
My life in my little pony

It is the story of a man who remembers nothing of his past, his family, his friends but reincarnates in a world of magic and fantasy as a ponet and not just any. this story is action, romance, drama, NO HAREM

Jesse_Assoumou · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

beginning of the cannon

(pov aizel)

Now to put it simply I was in front of a mythological creature called karkadan

the king of darkness who claimed to be my father.

now that I was looking more and more at the figure he had a huge horn above his head at least 5 times bigger than mine

[karkadan] - before you ask the question, yes I created you out of dark magic and dark mana and I'm adding some of my essence to it.

[aizel] -so that's how I was born. I said in amazement

Strangely, I am not going to let René at all, the situation like this finding myself in front of a letter, a mythological being did nothing to me, it is perhaps because I had a part of his essence, but my sixth sense told me to always stay on guard

<< Now that your body is strong enough I will tell you about your mission. he said without expression [aizel] -my mission? What mission? .I have a bad feeling

<< your mission has always been TO DESTROY, RAVAGE and BRING DISASTER EVERYWHERE YOU FIND YOU. he said aloud [aizel] -WHAT but I don't want that, I don't give a fuck what you are my father.

karkadan starts to show a face full of anger and says: you are my creation, you must obey me son and if you do not want I will force you.

asset dark mana word came out of nowhere and began to invade me

[aizel] -oh no I have to find a way not to be controlled by him quickly thinks thinks.

I was really in a desperate situation, while I was thinking I suddenly had an idea

[karkadan] -now I'm going to take control of your body and… what is this light, magi of light while you are my son. he said in disgust

[aizel] -the only thing that could neutralize dark magic is light magic

two opposing magic swirled around me, as if she was fighting to dominate the other. [karkadan] -let yourself be in control. [aizel] -never rather die aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

as I concentrate my two magics I feel a movement on my forehead and I discover my beauty mark, I did not have time to rejoice because a moment of relaxation and I am lost. but now that my mark is it looks like I control the magic better

I see a surprised moment passed in front of those eyes and now is the time to act

[aizel] - magic of light and darkness, EXPLODES. before the explosion comes I hear

[karkadan] -you may have won now, but later would take your body and destroy everything you care about ahahahah hahahahahaha

<< <BOUM> >>.

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(outdoor pov)

Aizel had been behind the waterfall for just over 30 minutes, which started to worry them.

He continues to wait for her until he hears a << <BOUM> >> a huge explosion completely destroys the waterfall where aizel was sounded in all the area

"I feel a very great concentration of magic of light and darkness in the area. say celestia

<< oh no aizel was still inside let's go help him say Gary running towards the waterfall

Everyone started to follow him and got to the waterfall and they saw black and white sparks of magic everywhere he went

Amidst all of that sparkle is a pony with a slightly whiter bitch with a black mane with a mix of white.

<< Is he really aizel. Asked twilight in disbelief in front of such a change

<< yes. he replied.

<< but let's take him home for safety instead of staying here. Granny Leah replied

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(pov aizel)

<< have my head it hurts, what happened? hmm i came home, i said looking around

[twilight and gary] -aizel, you're okay, what happened? say my friends entering with celestia and granny in the room.

[celestia] -yes aizel what happened? she asked with concern

[aizel] -in fact ... You can leave me alone I will tell you everything tomorrow.

A memo everyone left the room and I hear twilight tell you: it will always be for you

Now that I was alone I was thinking about what to do later because if I stayed too much with them I could be a danger for them I don't know when he will try to take my body back so I have to get stronger but I must first for now to get away from them to protect them.


The next morning I had made my decision and I wrote letters to everyone to ask their forgiveness for leaving them like that when I left the house I see granny in front of me.

<< then you go away. she said with a hint of sadness, to which I replied with determination: yes granny I cannot stay here and you are risking danger.

[granny] -before leaving yours this sword was mine when I was in the royal guard.

the sword was really beautiful with a deep black.

[aizel] -granny thank you, thank you for everything you do. I say with tears in my eyes.


I was now at the city gate leaving until I heard

[gary] -aizel come back here bastard, you were planning to go on an adventure without me your best friend

[aizel] -gary, what are you doing here?

<< I came to follow you as soon as I saw your letter [aizel] - IT'S NOT A GAME

[gary] -I AM YOUR BEST POTE SO I MUST COME, he cried

[aizel] - you are really stupid. (yet I'm glad to have such a friend)

"twilight is going to be sad" he said [aizel] - yes I know but it's for his good.

[aizel] - well I had decided to become an adventurer, to become stronger and find a way to defeat karkadan when he comes

[Gary] -yeah let's kick karkadan's ass wait who's karkadan?

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(pov twilight sparkle)

<< how can they leave me like this and leave without me she said crying

and I didn't have time to tell him how I felt for him.

[sipke] - it's going to be twilight I'm sure he'll be back

[twilight] -i hope spike I hope so

from that moment twilight began to isolate herself from everyone and focus only on these studies, she was studying so much that even princess celestia worried about her

She didn't want to relax and try to make friends anymore.


(2 years later)

That day twilight was quietly in the library reading a book my son with Spike when she discovered a book with a special name {the seleniac mare}

[twilight] -oh interesting.

{the book is about two royal sisters who ruled the magical land of Equestria. The older sister used her powers to raise the sun, while the younger sister brought out the moon at night. The younger sister grew resentful because the ponies in Equestria relished the day but slept at night. One night she refused to lower the moon. She transformed into Nightmare Moon, an "evil mare of darkness," and vowed to envelop Equestria in eternal night. Her sister used the Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon and took responsibility for the sun and the moon. } In Search of Knowledge She walks into a library atop an ivory tower and asks Spike to find a book called Predictions and Prophecies. Twilight realizes that Nightmare Moon will return on the Day of the Summer Sun Celebration, which is the day after tomorrow.

[twilight] - oh oh i absolutely have to warn princess celestia, spike takes notice.

[spike] -yes chief.

she sent a letter to Princess Celestia alerting her. Celestia's response to Twilight says that she trusts Twilight completely, but has to stop reading "those dusty old books".

the princess letter

"" My dear and devoted twilight sparkle student, I am grateful to you for

all the hard work you do, but you should stop reading those old books

and I have 2 mission for you is to go to ponyville to organize

the feast of the rising sun and the second is the most important is to make you

friends. ""

Excuse me guys for making such a long chapter but I really want to do something original and quick, I'm going to start going into the canon but I'm going to change let's go so he can tune in with his characters but thank you do not support you

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