
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

A normal Day

Once outside the dungeon, I let out a sigh of relief and satisfaction, turning my gaze upon Rize's shredded clothes, or rather the clothes that fit, I looked at her face and asked.

"Do you want to go clothes shopping? "I asked Rize as I watched her wipe the dirt off her already destroyed clothes.

Turning his gaze on me, he asked with a touch of excitement, "Are you sure?" to which I instantly nodded, after seeing my affirmative to his words, a smile of excitement grew on his face, "So when are we going?" to which after thinking about it for a few seconds I replied.

"How about tomorrow or the next?", to which listening to my question he started to think a little, a few seconds later he turned his gaze on me and answered with a growing smile on his face.

"No, for me it's fine," to which nodding at her words, I also told her that I would change her appearance so as not to arouse suspicion, to which she nodded still with emotion visible on her face.

So after seeing that the 'alchemy table' was still in the same place, I turned my gaze to Rize and asked her, "Do you want to see how I make another option?" to which she instantly nodded, laughing at her excitement, I headed towards the table.

Once on the table, he grabbed the vial and mana core on top of it, letting out a nervous laugh at that, I shook my head and continued with the alchemy, so doing the same thing again, I watched as Rize settled back on the bed with his gaze fixed on what he was going to do, shaking my head at his curiosity, I turned my gaze on the items on the table.

"Let's begin," I said quietly to myself, moving my mana to my hand, I watched in fascination as a mist of the lightest blue I had ever seen appeared, watching for a few seconds, I continued to target the mana cloud.

Bringing the mana cloud closer to the mana core, I watched with excitement as the core melted slowly at first until its speed increased every second. After a few seconds of watching the core dissolve into a liquid, and as my mom reached low levels, I put the liquid into the potion vial.

Grabbing the potion and moving it slightly, I cast an [Observe] on it just out of curiosity, after reading that everything was like the previous portion, I closed the tab and turned my gaze on Rize, who was looking at the potion with interest.

"Do you want to know what it is?", to which I instantly received a nod, I laughed at that, and continued with my previous words, "This is a potion, its main function is the mana of the magic users, although it is at its lowest level", finishing my little explanation, I asked her a question, "Do you have any doubts?", to which she nodded.

Waving for me to continue, Rize asked his question, "Are you a wizard?" to which I nodded, seeing my affirmative he continued with his question, "Like the wizards on the street or like the ones in video games?" to which I answered with the latter, nodding at that he asked another question, "So that blue cloud was your magic?" to which I answered.

"No, that was my mana, this is my magic", using the [Fiery Hands] skill, to show her my magic, I saw her gaze widen in surprise and shock, letting out a laugh at that, I turned off the skill, once it was off I said in an amused voice. "Satisfied?", to which she only nodded still in shock.

Walking towards her, I put my hand on her head, to which the instant I put my hand on her head her look of shock disappeared, turning her gaze back to me she asked, "Is something wrong?" to which I shook my head while having a smile on my face.

"Shall we sleep?", to which she nodded as she took off what was left of her clothes, once naked Rize laid down on the bed, seeing that I followed suit and disunited, once done I laid down next to her, which made Rize turn to me laying her head on my chest.

After a few seconds of moving his finger across my chest he asked, "Apart from your magic, I can't wait to go out with you," to which after saying that, I received a short kiss that conveyed all his excitement and happiness, running my fingers through his hair in a soothing way I told him.

"Me neither", to which she just nodded with a beautiful smile on her face, passing several minutes while I ran my hands through her hair, I finally managed to fall into the world of dreams.


Opening my eyes to a new day, I watched as Rize was still asleep, taking my phone out of my inventory I noticed that I woke up earlier than before, so curious if my theory was true, I asked Ruby, "Ruby, does a tall frame make you need less sleep?

[Yes, Frank, with your higher constitution you will require less sleep to be at your maximum capacity, but you will still have to sleep a few hours, even if it's not the recommended 8.]

Nodding at his question, I shifted my gaze to my phone, "Since it's still early, 3:25 in the morning, I'll go back to sleep," which I instantly put to the test.


A couple of hours later, I woke up again so I checked the time, once I took my phone out of inventory, I noticed that it had been 2 hours since I went back to sleep, so noticing that I wasn't sleepy, I got up as carefully as possible so as not to wake up Rize.

Letting out a sigh of relief that Rize didn't wake up, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth, several minutes later I'm outside, still in the room, heading towards the table.

Sitting on the floor of the ground, I took out a vitality apple and a vial of potion, therefore, moving my mana up my arm, I did the same with the apple as I did with the cores, once my smoke/mana cloud reached the apple, I excitedly awaited its process of turning into a potion.

Observing with a childish curiosity the process of the apple, I saw how the cloud of mana enveloped the apple, once the cloud completely enveloped the apple, the latter began to dissolve into a red liquid, seeing how the red drops are increasing with each passing second as my mp drops every second.

