
My Life As Tadano

*Important Note* Don't take it seriously, none of this are real, the characters in this story is not mine. I Created This for the sake of improving my writing skills, feel free to criticize this is just me writing a Fictional story with a complicated plots. A Young man from Earth, was suddenly Transmigrated in the body of Tadano Hitohito. The protagonist of Komi-san can't communicate. Tadano which is now an entirely different person, the young man who had been Transmigrated from Tadano's body couldn't remember anything from his past besides the Anime, Manga and Novels he reads. He thought that he'll live peacefully in this Rom-com world with his fated partner Shoko Komi, but he suddenly receives a System!

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs


They were stunned at Hito's word. What the hell? What can he do with some boiled eggs?

Erina almost collapsed when she heard what Hito was going to cook! She thought 'His joking right? There is no way..! He'll cook that peasant dish?!'

Alice looked at Hito with a disbelieving expression. "You're joking right?"

Hito pointed at himself and replied. "Do you think this face is a joke?"

Not just Alice but everyone nodded, his face was indeed a joke!

(E/N: Critical Hit 666. Call the medics someone.)

Hito looked at their nodding action speechlessly, and sighed. "I'm not joking. I'm really going to boil an egg! Now let me borrow your machines so I can start!"

Alice didn't understand why Hito would make such a peasant class dish! No it wasn't even qualified as a dish in the first place!

But regardless, she thought the boiled egg that Hito was going to make wasn't going to be simple, her chef instincts told her so!

(A/N : Balut? Nah just a simple Boiled Egg….or not.)

But before Alice could leave the kitchen to get her liquid machine. Hito added. "Oh right! Get me the thinnest needle that you can get!"

(E/N: Get ready for some penetration, guys.😏😏)

Alice nodded and left, but her head was filled with questions. Like why would he need the needle for?

But she will soon find out about it!

While the others were confused. Senzaemon touched his beard, he had some ideas on what Hito would do, but the problem was what ingredients was he going to use?

Thinking that Senzaemon had a hint of curiosity within his eyes. He was expecting Hito's boiled egg dish wasn't going to be so simple as its name implied it to be…


Alice had finally arrived with the liquid machine. Of course she wasn't the one who pushed it. She had to ask the house servants to bring it here.

"Tadano-kun! This is it!"

Hito nodded, and replied. "Alright, now teach me how to use it."

"...Are you for real?" Alice was looking at Hito with an incredible expression.

"What do you expect? Do you think I would know how to use it?? I never used your machine, and you expect me to know how to operate it?"

Alice couldn't retort, what he said made sense!

She sighed and started to teach Hito how to use the machine, it was pretty simple.

Hito got the hang of how to use it pretty easily, he smiled at Alice and said. "You're really amazing to make something like this.. you aren't just beautiful but also smart! Hey wanna hangout late-erm forget about it."

Damn! His flirting skill activated on it's own again!

It would be a lie if Alice said that she wasn't happy being praised, but when she heard that he wanted to hangout with her.. she was genuinely interested.

Miu was looking at Hito with a complicated expression. She was a little angry but mostly jealous.

Then Hito finally started, his aura completely changed. Hayato and Senzaemon could feel it!

A cooking match wasn't that much different from a real fight. So even a Martial Artist like Hayato could feel his aura.

While Senzaemon's expression turned serious. He thought 'This aura...only a few world class chefs could have it.. this kid! He is at least a grade lower or the same level as me!'

Hito started to slice some ingredients, his movement was so fast that Alice, Miu and Erina could only see after images.

As if realizing the girls' stare, Hito changed his slicing style and now it was coupled with flirtatious grace!

Of course he didn't do it purposely, but he was just unconditionally following his instinct.

He even winked at the girls while moving with his coolest slicing moves. Seeing that the girls blushed.

While the old ones were looking at Hito speechlessly. Senzaemon didn't know that slicing ingredients could be used as flirting!

And Hayato wanted to give Hito a thumbs up. But he couldn't do that because he could see Hito, also flirting with Miu!

After mixing a lot of ingredients, he put them inside the machine so that the flavors of the ingredients would be mixed together and liquify!

After a moment of waiting the machine suddenly let out a strange color. It's colour was really complicated! It looked red yet not at the same time.

