
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

System Update

As soon as I enter the house I let out a sigh of relief for not finding any Ghouls in my way, so after placing the shoes on the shelf I head towards the main room, a few seconds of walking later I'm entering the room to find Rize awake.

To which, after pausing the movie, he turned his gaze on me. "Did something good happen today?" asked Rize as he continued to look me in the eyes.

Why do you say that?" I asked Rize as I settled down next to her.

Leaning back on my chest, she ran her fingers across my chest for a few seconds before replying, "You look cheerful," was what Rize replied as she continued to run her fingers across my chest.

With a look of compression on my face, I put a lock of his hair behind one ear and said, "Well...do you remember the girl with the blue hair?" to which after a few seconds of thought he nodded, so nodding myself I continued speaking. "Our relationship seems to be moving forward in more than just friends, so I'll tell you now, so that in the future you won't be surprised if we have a closer relationship", running my hand through his hair in a soothing motion, I waited for his response.

After several minutes of being like this, Rize answered while turning her gaze on me, "*sigh*.... I knew this would come, but I didn't expect it to be so soon...when do you think it will fall into your hands?", letting out a nervous laugh at her last words I replied.

"Why do you say it like I'm a villain or something?" to which she just let out a laugh as she gave me a short kiss on the lips, smiling at that, I continued with her question. "No, It can be a few days or a few weeks, it depends on her", to which after hearing my answer, a smile appeared on her face.

"Then we have days and maximum weeks to be just the two of us", finishing saying that, he placed several kisses on my chest, slowly moving down as he placed a kiss on my torso, he broke away for a few seconds as he licked his lips. "Don't you think so too Frank?", to which he turned his gaze on me as he waited for my answer.

Smiling at that I replied, "We can spend our time in other ways, you know," to which she just gave a sensual smile as she ran her tongue across her lips.

"Yes I know, but where's the fun in that?", after saying, I could only smile slightly at her answer, when suddenly an idea occurred to me, so turning a smile on her I said.

"I know what we can do, other than having sex," with a curious look in her eyes and face, Rize walked over to me and asked.

"What can keep me entertained?", to which smiling in response, I mentally said("Ruby get her into the party") to which answering in the affirmative, I watched the new sale appear on my face.

[Rize Kamishiro has joined your party].

[Rize Kamishiro is 321 levels older than you so you won't receive experience from her].

"So what did you have in mind?", snapping out of my thoughts and closing the tab, I smiled as I put my hand on his shoulders, confused by that my smile became more prominent.

["Dungeon: Zombie], once I said that we appeared in the same position in a destroyed city, with a curious look at the city, we stood up and I turned my gaze on her and explained.

"This is one of my skills, the Dungeon, with this skill can make me stronger to kill the monsters in this one", listening to my explanation carefully, he nodded once he finished the short, but, informative explanation.

"So this is where you go some nights", nodding in response, Rize walked a few steps until she encountered her first enemy, a zombie, surprised by that she pulled out her Kagune and entangled the zombie with it.

Approaching me with the zombie in his Kagune, I shook my head at that, with a curious look on his face he asked, "So these are the zombies?" he said as he moved the zombie in his Kagune, "They're weak," to which I nodded and told him.

"This is the dungeon in its easiest mode, the normal mode, and since I already completed it I unlocked the next difficulty which I haven't tried", listening to my words, he nodded at my words.

"You can kill as many zombies as you want, in this difficulty the zombies don't have their infection, but I can't say the same in the following ones", listening carefully to my words, a smile full of affection grew on Rize's face, so after killing the Zombie in one go, he came closer to me and gave me a long kiss.

Separating us with a rope of saliva connecting us, Rize said, "Thank you for this," to which I shook my head and said as a smile grew on my face.

"No. I should have done it earlier, now go have fun, I'll go to the next difficulty", nodding at my words, he gave me one last kiss before slowly pulling away from me.

"Oh, before I forget, the dungeon has two bosses, one is a woman with sharp nails who is very fast, and the other is a man full of muscles, who is very strong, he can hurt you so be careful," nodding at that Rize turned away from me and made a run at the zombies.

