
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Luck in the dungeon:Anteiku

After walking for several minutes, I managed to get to my house, so taking my key from the inventory through my pocket, I opened the door, after entering and locking it again, I walked towards the living room to find myself Rize in the same place watching TV, only this time she was naked.

Observing her figure with wide hips and narrow waist, along with chest C cups and a bubble butt and juicy lips, I must say that she was a very beautiful woman, while I was observing her figure a voice distracted me from those thoughts.

"You like what you see?" Rize said as she moved sensually to show me her figure even more.

"Yes, you are very beautiful" letting out a laugh at my comment, Rize got up from the couch and stood in front of me showing me everything without hiding anything, putting her arms behind her back she said.

"It's a shame you can only stare ~, right?" After saying that she lay down on the couch turning her gaze to the television, shaking my head at her game, I sat next to her to watch television for a while.

Several minutes later Rize got up from the couch and sat on my lap, still naked while her gaze turned to me, I let her do whatever she wanted because I could stop her if she wanted.

"It's time to eat ~" taking off my shirt, I noticed how Rize looked at my compacted muscles in my body, so smiling slightly I asked "Do you like it?" to which returning the smile said "It may be ~" shaking his head at that I let her eat "You can start."

Activating her Kakugan in both of her eyes, Rize sank her teeth into the flesh of my shoulder, so taking advantage of her literally devouring my shoulder, I put my hands on her bubble butt and squeezed lightly.

"Ara ~, taking advantage of a defenseless woman, isn't it?" he said as he smiled at me slightly with blood on his lips.

"I have to get something out of this, right?" I said while raising an eyebrow and squeezing her butt even tighter.

"Ah ~, you're right" letting out a slight moan in response to me squeezing her butt and savoring my meat, Rize pressed herself even more into my hands as she returned to devour my shoulder that regenerated in those seconds.

[You have gained 9 Affection with Rize]

After that slight talk and playing with Rize's butt, I left her in her room, heading towards my room I closed the door and relaxed for a few minutes, while I was lying on the bed I whispered.

"[Dungeon: Zombie]" once said appeared in the already recognized city, jumping slightly in my place, I ran towards the zombies that appear, after about 4 hours of killing the zombies, I heard a cry from a woman, so approaching the sound I managed to see a white-haired woman with pale skin and long nails on her sharp hands, so throwing [Observe] on her wait for the results.



[Level: 85]


[Race: Zombie]

[Hp: 13,500] (270 every 5 minutes)

[Sp: 13,500] (270 every minute)

[Strength: 87.0] [Attack: 870]

[Constitution: 90.0] [Defense: 900]

[Dexterity: 12.0] [Speed: 216 M / s]

[Intelligence: 0.5] [Weight: 43,500 Kg]

[Wisdom: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.1]

[Luck: 0.3]


Surprised by her high Hp and the mini-boss put into her state I got serious, so before he reacted I activated [Touki], [Power Strike], [Acupuncture Knowledge], to deal blunt damage on her and destroy her in a nutshell. one time.

So running as fast as possible on it, I launched the blow at full power, once my hit with the ground was destroyed, sinking several meters and making cobweb cracks that spread even more.

Without feeling that my blow will touch the woman, I activated my Kakugan that is in the left eye and took out my kagune to defend myself, not a second later I felt a claw on my kagune pass over it, but thanks to my defense and the 30 % of the ability manage to block the attack as if nothing.

Looking through my kagune, I noticed the new infected one, so using my kagune I launched several attacks towards her, but without being surprised I dodge everything, after dodging my last kagune she disappeared from my vision.

Moving my gaze around me, I couldn't find her, after a few seconds of looking for her I couldn't find her, so using my 4 Rinkaku tentacles, I used it to defend myself.

Several seconds later, I couldn't find anything so using [Ki Detection], I felt the Ki of the enemy that was several meters from me, so throwing [Firebolt] in its direction, wait for it to come out.

Once the fire missile managed to reach the place where it was, a small explosion assaulted the place destroying several walls and part of a building, waiting for the smoke to come out and Observing the damaged window that I did, observe how injured the new one came out infecting by the explosion.

[7609 Magic damage]

After seeing the burn mark on his body and the missing part of one of his legs, I launched a new [Firebolt] to end this battle once and for all, after a few seconds a small explosion appeared over the place where he was.

Still tense in case she didn't die, I relaxed once the notification of her death appeared in my vision, so with a sigh of relief I checked how much experience I gained from her.

[You have gained 1210540 experience for killing normal zombies]

[Gained 170,000 experience for killing the mini-boss]

[You have climbed several levels]

[By defeating the Mini-Boss now the Boss can appear]

Reading the notifications carefully, I close them after finishing them, curious to see how many levels I went up, I said in a low voice "Status" so carefully reading my status, verify your changes.



[Frank Evans]

[Level: 121]

[Race: One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist (Fire)] (21/100) [140.115 / 210.000]

[Hp: 25.452] (1576 per second)

[Sp: 24.108] (1576 per second)

[Mp: 1077] (17.8 per second)

[Strength: 141.5 (169.8)] [Attack: 1415 (2038)]

[Constitution: 151.5] [Defending: 2272]

[Dexterity: 0.5] [Speed: 9 m / s]

[Intelligence: 8.9] [Weight: 70,750 (127,350) Kg]

[Wisdom: 8.9]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


Satisfied with my changes, I approached the place of death of the zombie to see if I dropped something, after a race of several seconds, I reached the area where I killed the mini-boss, once I arrived at the place I found a chest of copper instead.

