
My life in marvel as the superior spider-man

(It is the first time I write in English, I hope you like it,) What would you do if you wake up like Peter Parker in the Marvel universe? The answer is simple, become the best version of Peter Parker, avoiding failing where the original failed. becoming a better Spider-man, becoming The Superior Spider-man

Lazy_writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

It's magic ... it's the only explanation

The excursion ended without problems.

But I didn't pay much attention, I was thinking about what I had to do now that I have the spider, tonight I will have a lot of work….

Return home after the excursion and wait for the evening to come, to go to my laboratory,

I went out again without waking May and Ben.

Once in my lab, I took out the spider and took some samples of its blood and I discovered something very interesting.

The bite of this spider is so dangerous that it would kill an adult without problems,

That confused me ... the bite was supposed to give me the spider's powers,

When I was trying to think of a solution, an idea crossed my mind.

"Is it possible? ..... it doesn't have much logic ... ... but magic never makes sense... .."

I put some of my blood into the spider sample and what resulted could only be described by one word "magical" ... ... The spider sample began to completely reconstruct all of my original genetic material. blood… ..it was like it was created specifically for me ... ..

That's a bit weird if I think about it, but Peter Parker is supposed to become a spider totem attached to the web of life and destiny, on most worlds in the multiverse.

I guess this can only be explained with the phrase .....was my destiny.

Now that I know that the sting will not kill me, I can be calmer, but if I want to be a Spider-man Superior to the original I need more than the powers of the original Spider-man, ... I will need much more….

And so ... .with the spider sample, I set out to work on a new formula that gives me much more than the original ...

I worked for a long time… and when I finally finished I got a call from Aunt May….

"Peter, where are you ... ... I went to your room to wake you up and you weren't there ..."

"I'm very sorry Aunt May, Gwen called me and needed help with a report of the excursion, it seems like it was a lot of work for her and I went to her house to help her" I lied to May so as not to worry her.

"… Wow… my young man finally decided on Captain Stacy's daughter ... I would have liked to know how your relationship with Mary Jane would go, but Gwen is a cute girl, she tries to make a good impression on her father, and don't worry about coming home, when they finish accompany Gwen to school ... "

"It's not what you're imagining ... but thanks for the advice ... .." I said to May while I sighed

(She really wants me to get a girlfriend)

After saying goodbye to Aunt May, I quickly called Gwen for help.

"So… ..you want me to lie so that you are, I don't know where ... all day?…" Gwen asks me on the phone.

"Yes…. Please Gwen, it's important ... "

"… ..Haaaaaa (sigh)… ..alright… .you owe me Peter ... .you better not get in trouble"

"Yes I promise Gwen and thanks for accepting .." I thanked her and hung up the call.

Today I will not go to school today I will go through a complete change ... Today I will get my new and improved powers.

And with that thought I began to synthesize the serum and prepare the correct dose.

This will be one of the most dangerous things I will do in my life ... but who does not take risks does not win! ..

I lay down on the table that I prepared for the serum injection process…. With my right hand I took a syringe gun with the modified spider sample.

Unfortunately, I only had enough for one injection, I did so many tests that the spider died from all the samples I took from it.

If this doesn't work, there will be no second chances ...

I lifted the sleeve of my left arm and brought the syringe gun closer to my arm… ..after mentalizing I pulled the trigger and I could feel the serum entering my bloodstream.

At first I did not feel different… .but after a few minutes the heat began to invade my body, I began to have a severe headache and hallucinate ... or I hope they are hallucinations ... because I could see how a fly was moving too slowly … ..

Little by little my consciousness lost and I passed out.


.... heat ... that could feel ... thirsty ... I was very thirsty….

Those were my thoughts when I started to wake up… ..

"... .mmm ... ..mmm ... ...? ... what happened? .... Did it work? .... I can still talk"

I quickly checked my body for any possible negative changes.

"I only have 2 arms…. And there doesn't seem to be anything wrong…. "

I got up from where I was and when I tried to hold onto a wall to walk my hand stuck.

"Well ... it seems like it was a success ...." I said happy with the results.

(It didn't take long for me to get off the wall, luckily I had seen the animated movie Spider-man into the spider verse, the advice Peter gave Miles in the movie was very helpful at this point.)

I checked my body very carefully in a mirror, I had grown a few feelings, and I gained muscle mass, not to the point of being a stocky but in the style of an Olympic swimmer.

I decided to leave my laboratory and go to an old electronics dump to test my new powers, in a field test.


Time skip (after testing)

(In an electronics trash can)

I can only say one thing ...… I am amazing ...

Thanks to the serum I can lift twice the weight I should be able to lift,.....

My agility and reflexes are crazy, and not only that.

I have natural Spiderweb ! ... great ... ..I will still use the triggers I made in the lab but these will also come in handy when I run out of web cartridges.

I still don't check everything I can do but I'll go easy I still have time for all that… ..for now I'll go home a few moments ago I received a message from Gwen saying that the classes had already finished.

I got out of this garbage dump and headed home without doing a check on my new DNA, and that was really a serious mistake.


I returned home and it seems that Aunt May and Uncle Ben didn't find out that I didn't go to class, and I spent the rest of the day with them.


( In some place)

"… .This is very strange… .this signal is different from others…. Very different, it was only there for a few moments ... but it's worth investigating… "said one person aloud

"Is something wrong? ...." someone asks.

"Gather the others, we'll go out"


another chapter for you, I told you that this chapter would come very soon and here it is.

hope you like.

I'm sure more than one of you believed that Peter would use Magic ..... but No.

It was just the title.

(also as you can notice fix the name of Aunt May, I thank the person who told me about my mistake, and from now on I will try not to make mistakes with the names)

thanks for your support and comments, see you until the next chapter

I wrote this chapter quickly so that he would not get bored with so much waiting,

very soon Peter will start his new path as the Superior Spider-man

Lazy_writercreators' thoughts