
Cinnamon Apple: Daughter of Applejack and Caramel

Applejack never thought about having children. It just wasn't something she thought would happen, even after she married Caramel. It's not that she didn't want children, it's just that she was so busy running Sweet Apple Acres. So you can imagine her surprise when she discovered that she was pregnant. When their daughter was born, Applejack and Caramel decided to stick with Apple Family tradition and named her Cinnamon Apple. She had a brown main and tail like her father that she always wore in a braid and an orange coat and green eyes like her mother. She also inherited her mother's hard work ethic and love of the rodeo.


Cinnamon Apple carried a basket of apples into the barn. Farm work was hard but she didn't mind. She had been helping out on the farm ever since she was three. She loved working on the family farm. She lived there with her parents, her Aunt Apple Bloom, her Uncle Big Mac, her Aunt Sugar Bell, and her Great Granny Smith.

"Cinnamon Apple," her mother called. "Once you're done putting the apples in the barn, you can go play."

"Thanks, Mom," she said.

As much as she wanted to, Cinnamon Apple knew better than to rush through her chores; it only made more work for her. Instead, she did things slowly, making sure to put the baskets were they belonged and where her Uncle Big Mac would be able to get them the next morning.

Once she was done, Cinnamon Apple made her way to her club house. It was a tree house on a secluded part of the farm. It had been her mother's when she was a filly and she had passed it on to Cinnamon Apple's Aunt Apple Bloom and her two best friends Sweetie Bell and Scoot-a-loo, also known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The Crusaders had then, in turn, passed it on to Cinnamon Apple and her friends. Morning Radiance, Mirage, Northern Lights, Streamer, Confetti, Swift Wind, Sweetheart, Gemstone, Wand, and Zala were waiting for her. The girls were having a slumber party at the club house while Spark, Sun Flare, Copy Cat, Piñata, Lighting Bolt, and Zimba where having a sleepover at Twilight's castle. Wand had just returned from touring with her mother Trixie and Flurry Heart had been invited but was unable to attend.

"We've been waiting for you," Zala said. Unlike their mother, she and her twin brother Zimba didn't talk in rhymes.

"Sorry," Cinnamon Apple said. "Farm work takes a while, epically to do right."

"Don't let my brother hear you say that," Swift Wind said. "He believes the only way to do a job is to do it fast."

The fillies laughed. Lighting Bolt was definitely a lot like Rainbow Dash, or at least the old Rainbow Dash. After having the twins, she had learned that there are some things that can't be rushed.

"So how was the tour with your mom?" Morning Radiance asked Wanda.

"It was fun but also a long trip," Wanda said. "I don't know why Mom doesn't take the train; it's a lot faster way to travel."

"Well on the plus side it's quality time with your mom," Sweetheart said.

"It is but I wish she would let me help. I could be her assistant on these road trips. I really want to learn her magic tricks. Wouldn't it be great if that was my special talent?"

"You'll figure out what it is," Gemstone said. "None of us have gotten out Cutie Marks yet. And if we have any trouble, Aunt Sweetie Bell will help us."

"And Aunt Apple Bloom," said Cinnamon Apple.

"And Scoot-a-loo," said Swift Wind.

The fillies laughed again.

"Wouldn't it be great if we all got out Cutie Marks at the same time like our moms and the Cutie Mark Crusaders did?" Morning Radiance said even though not all of their moms got their Cutie Marks at the same time.

"That would be great," said Zala. "We'd be carrying on tradition."

The fillies talked late into the night. They always loved it when they could gossip without the colts bothering them. Any time they tried, the colts would jump in with stupid comments. The fillies talked late into the night completely unaware that someone was watching them; someone with purple, green, and red eyes.