
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The Club

After a successful business, even though it got ruined by Mephisto joining halfway, eating the remaining food and charging me 40% of my income, I made a total of 20,000 yen but since Mephisto took 40% it's now 12,000 yen, but that's still just £90. Considering I'm a student and I don't have much work experience, minus Rins failed jobs, that's still good.

(Rin): "Lets head back now. Lessons about to Start."

Even if I'm an aspiring businessman/ restaurant owner I still have to focus on my current education. Afterall having a younger brother that's smarter than I am is a little annoying to be compared to by my classmates .

Lessons went on without a problem even though I feel like my brains fried. I know Rin is dumb and all but I didn't think I would also be bad at memorising stuff as well. Lesson ended at 3:30 and I'm tired. I want to chill a bit before Cram school since it starts at 5 but I don't know where to go.

(Rin): "Haah, maybe I should ask around for any recommendations?."

(Yanno): "Oh, recommendations for what?"

Yanno stood up from his desk and asked me.

(Rin): "Well I want to find a place where I can just relax. I've been dealing with some stress at home so I want to loosen up a bit."

I didn't completely lie here as the stress is because of my dad, satan, and how to deal with my Demon king siblings.

(Yanno): "Hmm? A place for you to loosen up and chill... Oh I have the right place. How about joining the Culture club?"

Hmm? Culture club?

(Rin): "What do they do?"

(Yanno): "Well I've only heard rumours of them, but there seems to be a club that loves to celebrate anything and have fun. It's actually quite popular and attracted a lot of students they don't allobu the entry rate isnt high at all. Rumour has it that once you enter and fail you won't remember what happened inside after speaking with the president. Apparently there was a time where the Club didn't allow anyone to join for a whole year even though they got so many applications to join."

Wow. That sounds interesting enough. A club that wasn't mentioned in the original series, I wonder whats its like.

(Rin): "Let's test our luck and see if we can join."

(Yanno): "Sure sounds fun."

We exited the classroom and made out way to the culture club. It's located at the second floor of the school near one of the science rooms.

In front of the club room is a long line of students. Wow they are popular.

Luckily the hallway is massive or else I'm not sure how long this line would have been if this was a normal school.

(???): "Next!"

We heard a rough voice of a male student when it was finally our turn for the application meeting.

We entered the room and saw a male student with somewhat spiky red hair and red eyes wearing the normal school uniform without the jumper and has headphones around his neck.

(Kasamugi): "Nice to meet you. My name is Kasamugi Drazen. You guys can call me Kasamugi."

(Rin): "Nice to meet you too. My name is Rin Okumura. You can just call me Rin."

(Yanno): "Same here my name is Yanno Yanagi. Just call me Yanno. Nice to meet you senpai."

We all gave our greetings and senpai got to the point.

(Kasamugi): "So you both want to join the culture club. Is there any particular reason you want to join?"

If there's a reason it's just so I can have an area to relax after school. Well I'm not gonna lie I was a bit interested on what the activities are but I just want to kill some time.

(Rin): "My friend recommended me since I wanted to get rid of my stress and enjoy life a bit more."

(Yanno): "Well, I'm here since Rin seemed interested in joining"

(kasamugi): "Hmm. Interesting answers. You guys seem to be a blast to hang out with, but you can only join this club if you pass a certain test."

A test? To join a culture club? Like a written exam?

(Rin and Yanno): "?"

Before we could respond we suddenly feel a pressure on us coming from Kasamugi-senpai.

What the hell? He's a Demon?

(Rin): "Who are you?"

I put myself in a battle stance ready to draw Kurikara if he suddenly attacks us.

(Kasamugi): "Don't worry. Calm down. I was only testing you guys. Seems like both of you can see demons."

Or so he says. Wait Yanno can see Demons?

I turn to Yanno with a confused look and he returned my look with a confused look.

(Yanno): "Hah? Demons?"

Huh? He can't see demons? But he was able to withstand that pressure. Although it wasn't like Mephisto's it was still quite powerful

(Yanno): "Hmm?"

I wave my tail in front of him and he doesn't seem to see it. Yanno... What are you?

(Kasamugi): "Seems like we have an interesting case here. Since he's able to withstand my Aura without fleeing or running away it must mean he's been exposed to Demons from a young age."

Kasamugi-senpai starts rambling about Yanno's unique situation.

(Rin): "Oi answer my questions. Who are you and what are you planning to do here?"

(Kasamugi): "Like I said I'm the culture club's president and I'm here to decide who's worthy of joining the culture club. Oh I forgot to mention that I'm also a Demon like you but in this club we don't disclose our secrets. Afterall the club was made for people like us to just chill."

(Rin): "Interesting so there are other Demon club members, I presume?"

If there are other Demon members than this must be a paradise for the demons and half demons to get away from the humans. No wonder there's only a few students in the club. I'm interested on who the other Demons are.

