would never employ someone like you..."

The white-haired elder pondered, "Both sides are fake?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1053: Transmitters Reunion

"Good, finally some progress."

"Not only is the acting becoming more realistic, but the schemes are starting to show a bit of sophistication," the white-haired elder commented.

The leading black-robed cultivator became anxious, "Senior, you've misunderstood!"

He quickly ordered his companions to release the formations binding the white-haired elder, saying, "Senior, you are now free. There's no need to keep up the act, right?"

The white-haired elder squinted his eyes, "I personally built the Abyssal Prison back then. If I truly wanted to leave, could it really trap me?"

"You can't even figure this out..."

The white-haired elder became increasingly incredulous.

"I told you they're all liars. Senior, just come with me. I'm alone, and even if I had any sinister intentions, I wouldn't be a match for you," Li Fan observed the situation and said with a smile.

Despite saying this, he had no intention of getting closer or welcoming the white-haired elder.

"You, young man..." The white-haired elder couldn't quite understand the young man before him.

The initially exceptionally smooth mission had now come to a standstill in an unexpected manner.

With each passing second, there was a possibility of being discovered by the Immortal Alliance.

Helpless, the leading cultivator became increasingly anxious.

Biting his teeth, he had already formed the intention to control the white-haired elder forcibly and take him back.

Just at this moment, a crisp sigh suddenly resounded above everyone's heads.

"Elder Wei, you still think so highly of yourself."

The moment the voice appeared, the black-robed cultivators all revealed joyful expressions, "Senior Zhou!"

As for the white-haired elder, the Transmitter Wei, his aura suddenly changed.

His originally cloudy eyes erupted with a burst of brilliance, staring straight upwards.

A woman in a white plain dress, with a delicate face, appeared silently at some point.

Transmitter Wei carefully identified her and was slightly stunned, "It's really you..."

He looked at the group of black-robed cultivators before him, and his expression became somewhat strange, "So, these youngsters are telling the truth?"

Transmitter Zhou sighed again.

"Conspiracies and tricks, thinking too much. Everything looks fake."

"A lot has happened in the Immortal Alliance recently. I suspect that the Transmitter Council has already changed, so I thought of bringing you out."

"But if I personally appeared, I would definitely see your smug face. So, I sent these youngsters instead."

"Didn't expect..."

Transmitter Zhou's tone was somewhat peculiar, lacking energy and spirit.

The white-haired elder heard this and his facial expression froze for a moment.

However, soon, he burst into hearty laughter, dispelling the awkwardness.

To shift the focus, he immediately locked his gaze onto Li Fan.

"Since you're real, what's this kid's situation?"

Li Fan, with a calm expression, arched his hand, "Greetings to the two seniors."

"This farce is just to meet you both."

Wei and Zhou exchanged a glance, both revealing a playful expression.

"The people from the Immortal Alliance will be here soon. Let's change locations."

Transmitter Zhou waved her delicate hand in the air, creating a spatial passage. She led the group of black-robed cultivators into it.

The white-haired elder then turned back to glance at Li Fan, "Kid, do you have the courage to follow?"

Li Fan pondered for a moment and followed into the small world.

"Huh? This place..."

When Li Fan saw the surrounding scenery clearly, he almost thought he had entered some kind of illusion.

Chapter 1053: Meeting of Transmitters

Tall buildings stood in abundance.

In the pitch-black night, a fine misty rain fell from the sky.

Numerous neon lights on the outer walls of the buildings adorned the cityscape with a surreal glow under the night sky.

This somewhat distant yet familiar scene left Li Fan momentarily stunned.

He wasn't alone in feeling this way.

Transmitter Wei also found it a bit hard to adapt.

"How about it, quite a sight, isn't it? I went to the Carefree Land for a vacation and thought this scenery was nice. So, I decided to replicate it," Transmitter Zhou's voice slowly came.