After getting the liquid, he took a really small needle that was almost impossible to see with naked eyes.

Then he coated the needle with the liquid which was made from mixing the ingredients from before.

Then he pierce the needles into the eggs. He did it with great attention so that the egg wouldn't end up cracking.

Now the liquid was finally inside the egg, without damaging the egg.

Now that he finished adding the liquid inside the egg, he could finally start to boil it!

He boiled the eggs with the precise temperature of 75°C, now he had to wait for exactly 10 minutes so it would be perfect.

While he was waiting. Erina was finally done cooking her dish, it was Omelette. At least it looked like one! But it wasn't your ordinary Omelette! I mean what kind of Omelette generates a fucking rainbow around it?!

From what he could see, he graded her dish as not bad. With just a glance he knew what ingredients Erina used to make this dish.

Heck he could even improve it by a whole grade! But he would rather not. He would like his egg dish to be unique but simple at the same time.

After ten full minutes, Hito immediately took the eggs from the boiling water.

Now his simple yet unique dish finally finished!

Then they started to serve their dishes one by one to the judges which was Senzaemon, Miu, Alice and Hayato.

Senzaemon was looking at Erina's omelette with a nodding expression, while he was looking at Hito's boiled egg with a complicated expression.

It was obvious that Hito's boiled egg was less appealing. Suddenly Hito spoke.

"One should not judge the dish by only seeing it's appearance. The dish's real value is in it's taste."

(E/N: You have seriously never seen MasterChef have you, Charlotte? Coz if you then you'd know that's the first friggin point. If your dish doesn't appeal to the eater the worth of the dish and also taste will downgrade by one level. No form of tastiness can bring that back to its previous level.)

Senzaemon nodded, he understood it more than anyone in this room.

"Then I'll give it a try but first I'll taste Erina's Omelette first."

Everyone agreed with Senzaemon, and they also tried Erina's dish first.

Erina was confident that she would win after seeing Hito's joke like, boiled egg! She felt like she was getting worked up for nothing!

She looked at Hito with a smirk. However Hito was unusually calm, he even smiled back at her.

Erina found it annoying yet strange. But she was confident that she would win with her special Omelette! There was no way a boiled egg would win!

Then the judges ate Erina's Omelette, and the two old men suddenly stripped!

(E/N: Oi,oi! Get the exhibitionist out of there. The teen girls' eyes will need to be bleached at this rate.)

It meant that Erina's dish was good! Not just good but really good!

Seeing that Erina smiled even more widely now she was sure that she would win!

(E/N: What a pervert you are Erina. So, under that ice cold eyes you're a sick perv huh?)

"Erina's dish was good!" Miu honestly spoke her thoughts.

"Mhm it's delicious!" Alice agreed with Miu.

"It wasn't bad haha! It even made me strip!" Said Hayato.

Senzaemon agreed with his brother, and now he looked at Hito and spoke.

"Now it's your boiled egg's turn.."

Hito nodded, and replied. "Please crack the egg at the top first."

They all followed Hito's words, then after they cracked the egg shell, the egg let out a really strong smell!

It wasn't fragrant nor it was smelly. It was a unique smell that they never smelt before!

Then they could see inside the egg that it was shining!

It was literally shining! Like it was the greatest treasure of all time!

(E/N: Jack Sparrow incoming!! Ahoyy!!)

( END- )

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Host : Tadano Hitohito

Age : 16

Skills : Math [ Monster] [+], English [ Prodigy ] [+], History [ Beginner ] [+], Music [ Prodigy ] [+], Art [ Prodigy ] [+], Basketball [ Prodigy ] [+], Cooking [ Monster ] [+], Sleeping Resistance [ Prodigy ] [+], Negotiation [ Beginner ] [+], Fear Resistance [ Monster ] [+], Lying [ Prodigy ] [+], Plushie [ Expert ] [+], Chinese Martial Arts [ Expert ] [+], Willpower [ Monster ] [+], Beauty Resistance [ Prodigy ] [+], Sex [ Prodigy ] [+], Flirting [ Monster ] [+]

Surprise Points : 23,000

Inventory : None

3 Chapters this Monday….if nothing goes wrong, life is unpredictable my friends!