
My light (Twilight fan fiction)

(AU Twilight) Jason is a broken teenager with nothing to live for and has already decided the day he dies, but little does he know moving to forks was the best thing to ever happen to him. Read how this broken character finds his light though the mystery forks holds. )))) Authors note(((((( A couple of things, first, English is not my first language and I'm dyslexic so please be patient and correct any poor spellings for me, Updates will be slow, I work 12 hour shifts Monday to friday so I can't pump out updates. This is meant as a project to improve my English writing skills. Last point, this is a Alice pairing fanfiction. She's clearly best girl. * I own nothing only my OC, all credit to others*

Doctorgreen · Movies
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7 Chs

Character arc 1

*none of the art work belongs to me, I do not know who owns what, all credit goes to them, if anyone knows who created what please tell me*

Jason- height 6'2, age:17

(only shows his true personality to thoses he trust such as doc)

Doc (Phil White)- height 5'11, age: 32

(cares a lot about his patients and spends all his time at work)

Lily west(Jason's mother) height 5'7 age: deceased