Seeing RIze running and killing zombies in the distance, a smile grew on my face as I watched her having fun, even if it was killing, letting out a sigh at that, I asked Ruby, "If I get out of the dungeon will anything happen to Rize?" to which I instantly got an answer.

[Nothing bad will happen if you get out, but I recommend you stay inside the dungeon.]

Nodding at his words then I said, "Then pass me to the next phase Ruby", answering affirmatively, I disappeared from the normal layer, until the difficult one, once I reappeared in the next layer of the dungeon, notice that I am in the same city, but more destroyed.

[When on this difficulty the stats of enemies and bosses, as well as their experience increased, stay safe Frank]

Nodding at her worried voice, I said, "Don't worry, as long as I don't get over my defense I'll be fine," to which receiving an "Nn" in response from Ruby I continued on my way in this new difficulty, after walking for a few minutes I found my first enemy, [so casting [Observe] on him I waited for his changes.


[No name]



[Hp:5,000](100 every 5 minutes)

[Sp: 5,000](100 each minute)

[Strength: 42.0] [Attack: 420]

[Constitution: 50.0] [Defense: 500] [Defense: 500

[Dexterity: 0.8] [Speed:14.4 m/s] [Speed:14.4 m/s] [Dexterity: 0.8] [Speed:14.4 m/s

[Intelligence: 0.5] [Weight: 21.000 Kg] [Intelligence: 0.5] [Weight: 21.000 Kg]

[Wisdom: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.1]

[Luck: 0.2]


Nodding at his changes, I pulled out the 11 tentacles of my Rinkaku and my Ukaku wings that upon reaching the level are different, its width is 6 meters and its length of 3, which allows me to fly once they are condensed, launched the projectiles in the form of a feather of my Ukaku I saw how the zombie bar was over in less than a second.

[You have received 50 experience]

Nodding at the increase in experience, I kept it up for about 30 minutes until I got the next zombie, which is the Charger, so I cast [Observe] on it, and waited for it to change.





[Hp:22.000](400 every 5 minutes)

[Sp:22,000](400 every minute)

[Strength: 182.0] [Attack:1820]

[Constitution:220.0] [Defense:2200]

[Dexterity:1.0] [speed: 18 m/s].

[Intelligence:0.5] [Weight:91.000 Kg] [Intelligence:0.5] [Weight:91.000 Kg]


[Charisma: 0.2]

[Luck: 0.3]


Closing the window of his state, I used my Kagune Ukaku again to attack at a distance, launching several feathers of my Ukaku towards the charger, I noticed that it only did a little over 1326 damage per second.

Once I stopped throwing my Ukaku's feathers, I quickly ran towards the charger who is stunned by my Ukaku's several shots, once I got close to the Charger I used the last skill of my first class [Ki Manipulation], thus putting 3000 Sp on my Kagune which increased by 3000 attacks and defense and using [Acupuncture Knowledge] to change my damage to stabbing, I stabbed the Charger's head killing him in an instant.

[You have received 700 experience]

Retracting my Rinkaku close to me, I watched the headless Charge fall to the ground, turning my gaze on the window that appeared in my sight, I said to myself quietly, "Then the experience increased by 10 as well as its difficulty", nodding at my words, I stretched my muscles to make a run and kill the zombies, to get the huge amount of experience.

A couple of hours after killing zombies, I checked the tab that appears in my view, with all the accumulated experience of killing several zombies, or that's what I was going to do when suddenly a new tab appears in my view.

[Seeing that in the future you will gain thousands or even millions of experience as well as the amount needed, it has been decided that the system will be updated].

Confused by this message appearing in my view, I asked Ruby about it, "What about this Ruby?" to which I instantly received her reply as always.

[The necessary amount of experience you need and will gain, will come or has already come to a point where you will need millions of experience to level up, so I have decided to update the system and rebalance this.]

Nodding at her words I said, "I trust you Ruby," to which Ruby replied in a cheerful voice.