Li Fan followed the sound and saw that she had changed into a different outfit.

A crisp white shirt and tight-fitting trousers.

She even wore a pair of black-framed glasses on her face.

Not at all like a Transmitter, but more like a fashionable urban woman.

"Your taste..."

"Is still so unreasonable," Transmitter Wei shook his head slightly, not in agreement.

"You're still as old-fashioned and annoying as ever," Transmitter Zhou mocked.

"I think it's not bad. Especially this outfit, it suits you, Senior," Li Fan interjected.

The gazes of the two Transmitters simultaneously fell on Li Fan.

"Hehehe, the eyes of young people are so much better than some old things. That's why I like collecting information from young people," Transmitter Zhou observed Li Fan and said with a smile.

"Kid, if you have any purpose, you'd better say it directly. My patience is limited, old man that I am," Transmitter Wei's expression wasn't as good.

However, Li Fan could see that Wei's anger was just a pretense.

At this point, the three of them were already on the top floor of the city's tallest building. Through the enormous glass curtain wall, the bustling cityscape under the night could be seen.

Except for the central desk and sofa, the entire floor was covered with a red carpet, devoid of any other decorations.

Li Fan casually sat on the sofa as if he were in his own home.

Then, he began to explain his reasons for seeking Transmitter Zhou, "I want to know what happened at the Immortal Alliance headquarters five years ago."

"And where the real Tianxuan Mirror is now."

Transmitter Wei had been imprisoned for many years and hadn't figured out the situation yet.

As for Transmitter Zhou, the indifferent expression on her face slowly faded. She carefully scrutinized Li Fan, seemingly trying to guess his past.

"Appearing inexplicably in front of me and immediately asking for such confidential information."

"Kid, where does your confidence come from?"

Zhou's tone gradually turned from lazy to cold, "But it's just Yuan Infant cultivation. Even if you've devoured some Grand Dao, you're still only at the Yuan Infant realm."

"Daring to talk to me like this?"

Li Fan remained unfazed, "I always speak to Transmitters in this tone. The fact that you didn't attack directly but instead used words to test me shows where my confidence lies, doesn't it?"

The atmosphere tensed up instantly.

However, with Transmitter Zhou's charming smile, the tension was instantly broken.

"You're right."

"I haven't seen such an outstanding young person in a long time. How about becoming a part of my collection?"

"If you're willing, I can tell you any secrets you want to know."

Transmitter Zhou's tone once again became as lazy as before.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1054: Astonishing Truth

"Collectibles, huh..."

Li Fan thought of those cultivators saved by Transmitter Zhou.

In their eyes, Transmitter Zhou was a true savior. When the upper echelons of the Immortal Alliance were in trouble and needed to restore order and reshape the world, Transmitter Zhou was undoubtedly the leader.

However, this group of passionate cultivators probably wouldn't have thought...

In the eyes of Transmitter Zhou, they were more like companions who could work together than collectibles.

But Li Fan wasn't particularly surprised.

After learning many facts about the Transmitters from Mo Ruxin, Li Fan no longer held much hope for this group.

Perhaps the "Transmitter Council turning bad" that Transmitter Zhou mentioned was just a difference in ideology.

Gathering his thoughts, Li Fan said proudly, "Want to treat me as a collectible..."

"Don't even mention you; even a Transmitter might not be qualified!"

As these words came out, Transmitter Zhou and Wei's expressions changed instantly.

Although they had now separated from the Transmitter Council, in their hearts, the status of the Transmitter Tianzun was still unshakable.

A hint of killing intent locked onto Li Fan in an instant.

But soon, with the appearance of a faint, faceless stone statue shadow over Li Fan, the killing intent in the eyes of these two Transmitters turned into shock.

"Heavenly Teaching?!"

Naturally, they knew the origin of this stone statue. Transmitter Zhou immediately looked at Li Fan and exclaimed.