Curious why I asked Ruby the reason for its appearance and why it is made of copper, to which she replied.

[Every time you kill a boss, a chest will appear in its place of death, and depending on the chest material it will give you more or fewer objects for example:

Wooden Chest: Gives you 4 items inside

Copper Chest: Gives you 6 items inside

Iron Chest: gives you 8 items inside

Silver Chest: gives you 10 items inside

Gold Chest: gives you 12 items inside

Platinum Chest: Gives you 14 items inside

Diamond Chest Gives you 16 items inside]

Nodding at his explanation, I approached the chest and opened it, praying to the gods of the Rng to give me some good things, once the glow of the chest was turned off I managed to see its objects inside.

[You have received Vial of potions x13]

[You have received Mana Core x6]

[You have received Iron Ingot x 12]

[You have received Leather Armor]

[You have received 300 system points]

[You have received Diamond]

A little disappointed by the objects inside, I shook my head to shake off this disappointment, once I took the things inside the chest disappeared, checking the time I went around the place in search of wooden chests.


After exploring the boss area in search of the wooden chest, I managed to find 4, so leaving the dungeon, I sat on my bed and took out the chests 1 by 1 to order it in front of me.

Opening my first chest, hope good things came out.

[You have received a Rubik's Cube]

[You have received Vial of potions x 5]

[You have received Gold Ingot x3]

[You have received 10 system points]

Sighing at its content, I went on to the next one, keeping my hopes high.

[You have received Choker]

[You have received Book x7]

[You have received Mana Core x3]

[You Received Potion of Hp (Small) x1]

[You have received Diamond Book]

Reviewing the objects inside me, I was a bit confused with the last one, it was a book literally made of diamonds, shaking my head at this object, I threw [Observe] on the potion of Hp.


[Potion of Hp (Small)]

Description: A portion of Hp that heals 10% of the life of the one who drinks it


Closing the description tab, proceeding to the next chest, letting out a sigh before opening it, and waiting a few seconds, I opened it hoping for something good in this one.

[You have received Ganzua x 8]

[You have received 10 System points]

[You have received 1 Gacha Token]

[You Have Received Phone]

Resigning myself with the content inside, at least it has a down token, saving it for later, continuing with the last chest of the day.

[You have received a Crystal Heart (Large)]

[You have received 3 Gacha Token]

[You have received Apple of Vitality x4]

[You have received Fertility Flower x2]

Raising my arms high, I gave a little victory dance, after a few seconds of calming down I cast [Observe] on the objects inside.


[Crystal Heart (Large)]

Description: A Large Crystal Heart can increase Affection or Reputation by 30 points.


[Fertility Flower]

Description: A flower that can increase the fertility of you taking it by 20%, it can be used in alchemy.


[Apple of Vitality]

Description: An apple full of vitality, can recover 1,000 hp when eaten


Satisfied with the things in this chest, I continued to use my 4 porridge tokens, so opening my inventory and using the first one I waited for the wheel to stop.

[You Have Received Honey x 7]

Disappointed with the result, I moved on to the next tab in my inventory.

[You have received Crown]

Checking the crown in my hand that had several gems, I noticed that the base material of the crown was diamond and the gems were Ruby, Emerald, and others, keeping the crown in my inventory I continued with the Gacha token.

[You have received Sentry Serum]

Curious about this serum, cast [Observe] on it to see the benefits of using it.


[Sentry Serum]

Description: A serum from a universe full of chaos and death, it has been modified by the game to suit the latter.

Effect: Gives an x50 increase to all stats except luck


Shocked by the item in my hands I almost dropped it with excitement, saving the item in my inventory for when I have the stats in the thousands, use it to take a qualitative leap.

With a smile on my face that I couldn't remove, I used the last Down Token already satisfied with the previous item.

[Potion of Hp (Medium) x5]

Satisfied with today's results, I left my room to meet with Mr. Yoshimura, leaving the room I went to the door, taking my key from the inventory I opened the door.

Once outside I locked it again and began my walk to Anteiku, after a few minutes of walking I managed to reach Anteiku, checking the time I noticed that I arrived just in time.

Approaching Anteiku I noticed a figure outside waiting for me, so with a quick trot, I managed to get in front of the figure that was Yoshimura.

Once near him, I said "I'm sorry Mr. Yoshimura, I was a bit busy" passing my hand over my head I said that to Yoshimura, who, giving a sympathetic smile, said "Okay, the important thing is that you arrived" a Having said that, he heads towards the entrance of Anteiku.

Being at Anteiku's door, he directs his gaze towards me and I wonder

"Are you following me?" to which I nodded and followed him inside Anteiku, inside Anteiku I managed to see several people inside which were Touka, the man with the pompadour and round nose, the woman with black hair and finally a man with a strong complexion. with gleaming silver hair and a black coat.

After noticing that I finished observing the people in front of me, Yoshimura said "Let me introduce you to the Anteiku members" finishing saying that gave a kind smile on his face towards me.


Author's Note: If the sentry serum is very op, please let me know for changes, and if you are wondering if I gave it to you, the answer is no, I was just very lucky.