(Kasamugi): "Well not only are there other demons in this club there are also humans with... Unique abilities or I guess they are more commonly known as Exorcist."

This club has Exorcist too? Sounds even better.

(Rin): "So are we a part of the club or not?"

(Kasamugi): "Hmm... I guess you guys can join. Although this guy cant see demons he's able to endure my Aura without pissing himself. Maybe it's one of his secrets. Well, as I said before, everyone has their own reasons so I won't pry into yours if you don't pry into mine."

He gives us a warm smile and answer as if he isn't staring at a teenager ready to unshieve his sword.

This club seems to have interesting people. I wonder how this will go.

(Kasamugi): "Since you guys are accepted to the culture club I need you guys to fill up this form. Oh and it should be obvious but you are not allowed to disclose any information to outside members about our activities. Not that we do anything dangerous, but it'll be troublesome if normal humans get involved."

I look at Yanno again and look at his expression. This time he's shocked.

(Yanno): "Wait im so confused."

I'm not surprised.

(Rin): "Basically you seem to be able to endure Kasamugi-senpai's Demon Aura. Yes, Kasamugi-sempai and I are Demons. Now before you start freaking out Demons in this world are more common than you think. Dont worry your not the only one confused, I was like you when I realised I am a demon. Like a few days ago."

I tried to comfort Yanno with his sudden discovery. Well if he knows of my secret than it would be easier to deal with him. Maybe I could convince him to be an exorcist as well? If that happens I wouldn't have to worry about him when the future events take place.

(Yanno): "Wait a few days ago than does that mean..."

(Rin): "Yeah I was your average trouble maker back in middle school until an event happened and I awakened my demon heritage. Pretty cliche, right?"

I wonder why this sounds like an anime?

(Yanno): "So your saying Demons and all that exist..."

(Rin): "Yeah hard to believe right?"

It's a normal reaction. At least you weren't as confused as I was when I woke up with a different body with a dead body and a sword that was on fire..

(Yanno): "I'm a bit scared but... Thats so cool! so supernatural beings do exist! I knew it!"

Yanno face suddenly changed from shock to pure excitement. Oi your bit calm for this news arent ya.

(Rin): "Your not annoyed that I hid myself as a Demon from you?"

(Yanno): "Nah I can understand. Plus if you were a true Demon why did you give me food on the house."

(Rin): "What if it was my plan to get you to sell me your soul for endless food. Like they say, 'to get a man's soul is through their stomach'."

(Yanno): "Isn't it meant to be their 'heart'?"

Me and Yanno start having our useless banter whilst we fill up our forms. I'm happy he's not fearing me but this wasn't what I was expecting. Maybe it's because he cant see my tail or any Demons for the matter.

(Kasamugi): "Yanno, have you ever had an interaction with a Demon? Like an oddball or someone who gives off a unique vibe?"

Yanno turns to me. Hey, it wasn't me who gave you Demon Aura immunity or whatever it is.

(Yanno): "Haha, for as long as I can remember I was always attracting weirdos. Whether they were otakus, chuunis or people who believed in spirits. For some reason they seem to gather around me which gave me a hard time in middle school. I was hoping it would go away in highschool but it seems to have gotten much worse."

Oi what is with this power of the protagonist power you have there? Sounds like a slice of life anime.

(Kasamugi): "Last question. Have you ever put something in your eye, like eye drops or contact lenses?"

(Yanno): "Hmm? Not contact lenses, but I got this eye drop I take every week. It was something my parents got for me and they give me a new one every 6 months or so."

Seems like his parents are the ones hiding the Demons from him I wonder if they got it from Mephisto, similar to the one Rin gave to Godain.

(Kasamugi): "Well that's enough for now. This took longer than planned and I'm sure the other students are getting impatient of waiting, so I would like you two to head out. The club starts from tomorrow onwards after school so make your on time. As for what we do... You'll find out tomorrow."

Today was an unexpected day but I wonder how different this world is from the original.

It's almost 5 so I start heading to Cram School. But before that.

(Rin): "Yanno, I'm gonna head to my Exorcist lessons. If your still scared of what's happening I recommend you to join the Cram School so you can learn how to protect yourself."

Afterall with how chaotic the future events gets, I want all the allies I can get. Even though the Order can't really be called allies, can they.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Demon club", "Yanno is immune to Demon Aura?", "Chill club", "Exposure")

Chapter 13 of MLIBE is out! Sorry for the slow pacing and i have something to tell all of you. Today i have to deal with stuff irl so I can't guarantee a chapter tomorrow but I promise that I will upload the day after. And before some of you get scared, no I'm not getting bored of writing this fanfic, i just need to sort some stuff out and maybe chill for a bit.

S_jaycreators' thoughts