Although Transmitter Wei didn't show excessive surprise, his expression became serious. His aura instantly became vast and deep, revealing the true power of a Transmitter.

"Not really, not really," looking at the opponents as if facing a formidable enemy, Li Fan immediately shook his head in denial.

"I am not a demonic person from the Heavenly Teaching. We just worship the same master." Li Fan said lightly.

The two Transmitters were somewhat astonished.

Li Fan elaborated on the fabricated story he had prepared in advance, "When the Immortal Path collapsed back then, thanks to the master's rescue, the Heavenly Teaching had the opportunity to rise later. Unfortunately, many demonic cultivators of the Heavenly Teaching were fickle, daring to betray the master!"

"Without the support of the master, the Heavenly Teaching was eventually annihilated not long after. However, there were still some remnants..."

"To deal with traitors, you have to be relentless. For thousands of years, we have never given up on hunting down the remnants of the Heavenly Teaching. Now, there are only a few targets left..." Li Fan's eyes revealed a sense of vicissitudes as he sighed slightly.

This narrative directly made the two Transmitters somewhat uncertain.

They vaguely sensed that the young man in front of them was at most around thirty-four years old.

But what he mentioned, the collapse of the Immortal Path, the Heavenly Teaching, was a distant past even older than the era when the Ten Sects ruled the Immortal Path.

Definitely not something an ordinary young cultivator could know.

Even the significance behind it made the two Transmitters not dare to be negligent.

After a moment of silent communication, it was finally Transmitter Zhou who spoke and asked, "Since your task is to hunt down the remnants of the Heavenly Teaching, why are you interested in what happened at our Immortal Alliance headquarters?"

"Don't tell me..."

Li Fan's heart moved, and he immediately looked surprised, "How come you still don't know? The mastermind behind that disturbance was a surviving law king of the Heavenly Teaching!"

"Oh? This is somewhat different from what I know..." Transmitter Zhou's face showed a slight surprise.

Chapter 1054: The Astonishing Truth

After a moment of silence, she murmured to herself, "If that's really the case, it makes sense. They had no reason to act this way. Now it seems they might have been possessed or taken over by someone."

"To actually break through the protective measures left by Senior Tianzun. The demonic cultivators from the Heavenly Teaching are truly unimaginable."

Transmitter Wei's gaze deepened, continuing, "Being possessed by the demonic cultivators from the Heavenly Teaching? Perhaps, for us, this could be an opportunity."

"Alright, I've been open and sincere. Do you still want to hide things? When it comes to capturing the remnants of the Heavenly Teaching, I believe our positions align. There should be room for mutual cooperation." Li Fan frowned slightly, his tone showing impatience.

Being so impatient suited his youthful appearance.

Transmitter Zhou didn't mind and proceeded to explain the events that occurred at the Immortal Alliance headquarters that day.

"At that time, it was the agreed-upon moment for laying the foundation of the Xuantian Sealing Spirit Formation."

"This formation can be used to completely control the Heavenly Mirror, which is crucial for the Immortal Alliance. So, on that day, more than half of the Transmitters attended. The Mirror Keepers also sent several representatives."

After explaining the difference in origin between Transmitters and Mirror Keepers to Li Fan, Transmitter Zhou continued, "The location of the formation laying ceremony was inside the Immortal Alliance headquarters. This matter was extremely confidential, so on that day, besides this group of people, only the formation masters responsible for operating the formation were present."

"The remaining defense forces were waiting outside the secret realm."

"All of them were the core of the core in the Immortal Alliance, and there shouldn't have been any unexpected events."


Transmitter Zhou's face showed a solemn expression, "Just as the Xuantian Sealing Spirit Formation was about to take shape, someone in the Transmitter Council suddenly attacked other Transmitters."

"The Mirror Keepers who attended also suddenly made a move."

"Remember, we Transmitters, except for Jiang, are all on par in strength. Caught off guard, a few Transmitters were controlled."

