
My life in DXD

Its the same old wish granting and a op harem seeking mc

kingofbooksis79049 · Action
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

(from now on I will call steven/Issei --}} Aos Voldigoad)

Pov Anos Voldigoad

that stupid ROB suddenly threw me into the dxd verse without even me telling him who should be put into and now I am thinking who am I going to be in dxd, I hope it is not in a women's body or a body of some animal

suddenly I felt a bright light cover my eyes and then I received a huge headache and it felt like I was watching some movie play and I was stunned by it and that stupid ROB had actually put me in the body of the protagonist of DxD verse Issei Hyoudou and for a moment I was stunned, but the problem was that I was put in his body just after the end of season 1, not at the beginning of it,

Now I am really fucked up as how am I going to explain what happens to all those devils outside watching and especially rias, man it is going to be a long day ahead today

when they teleported me bay there was pin-drop silence and I did not like the atmosphere so to break the ice I said


but it became worse, but thank god Sirzechs was there, I thought I will have time to explain but suddenly he said

Sirzechs: Tell me who you are and where is issei gone!!!

me: well can we talk inside if you don't mind.

Sirzechs simply nodded and teleported me, grayfia, the Gremory household, the phenex household, and rias peerage and risers peerage to and the other 2 Great Devil King to a separate space.

there all looked serious

Pov third person

Sirzechs: Now speak who are you and what have you done to Issei

Anos: well greeting everyone and to answer your question you see i am issei

Sirzechs: Dont lie and speak the truth

Anos:(ROB what have you put me into )

Pov Anos

System connecting....3....2...1

initialization of all components ...


Welcome to the Unlimited gacha system...

A letter from Rob has been sent

[Click hear to open]

Boy sorry my mistake for sending you to the end of S-1 so as a compensation i will give you these gifts

History alteration card

All powers of gilgamesh

World travelling card

History alteration card


It has the powers and ability to alter,change or add any thing in history

Use:1 time only card

All powers of gilgamesh


highest rank of Divinity (about ⅔ but due to Rob it is full)

Golden Rule( being fated to a life that is filled with riches)

Sha Naqba Imuru(Added to anos mystic eyes)

World travelling card


Ability to travel to another world and during travels the the time will stop in DxD verse and will create a bridge between two world so that user can travel any time he likes even when this card gets destroyed

Use:1 time only card

When i saw this i has a idea in my

Use the history alteration card to make a fake history :

Long ago there was a king who was very powerful, so powerful that no one could defeat him, he loved playing pranks on others without the fear of others hurting him, once he did something that made all the world his enemy and to stop him all United and came together to seal him and for the first time all the gods,devils, angels, yokai, dragons and even 666-trihexa came and sealed him but before sealing him he warned all that he has sent his inheritance to a hidden family and one day soon get out, but even after a 100 years of searching they could not find it and due to the great war starting all forgot

After altering the history i had a smile on my face