
My Life As Tadano

*Important Note* Don't take it seriously, none of this are real, the characters in this story is not mine. I Created This for the sake of improving my writing skills, feel free to criticize this is just me writing a Fictional story with a complicated plots. A Young man from Earth, was suddenly Transmigrated in the body of Tadano Hitohito. The protagonist of Komi-san can't communicate. Tadano which is now an entirely different person, the young man who had been Transmigrated from Tadano's body couldn't remember anything from his past besides the Anime, Manga and Novels he reads. He thought that he'll live peacefully in this Rom-com world with his fated partner Shoko Komi, but he suddenly receives a System!

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Boiling Egg

"I'll show you that you are nothing!"

Erina said it with confidence! An absolute confidence that was about to get crushed by a 'nobody' like Hito.

Hito just smiled at her, he should be humble at a time like this. Words weren't enough to prove your worth but your actions and skills were.

'I wonder how good this God Tongue is…' Hito thought.

(A/N : Oi! Don't misunderstand! It's definitely not for lickin- ahem.)

(E/N: FYI God Tongue is Erina's title. And Charlotte no matter how much you deny it we know what you mean, you horny bastard, and also how you'll use it when the dic- *cough* smut chapter comes.)

Then he looked at Senzaemon with a wry smile and said. "Oji-san it seems that our cooking match has to be postponed for a while.."

Senzaemon nodded with a smile. "Haha! Don't worry about it kid. I want to see how you defeat my granddaughter."

Hearing that Erina was annoyed. Her grandfather talked like she would be defeated.

But she couldn't really retort her grandfather so she looked coldy at Hito and said.

"Be prepared!"

"Where? On the bed?" Hito said with a flirty tone. Realizing what he did as he cursed this flirting skill.

(E/N: We all know where this is going guys.😏😏)

All the people in the room were stunned! Hayato thought 'This kid got guts!'

"W-w-what?! What are you saying, you beast?!" Erina blushed once again, she couldn't believe this guy! He said it naturally like it was common words!

And he even made it sound convincing like they would do it later!

(E/N: You know you will, Erina. Admit it.)

Miu didn't know what she was feeling right now. She was both embarrassed and jealous at the same time!

Embarrassed because Hito said those words with a straight face! Jealous because she also wanted Hito to flirt with her!

Alice was stunned and she couldn't help but ask Miu. "Is that guy always like that?"

Miu shook her head and said. "No, in fact this is the first time I've seen him flirting with someone so openly! I'm jeal- I mean ma- I mean!! embarrassed!"

(E/N: Eh, Miu what's that ma- I'm seeing hmmm..🤨😏)

Alice looked at Miu speechlessly. While Senzaemon's eyes widened and thought 'This is bold! Flirting with my granddaughter while I'm looking!'

He wasn't really mad, he was just surprised by Hito's boldness, because of that his impression on Hito rose once again.

Senzaemon even thought, 'If he could at least beat Erina, he didn't mind Hito being his grand son-in-law!'

But he won't force Erina. It was her decision. If she didn't like him then he won't let him marry her no matter how good Hito was. Though it would be a pity to lose such a genius and talented grand son-in-law.

Hito awkwardly spoke. "Ahem- it was just a joke… so umm let us proceed, shall we?"

"R-right! Let's go to the kitchen!" Said Erina while looking at Hito with an annoyed and blushing face.

Then he looked at Senzaemon with a forceful smile. "Oji-san- no sir, I totally didn't do it on purpose!"

Senzaemon just laughed. "Hahaha! Don't worry about it! I'm just surprised at your boldness! Actually, if you want to court my granddaughter you have to be qualified first!"

And again Hito couldn't control his flirting skill even with his monster like Willpower!

"No problem! Grandfather! I'll take care of your granddaughter!" Hito said it boldy, with a straight face.

Slowly his face turned really ugly, and thought 'Sh*t I'm screwed this time!'

Once again, he stunned the people inside the room. Hayato looked at Hito with awe and thought 'This kid is fearless! I've never seen someone as thick-skinned as him!'

Miu felt like she saw a new continent, she never knew that Hito had this side of him! Her feelings were complicated as she thought 'Did I just fall for a playboy like him?'

Alice was holding her stomach, she was laughing like her life depended on it! She was laughing because Hito talked about taking care of her cousin boldy in front of her grandfather!

She thought that Hito was really interesting! She never thought that she'd be interested with a person of the opposite sex like Hito!

Erina was on the verge of fainting! This guy was just too thick-skinned! All her life she never met someone like Hito!

Boldly saying that he'll take care of her! She had a bitter-sweet feeling right now. She even thought that she became crazy, because she was slightly happy when he said those words!

Senzaemon was looking at Hito speechlessly… he really didn't know how to react…

After a moment of silence. Senzaemon finally spoke.

"You are really bold… I honestly don't know what to do with you… I gave you an inch yet you took a mile.. alright let's stop this and start the real deal, let's go to the kitchen!"

Hito sighed in relief while hearing that from Senzaemon, then he nodded. Hito decided to be careful with his words from now on, he might accidentally say some flirting words again!

Then he followed Senzaemon like a loyal follower of his. If possible he would like to not speak at all but it would be Impossible.

Erina glared at Hito, and then followed after him with alertness. She wouldn't get caught off guard this time!

And the rest followed her.


Inside the kitchen,

Senzaemon solemnly stared at everyone, and spoke. "Alright, the judge of this match will be Me, Alice, Miu and my brother! And as the main judge the main ingredient should be egg! Any objections?"

"None!" Said Erina, she was full of confidence winning this match!

While Hito agreed with Erina, he kept thinking about what to cook.

"Since both sides have agreed, then let the match begin!" Exclaimed Senzaemon.

Then the two went to their respective cooking place. All the ingredients necessary for the egg dishes were there.

And all of the ingredients were of high quality. Hito nodded with satisfaction. These were the highest quality ingredients that he saw in this life.

As expected of the Nakiri's! They could get the highest quality ingredients with ease.

Hito decided on what to cook…. then he looked at Alice with a smile.

(E/N: My boy, Hito is gonna go for the two sisters at the same time. Maybe three when the mom comes.😏😏)

Alice noticed this, however she wasn't fazed at all. She smiled back at Hito instead and asked.

"Tadano-kun right? What is it? Is there something on my face? Or do you perhaps want to court me like Erina?"

"Of course I want to cour- ahem- I mean you have those machines that make the ingredients liquid right?" Hito thought 'That was close... really close..'

Alice nodded with a sweet smile. "Yes! I have them! I made them myself after all but.. how did you know about it?"

"Save that question for later! But can you let me borrow those?"

Alice pouted for a bit, and replied. "Fine! I'll lend them to you however, answer this question first."

Hito nodded, and then Alice continued. "What kind of dish are you cooking?"

Hearing that question Hito smiled widely and spoke.

"Boiled egg."

(E/N: Which egg are you gonna boil?😏)

"Hah?" Alice was stunned and it was not just her but everyone!

( END- )

(つ≧▽≦)つ Alice Simp!!

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