[Thank you for trusting me, Frank]

Nodding at his words I read the system update tab, to which after a couple of minutes the system finished its update, to which instantly a tab with the changes of the update, appeared on my face.

[Updated the system, changed the experience needed to level up, changed the way to gain experience].

[Experience is now gained without multiplying it by the level of the enemy in the dungeon, it is gained the same as outside].

[The experience you gained has been changed.]

Once I finished reading the tabs, I closed them to see the overall experience I gained from this change.

[You have gained 73000 experience]

A little surprised by the lack of experience, I closed it to see my status and the amount I need to level up, so saying the word "Status", I checked the window to see the small changes.



[Frank Evans]

[Level: 146]

[Race:One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (46/100)[10,688/13,800].

[Hp:29,652](2259 per second)

[Sp:29.652](1412 per second)

[Mp:2859](37.8 per second)

[Fuerza: 166.5(199.8)][Ataque:1665(2398)]

[Constitución: 176.5][Defensa:2647]

[Dexterity: 0.5]Speed:9 m/s]Dexterity: 0.5]Speed:9 m/s

[Intelligence: 18.9][Weight:83,250(149,850) Kg]

[Wisdom: 18.9]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


Checking the change of experience, a smile grew on my lips, because the small amount of experience made me happy, obviously in the future, I will need the same amount of experience as before, but that will be in the future when I have more level.

So closing the tab and letting out a sigh of relief, I headed towards the normal layer of the dungeon, appearing in the normal difficulty of the dungeon, I remained silent for a few seconds to hear the sound of Rize battling.

After a few moments of silence, I heard the asphalt being destroyed in the distance, so smiling at that, I made a run towards the place of the noise, several minutes later I arrived at the place to find Rize fighting against the Tank.

Throwing a little [Observe] on the Hp and Sp of the two, I saw that Tank was the one with his Sp in low numbers as well as Rize, figuring that Tank has low Sp from trying to hit Rize's fast moves, and Rize spending his stamina trying to deal damage to Tank.

A little worried about her I used [Ki Manipulation] to create a 10,000 Sp barrier, which cost the same per minute, enclosing the Tank in the round Ki barrier around her, I watched as the tired Rize collapses on the ground from exhaustion.

Worried about her I ran over there quickly, once I got there, I took out a medium Hp potion that heals 30% health, "Take it, it will heal you" when she heard my words she just nodded and took the red liquid from the potion,

Once he finished drinking the potion I saw his minor wounds and some more serious ones disappear instantly. "Thanks for that Frank," was what he said once his wounds recovered thanks to the potion.

"Don't worry about that, it's my duty as your boyfriend to take care of you," finishing saying that I gave her a short kiss on her lips to calm her down. "Do you want me to take care of him?" pointing at the big guy who was trying to break the barrier, I waited for Rize's answer.

Shaking his head, he said, "I want to do it myself, but my attacks do almost nothing to him," nodding at his words, I spoke again.

"I have a skill that allows me to increase your damage," surprised and curious about my ability, I kept talking, "He used it on you, the giant over there will be out shortly," pointing at the Tank, I waited for Rize's response.

Responding instantly, Rize said, "Do it! I want to finish it!", nodding at his words, I used [Ki Manipulation] and covered his Kagune with 3000 Sp, which increased his damage and defense by the same amount.

"Try to finish it quickly, I won't be able to use it for long," the instant I finished saying that, a sadistic smile appeared on Rize's face, as he looked at the Tank that came out of the barrier, as it didn't have advanced regeneration, to maintain 10,000 Sp per minute.

Watching how Rize attacked the Tank's limbs with his Kagune, and how with his other tentacles he pierced his butt and lower parts, a shiver ran through my body as I watched the last part.

Once he did that for a couple of seconds, he retracted his 8 Kagunes to go straight for the head, which ended up exploding when the 8 tentacles pierced straight through the head.

Letting out a sigh at that, I said quietly. "He still has his sadistic side," shaking my head and running my hand through my hair, I moved towards the Rize that was still piercing the dead Tank on the ground.