"The chaos of the battle quickly alarmed the defense forces outside the secret realm, but facing the internal strife among the Transmitters, they were momentarily confused. They didn't know who to listen to."

"Helping either side was not feasible, so most of them stayed where they were, quietly observing the outcome of the conflict."

"The Transmitters fought with all their might, and the battle became increasingly dangerous. Even the Heavenly Mirror's original space where the Immortal Alliance headquarters was located faintly couldn't bear that kind of power."

"The chaos lasted for nearly half a day. In the end, five people led by Transmitter Chen emerged victorious."

Transmitter Zhou listed the names of those five people one by one.

What shocked Li Fan was that among these five people, there was actually Transmitter Feng!

"What's going on?"

Transmitter Feng was the young Transmitter possessed by Mo Ruxin.

"Could it be..."

Li Fan's thoughts suddenly changed, and a terrifying idea flashed in his mind.

"No wonder I couldn't find any trace of Mo Ruxin and them even after searching the entire Xuanhuang Realm."

"He didn't actually escape in a hurry..."

"He directly took control of the Immortal Alliance and gained control!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 1055: Uniting to Exterminate Demonic Evil

Even though Li Fan had been played by Mo Ruxin before, witnessing the formidable power of this Heavenly Teaching Law King.

However, Li Fan never expected that he could achieve such a level in just a few years!

"If the speculation is true, then his cultivation technique can definitely occupy more than one cultivator's body simultaneously."

"That Transmitter Chen might also be him."

Li Fan was shaken.

At the same time, doubts arose in his mind, "Since he is the victor..."

"The disappearance of Shuofeng and the entire Xuan Sushe family could be considered a means to confuse and disrupt my judgment. But what about the Heavenly Mirror? What's going on? Many functions have been directly shut down; this should be a sign that the core has left, right?"

With these questions in mind, Li Fan quickly inquired about the unusual events related to the Heavenly Mirror from Transmitter Zhou.

Her answer made Li Fan suddenly realize, "The Heavenly Mirror itself is fine, but they seem to be borrowing its power to secretly plan something."

"So, they have pulled most of the Heavenly Mirror's computing power, forcing functions like real-time trading to stop."

Transmitter Zhou's face faintly showed anger, "I was wondering what important matter could make them violate the teachings of Senior Tianzun, who wanted to maintain stability. Now it seems that it's the mischief of the demonic cultivators from the Heavenly Teaching!"

"The Heavenly Mirror itself was originally a treasure of the past Heavenly Teaching. Although we, the Immortal Alliance, have controlled it for so many years, we have never been able to completely subdue it. If it falls back into the hands of the Heavenly Teaching..." Transmitter Zhou's face became increasingly unpleasant.

"No, I have to go back immediately!"

Transmitter Zhou suddenly stood up, ready to leave. However, Transmitter Wei coldly stopped her.

"Remnants of the Heavenly Teaching? Words alone are not proof. Now that they are in control, with the five victors at the core, controlling other Transmitters..."

"Now, we are the rebels."

"In your world, where did so many cultivators come from? Isn't it because all the opposing forces were cleansed from top to bottom? Their control now is probably stronger than before," Transmitter Wei calmly analyzed.

Hearing this, Transmitter Zhou gradually regained her composure.

"I was too hasty."

"I didn't expect that it wasn't a betrayal of the Transmitters but an intrusion during our moment of vulnerability."

After a while, Transmitter Zhou said resentfully, "What about Jiang? How can he just watch this happen? Seeing things go out of control, he should have notified Senior Tianzun earlier!"

Transmitter Wei sneered, "Out of control? This is only in the eyes of those who know the inside story."

"For the majority, the current situation of the Immortal Alliance is still quite good. That person, Jiang..."

"He's stubborn. Unless it's an insurmountable crisis that overturns the Xuan Huang, he won't notify Senior Tianzun!"

