
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

ponyville et nightmare moon

(pov aizel)

[gary] - hey aizel looks like the princess sent you a letter, what was inside - asked gary

[aizel] - yeah the princess sent us a mission which is to go to ponyville to help someone, other than that she asks how we're doing

It's been 2 years since we left canterlot To register as adventurers

We started as rank f in the adventurer guild and at the beginning at the beginning it was very difficult to be able to provide for our needs But over time as we did more and more questing our rank increased, And during one of his missions garry finally got his beauty mark that was in the shape of a lightning bolt, It happened when he was running away from a lightning bolt

[garry image]

I had a new discovery with my magic condensed black magic giving crystals of darkness or black ice. Thanks to my beauty mark I am able to perfectly control both magic,

I even managed to mix sword technique with my magic to create a bigger effect.

Gary developed his speed to be lightning fast and have great physical strength.

we got a huge reputation all over Equestria as an S-rank adventurer me nicknamed myself "white darkness" and garry was "lightning",

In a certain mission we even faced two minor dragons at the same time.

[gary] - ah ah who said fighting a major dragon was a piece of cake already and he's really stupid. he said as he stepped on a dragon with plenty of wounds.

[aizel] -you said she was stupid, go carry that corpse dragon to the guild and let's go to ponyville

[gary] -yeah


(pov twilight)

In the Ponyville Town Hall everyone was in shock because instead of seeing Princess Celestia they saw a deep black mare with mane.

[pony] -but you're not the celestial princess, a random pony said.

Nightmare Moon: Why am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who i am

Pinkie Pie: Oh! Ooh! More guessing games! Uh ... Pokey smokes! What about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty! Black Snooty— [muffled noises]

Applejack stuffed cake in Pinkie Pie's mouth to shut her up

[twilight] - you are the seleniac mare. I say with fear

Nightmare Moon: oh you recognize me so you should know why I'm here.

twilight is too scared to answer

Nightmare Moon: Remember that day, little ponies, because it was your last. From then on, the night will last forever!

twilight: oh no


(pov aizel)

garry: hey aizel don't you think the night lasts a little too long.

aizel: you noticed it too, it's really weird because I can also smell dark mana in the air.

garry: wow look we can see a castle from here

gary and was walking quietly in the forest when a shout was heard: AAAAAAAAHHHHH

aizel: it comes from the castle let's go

at this cry we went directly towards him galloping, when we arrived we found a dark mare fighting against 5 pony andGary: twilight !!?

aizel: yes she's going to save her

I see the black mare throwing a dark mana orb towards them, if they take that ol are ruined, I run I stand in front of twilight and I block the orb with

aizel: black ice shield


Nightmare Moon: what how a simple pony happens to… wait you are a dark pony that explains why.

aizel: well look at my mane i'm no longer a dark pony i'm a black and white pony now.

gary: bou bou no joke

twilight: AIZEL? GARY? are you? say so with disbelief

aizel and garry: how are you twilight? - we answered with a smile

twilight walks towards, I thought she wanted to kiss us but

<<BAM>> she hits us hard in the head

twilight: idiot you leave like that without warning and leave me behind. she said with tears in her eyes

aizel: forgive us twilight, we are so sorry to have hurt you, but for now we need to know what's going on here. i said looking at the black mare

twilight: well to make it simple we had stopped the Seleniac mare with the elements of harmony that is in the castle.

aizel: ok I understood you all to go get the elements and I will take care of her

twilight: are you sure?

aizel: yes dark

Everyone word is headed for the castle, there was only me and a seleniac left.

we looked at each other for a few seconds, then I attack

aize: black ice spear. of the spear is heading towards her

Nightmare Moon: don't underestimate me, spere of darkness

a black ball goes towards the spears and destroys them, continues its course towards me

at the last moment I dodge it and I counter attack with

aizel: giant sword of light.

a giant sword the size of the castle swooped down at her

Nightmare Moon: how can you master two opposing magic at the same time.

aizel: the talent. say proudly

Nightmare Moon: shield of darkness. she summons the darkness for the sword's protege

<<BOUM>> <<BOUM>>

Explosions rang out throughout the area, which even managed to cut down trees that were nearby and scare away animals that were nearby. the smoke rises and I see nightmare moon still standing.

aizel: wow she is strong, she succeeded blocked that.

as i was focused on her i heard garry say

garry: Hey we found the elements of harmony, twilight said.

twilight: the elements are not pieces of crystals but they are all of us

applejack represents honesty, fluttershy represents benevolence, rarity represents generosity, pinki pie represents laughter and rainbow dash represents loyalty

Nightmare Moon: You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!

Twilight Sparkle: But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all ... are my friends! You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elementsare ignited by the ... the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of ... magic!

The orb fragments form golden jeweled necklaces on the five friends' necks, and Twilight's orb becomes a crown. The Elements glow and the ponies are lifted into the air. A rainbow-colored double helix envelopes Nightmare Moon, and the room is flooded with light. When the light fades, the friends discoéver that the gems on their necklaces resemble their cutie marks,

gary: this magic is strong, aizel you could win against them?

aizel: I'm not sure I can win it

After going up to the Twilight mare walked over to us with her friends behind

applejack: well uh can you introduce us now.

twilight: oh yes that's true here is aizel and garry but childhood friends

aizel and garry: nice to meet you

rainbow dash: wait i know you are rank s adventurers, white darkness and lightning are not.

aizel: well yes it is us. Garry holds up his head proudly.

rainbow dash: my name is rainbow dash and I am your fan.

rarity: my name is rarity, if I knew I would meet a celebrity I would have worn a beautiful dress.

pinkie pie: I'm pinkie pie, queen of the party

fluttershy: my name is fluttershy.

i could see garry blush at the sight of this fluttershy, i would laugh at him later

twilight: well I would like to know what the extraordinary rank s adventurers are doing here. I could

feel the sarcasm in his voice

before I answer him, the sun comes accompanied by the celestial princess

celestia: I sent them here to help you

All the ponies knelt on the ground as the princess said

celestia: my dear sister luna I know we had a different but I hope we can be reconciled

luna: yes I'm sorry, sorry my dear sister

the sisters reconcile and reunite after one thousand years of separation. everyone is heading towards ponyville but i notice twilight looking sad i ask him why.

twilight: after you left i had no interest in making friends until today or met these ponies, i wanna stay here.

celestia: just ask me princess celestia i decree that twilight sparkle should continue her studies in friendship magic but in ponyville.

All the friends of Twilight was happy with this news and jump on it

celestia: aizel rocks and garry you rank s adventurers i now make you protector of ponyville for all your actions

aizel and garry: WHAT we didn't sign for that

We haven't had our say when the princess is and you have already left for canterlot.


karkadan: yes, I am recovering my strength little by little, wait a little aizel I arrive.

thank you for your support to all I can do the tropon chapter tells me so I don't know if I should do 800 words per chapter. I also point out that this story is my first one so I would like some advice.

mark me well.

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