
My life in marvel as the superior spider-man

(It is the first time I write in English, I hope you like it,) What would you do if you wake up like Peter Parker in the Marvel universe? The answer is simple, become the best version of Peter Parker, avoiding failing where the original failed. becoming a better Spider-man, becoming The Superior Spider-man

Lazy_writer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

ready preparations

Time skip (at night)

Right now I'm in my room getting ready to go out without May and Ben noticing,

I left the house without waking them and walked through the dark streets of the city.

When night comes and they go to sleep, I go out of the house to my secret laboratory ... ..

While calling it a secret laboratory is too much of a stretch, it's actually a former subway slump in an old abandoned station.

(If it worked for Andrew Garfield it should work for me too)

A few weeks ago I was going through many places that I could use as my base of operations,

(Every super hero needs one, Batman has the batcave, Superman the fortress of solitude, so I would need something similar too,)

If I could I would like my base of operations to be more than just an abandoned wagon, but unfortunately I don't have the money to do better, I haven't studied enough programming yet to hack into some bank accounts, that's why I went to some e-waste warehouses and with effort put together some gadgets to sell

I have dedicated myself to making some gadgets that I sold clandestinely on the streets, I am very sure that some criminals will be using my inventions at the moment for some dirty work and the truth is that I do not care much if they do it, I assembled these devices but I didn't misuse them, that's why I don't care much, they aren't very dangerous either.

Thanks to the sale of the gadgets I have made enough to fill the abandoned wagon with most of the things that I will need for what I am planning.

I came out of my thoughts when I got to the entrance of the abandoned station, I removed some boards that were in the entrance and took out of the backpack that I carried with me a mask that covered my face well to prevent someone from recognizing me.

Enter the station and go down to the subway,

"Hi Doc, It took you longer than usual to get here today ... .were you busy with any beauty?" A man told me who was leaning against the entrance of my temporary laboratory.

"I only had things to do, I'm very busy, unlike you Joseph" I told the man.

"Come on Doc, you know you have to call me Riot when we're doing business, I don't want people to know my name ... I'm still trying to figure out how you knew my name."

This is Joseph Wells, some kind of informant. Or illegal seller, if someone needs information about something illegal or needs something difficult to find, he is the man you are looking for.

Or at least that's what the ...

"I already told you that it was easy to discover by your lighter, what kind of idiot are you to engrave the initials of your name on it? ....." I replied.

"And I told you Doc, that I don't believe such a lie it only has a J engraved on it, it's almost impossible for you to guess just with that ... .."

(The truth is that I did not discover his name from the lighter, the truth is that he dresses and acts like a character from an old series that I saw in my home world, but I cannot tell him that.)

"Did you bring what I asked for? ..." I asked Joseph to change the subject.

"You know who Doc is talking to, I never failed a customer,… ..his order is already installed in the car," He replied.

"Perfect," I took a bag out of my backpack and handed it to Joseph.

"Here's your pay and something Extra for doing it so fast"

"Wow… ..you know how to keep me happy, Doc ... but I have a question ... you won't use what is serious for you to do something dangerous right? ... I don't want to be in town if you release a bioweapon to make up what I brought him… .. "Joseph asked me a little nervous.

"No ... .. don't worry about that, what I asked you is part of an experiment that I will do, but it will not be very dangerous."

"Haaaa (sigh) ... good for a moment I thought I would have to run out of the city ... ..well ... I'm leaving Doc, the night is still young and I have some deliveries to do." Joseph tells me as he walks to the exit.

When he leaves I go into my laboratory, and inside I can. See a lot of monitors and some machines with chemicals inside.

When I found out that the visit to Osborne would take place tomorrow, I asked Joseph to bring here some things that I would need to study the genetically modified spider and with it create a serum that I am 100% sure would not kill me or turn me into a monster.

I received a new opportunity to live in this world, I am not going to put my life at risk by letting a Genetically modified spider bite me without knowing with complete certainty that it would not kill me.

After checking that all the equipment is fully operational, I got out of the subway and headed home before it was time to go to school,

After all, today is an important day, today I will get my powers ....


Time skip

(At the Osborne Office Entrance)

"So…... ..You were so excited about the excursion that you stayed up all night and that's why you are so tired to the point that you fell asleep the whole bus ride? ... "Gwen tells me as She tries not to laugh .

"Stop laughing… .I just got a little excited… I'm tired because yesterday I took my new neighbor for a walk around the neighborhood so she would be more comfortable with the place," I told Gwen.

"Yes, of course ... ..you ..." Neighbor, the redhead "... ... I still believe that you are just trying to make excuses ... ... I know you Peter ... .."

"Whatever Gwen ...."

Gwen and I continued Our conversation until A Guide arrived with our group, and gave us some badges to enter the offices.

(I have to admit this place is amazing, this place is full of people working with the latest technology, I would even say it is a bit)

Our journey continued for a long time, I even began to wonder if I would have to find another way to obtain my powers, but luck smiles on those who are passers-by.

"Before finishing the tour we will see the most recent advances in animal generic, the result of Much study and effort by Osborne geneticists is here" The guide said while with his hand he pointed to a display case with different spiders in each one

"These 15 spiders were Genetically modified choosing the best genes for their growth ... we could say that they are the next leap in their evolution"

"Excuse me ... I only see 14 spiders in the display cases…. One is missing "Gwen asks the guide.

While the guide explained the reason why one was missing, I was busy observing very carefully around me.

The reason why a spider is missing is because that spider escaped, and if I am not mistaken it is the spider that will give me my powers….

But where is it?....

I kept looking and when I started to despair, I saw him….

The damn spider was passing between the feet of a group of tourists who were near our group, I pretended to bend down to tie the laces of my shoe and when the spider passed near me I took a small container that I prepared for the spider.

Quickly put it away and without raising suspicions, continue the excursion with the Group.


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the next chapter is coming very soon.

I wonder when this story will receive Power Stones?

Lazy_writercreators' thoughts