The white-haired Transmitter's tone was dissatisfied.

Li Fan also had a serious expression and said, "The methods of the demonic cultivators from the Heavenly Teaching are beyond my expectations."

"I initially thought he was just taking advantage of the chaos to gain some benefits in the Immortal Alliance headquarters. Now it seems that his ambitions are much greater! To be able to evade our pursuit for thousands of years, he indeed has some skills."

"Faced with such a formidable enemy, I think we can cooperate."

Both Transmitters cast their eyes on Li Fan at the same time.

"Our organization is called the 'Multiverse United Federation.' It is a gathering of surviving cultivators from various cultivation realms in this dark star sea, all devoted to a common master."

"You, the Immortal Alliance, and the Five Elders' Council, occupy the main world. We don't have any objections to that. The numerous populations in the small worlds of the Xuan Huang are enough for us to report to our master. However, the traitors must be eliminated," Li Fan stated firmly.

"You two also don't want to see the foundation of the Transmitter Tianzun falling into the hands of demonic cultivators, right?"

The two Transmitters exchanged glances and then nodded slightly.

Chapter 1056: Strength of the Multiverse United Federation

"Wanting to set things right with our current strength is indeed somewhat weak. But I wonder, how powerful is your Multiverse United Federation?" Transmitter Wei asked tentatively.

Li Fan displayed a proud expression, "In our organization, all are elite cultivators from various cultivation realms who have survived. There are two with the strength of the Eternal Realm or close to it, and several in the Unity Realm. As for someone like me, I'm just an ordinary figure in the organization."

The two Transmitters were shocked, but at the same time, a hint of disbelief appeared in their eyes.

"Of course, the matter of punishing the traitors cannot mobilize all our forces. It will only be handled by the department I am in charge of. However, rest assured, at the very least, requesting the assistance of someone in the Eternal Realm is absolutely no problem," Li Fan asserted confidently.

"How many Transmitters can you contact on your side?" Without waiting for their response, Li Fan shifted the topic.

After contemplating for a moment, Transmitter Zhou replied, "Over the years, four Transmitters who left the Transmitter Council for various reasons. Apart from the two of us, the whereabouts of the other two are unknown. It might take some effort to find them."

Li Fan frowned upon hearing this.

"Moreover, after several rounds of purges, the remaining power we have within the Immortal Alliance has been reduced to the extreme. Now, it's just lurking in the shadows..." Transmitter Zhou delivered another piece of unwelcome news.

"Our Transmitter Council has become like this, and the Mirror Holders are even worse off. With the Mirror Holder Cang as the leader, almost all of them have leaned towards the remnants of the Heavenly Teaching..."

After Transmitter Zhou finished speaking, he fell into silence.

Transmitter Wei offered an opinion, "But we're not completely without a chance."

"Currently, there are two ways to turn the tide. Firstly, find a way to contact the Illusionary True Sage faction. As one of the contingencies left by Senior Tianzun, they might be able to provide a decisive effect."

"However, the Illusionary True Sages are all hiding in the Museum of Divine Treasures. Now that the passages in and out of the Immortal Alliance headquarters are probably tightly sealed, it might be challenging to reach them."

Transmitter Zhou nodded, "Since two years ago, none of my people have been able to freely enter and exit the Immortal Alliance headquarters. They all have to undergo strict scrutiny and be led by someone."

"So, there is a second method. Directly find Jiang," Transmitter Wei said slowly.

"Although Jiang usually stays in his own Returning Desolation Little World and generally doesn't pay much attention unless it's a crisis that cannot be resolved or a catastrophe in the Xuan Huang, he won't contact Senior Tianzun!"

The white-haired elder's eyes showed a hint of a smile.

"If there is a world-ending crisis in the Xuan Huang, he will definitely take action to ensure the safety and stability of the Xuan Huang. This is the mission left to him by Senior Tianzun before he left."

(End of this chapter)