Several seconds later, I noticed that making the Mp and Hp potion cost the same, so waiting for it to regenerate on its own, I grabbed the potion and cast [Observe] on it to see its effects.


[Hp(Inferior) Potion].

Description: A potion created with almost divine mana, its effects are more potent than many alchemists.

Effect: Heals 1% of Hp


Nodding at the shorter description and its effects, I took out 7 ingredients and 7 vials of potion, putting all the cores aside, and with a growing smile on my face, started making 7 potions of mana(Inferior), to which after a minute and ten seconds, I created the 7 potions.

Once I finished the last position, I noticed how a level notification appeared on my face, so with an excited smile, I checked the skill that leveled up, after a few seconds, I found the skill.

[The skill [Alchemy] has been leveled up].

Nodding at the level up, I checked to see if I had materials to make other potions, so after checking for a few seconds, I noticed that I was low on mana cores as well as vitality apples.

Therefore letting out a sigh, I got up from the ground and walked towards Rize, once next to her, I kissed her forehead with affection and wrote a note telling her where I was, that I would be back in 2 hours, therefore leaving the note in sight, I said to myself in a low voice."[Dungeon: Zombie]", once said that I headed towards the next difficulty, therefore instantly appeared in the same city but even more destroyed.

So I jumped up and down on the spot and relaxed my muscles for a run. "Here we go," he said softly, after warming up a little, putting me in a running pose, I started my killing spree.

A couple of hours after killing the zombies nearby or in my way, and finding only 2 quality chests [Bronze], I left the dungeon and lay down next to an awake Rize, so giving a loving smile I approached her. "Good morning Rize", to which turning her gaze upon me, she smiled back.

"It was a surprise not to run into me," to which running my hand through my hair, I replied to Rize.

"I noticed that I had little creation materials, so I went to look for it", letting out a laugh at that, I said again. "I'm sorry I wasn't around when I woke up", to which she just shook her head while letting out a small laugh.

"No problem, it was just a surprise to not find you next to me once awake", shaking my head and patting her side of the bed, I walked over to her, sitting close to her, pulling her closer to me, therefore letting herself get closer, we were in a position where her head was on my chest and her arms were hugging me.

"I'll try not to leave you alone while I sleep", to which after noticing my serious look, she just nodded while kissing me, so after a few minutes in this position, while running my hand through her hair, I decided to check the system notifications.

[You have gained 73000 experience]

[You've gone up a few levels]

[Some skills leveled up]

[For reaching level 50 unlock new abilities]

[Fire Resistance: Decreases fire damage by 75%].

[Great Fireball]: The improved version of the fireball, does more damage as well as costing more (Int*5+Attack).

Cost:60 Mp]

[Flare of Flames]: Throw a flare in your view range, dealing damage per second. (Int*5).

Cost:40 Mp per second]

[The following skills have been leveled up]

[Firebolt has risen to level 43]

[Fiery Hands has risen to level 42].

[Wall of Fire has risen to level 40].

[Fireball has risen to level 12].

[Fireball(12/100): What every fire mage needs in his principles. (Int*4+Attack)

Cost:60 Mp]

[Kagune Rinkaku has risen to level 93]

[Regeneration Rinkaku has leveled up to 64].

Nodding at his changes, I closed the notifications tab, once the notifications were closed, I said to myself quietly, "Status," to verify the changes brought about by the new levels.



[Frank Evans]

[Level: 151]

[Race:One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (51/100)[11,688/15,300].

[Hp:30,492](2381 per second)

[Sp:30.492](1412 per second)

[Mp:3161](41.8 per second)

[Fuerza: 171.5(205.8)] [Ataque:1715(2470)]

[Constitución: 181.5] [Defensa:2722]

[Dexterity: 0.5] [Speed:9 m/s]

[Intelligence: 20.9][Weight:85,750(154,350) Kg]

[Wisdom: 20.9]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


Checking the changes in Mp and Hp, I nodded satisfied with the changes, closing the status window, and turned my gaze on Rize who had her eyes closed in comfort, smiling at that I kissed her forehead, which made her open her eyes and turn her gaze on me.

"Did something happen?" to which, kissing her lips softly, I pulled away from her and with a smile on my face replied.

"Nothing, just happy to spend time with you", to which she just smiled at me as she snuggled more into my chest, spending another few minutes like that I checked the time, to notice that it's time for me to leave, so giving Rize a long kiss, I got out of bed.

Once at the door of my room, I looked back at her and said, "I'll come back later," to which she only responded with a sensual smile she said.

"I'll be waiting for your return," sensually running her tongue across her pink lips, I swallowed a little saliva at the tantalizing sight, so running my hand through my hair in a soothing gesture, I said goodbye to her.