
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Presentatión: Unknown Boy

"Let me introduce you to the members of Anteiku," Yoshimura said after seeing that he finished observing all the people present, so nodding to his words he guided his hand towards the man with the pompadour and round nose.

"He is Enji Koma, an old friend, and full-time bartender from Anteiku and as you may notice a ghoul too"

"Nice to meet you! You can call me Enji, I hope to see you more around here" observing his cheerful and friendly presentation, I returned the handshake, nodding at our greeting Yoshimura continued with the next person, which was the black-haired woman.

"This is Kaya Irimi, an old friend and full-time waitress" nodding at her introduction Kaya said in a soft tone "Nice to meet you" returning the words, we continue with the next person on the list.

"This is Touka Kirishima, part-time waitress", nodding to his words, I said "Nice to meet you" to which he returned it "Same" after that greeting he continued with the last person in the room.

"And last but not least, Renji Yomo an old friend and in charge of things behind the scenes of Anteiku" turning my gaze on the man I said "Nice to meet you" to which he just nodded.

"And you already know me, you can call me Yoshimura, now you are only missing your young man", nodding to his words, I set my gaze on everyone and said "It's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Frank Evans, but you can call me Frank" after my presentation, Yoshimura started telling me about Anteiku's goal, which is to help ghoul especially those who can't hunt by themselves, which I asked him.

"Where do you get the meat from?"

"Of people who commit suicide and accidents"

It was what Yoshimura answered me, so after those questions and other varied ones he asked me a very special question, which was if I could join them to help the ghoul who cannot feed themselves, so after thinking about it a bit. little accept his proposal.

"I accept, but I have a question, do I have to work as a waiter?" to which, letting out a small laugh, Yoshimura answered me.

"Welcome and no, you don't have to work as a waiter, you can also help Renji look for the meat of suicidal people" nodding to his words I continued talking to the Anteiku members, after a few hours I got up from my seat and went towards the door, so turning to them I said.

"It was fun talking to you, but now I have to go, see you tomorrow" ending my words with a greeting, the Anteiku members said goodbye to me.

"Hope to see you tomorrow Frank-san," Enji said as he waved to me.

"Have a good night Frank-san" Yoshimura said with a kind smile on his face.

"Good night Frank-san," Kaya said.

"Bye," Touka said as he climbed the ladder.

And the last one was Renji who said goodbye with a nod, leaving Anteiku I checked my surroundings, not noticing anything strange I used [Ki Detection] around 100m from me, so I continued with my night walk towards my house.

[You have gained 18 Affection with Kaya]

[You have gained 18 Reputation with Renji]

[Gained 18 Reputation with Enji]

[You have gained 22 Reputation with Yoshimura]

While I was walking towards my house and a little far from Anteiku I detected with my [Ki Detection] a signature, so curious I approached the place, after a few minutes of walking I found the person which was a ghoul that was feeding.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the ghoul turned his gaze on me while he had a piece of meat in his hand, after observing me for a few seconds he spoke "Are you a ghoul?" to which I replied "Yes, I was just curious about the person who was making noise", nodding to my words, he pulled a piece of meat from the man and extended it to me on his arm, accepting the piece I said "Thank you" to what He replied, "It's nothing, ghoul-like us must take care of ourselves."

"Too bad, not many do that", nodding to my words, the man continued to devour the person on the ground, devouring the pieces of meat that the man was passing, just when I was about to leave a man with glasses and hazel hair walked slowly into the alley with a look of contempt on his face.

"Oi oi ! that makes garbage like you in my territory"

Observing the approaching man with a look of contempt on his face, I got up from the ground and said "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" Looking at him slightly, I turned my gaze to the nervous ghoul on the ground "Better get out of here" to which with a "Thank you" he ran off.

"Oi, who said you could go?" Finishing saying that the man activated his Kakugan and Kagune, observing their movements I also took out my Kagune and activated my Kakugan and blocked the man's attack.

"I said so, a problem?" With a frown, the man looked at me and said "It seems that you have not been taught to respect your elders" approaching me he spoke again "What if I give you your first lesson?".

"Try it, although I don't think you can do it", frowning even more the man said "We'll see that" once he finished saying that he ran towards me while his Kagune Bikaku protruded from his clothes, preparing me to wait for his blow.

"Take this!" Extending his Kagune around his leg and turning around, he kicked hard to attack me, so blocking with my Rinkaku I waited for his blow, once his Bikaku touched my Rinkaku he broke it easily, but without surprise, I took out my Ukaku which It was shaped like the wings of angels.

Watching his shocked face when he saw my Ukaku, a slight smile appeared on my face, so without missing this opportunity I condensed my kagune and threw his feathers towards the man.

[You have dealt 606 damage]

[You have dealt 606 damage]

[You've done ...]

[Have you… ..]

Observing how the feathers easily pierced his Kagune and body, I ran quickly towards him and took out my Rinkaku and went through the man's body causing him to vomit blood on my clothes, but without caring I grabbed his face and crushed him to the ground.

[You've dealt 21191 critical damage]

[You have done 2038 damage]

Looking at the figure full of holes in his body and a large one in his stomach, I shook my head and approached the man who had a spasm in his body, crouching down I said "You should not act superior to others, you do not know if they are strong or not "to which with all the force he could he said" G-go..to-the ... sh-shit! shaking my head I asked the man.

"You live near?" to which I did not receive any response, so I asked him again "Do you live nearby? You don't have to tell me your house or something similar, I just want to leave you nearby so that you can get cured"

"B-rot, I don't need your help, I can just leave here" shaking my head at his comment, I could only let out a sigh at that "Ok, I'll leave you here" getting up, I continued on my way to my house


[3rd Person]

[A few minutes ago]

[Somewhere in a building]

In a distant place of Frank's one-sided fight, we can observe the girl in bandages and dress with hood and ears, the girl now called the girl with bandages was watching with emotion Frank's fight against the hazel-haired man.

"Dress Noro, I told you she only has a Kakugan" emerging from the shadow behind her, the man in a purple robe and a blank mask with a toothy mouth just nodded at the girl's response.

"Although the double Kagune is a welcome surprise ~" moving her feet on the ledge of the building the girl spoke again "Now we just need to have it" watching Frank pierce his Rinkaku in the man's stomach, a smile growing in the girl while observing how calmly he made those movements.

"I'm going to try to contact him" suddenly speaking the man named Noro turned his gaze on the girl, who continued speaking "I want to talk to him, I want to meet him" releasing a laugh of excitement when imagining that the girl said one last thing "I want to have it "as he said those words a look full of madness and possession passed through the woman's gaze as she looked at Frank.


[Frank Evans]

On my walk home a game window suddenly appeared on my face, so I checked it while I kept walking.

[You have received 27 Affection with Eto for being more than I bargained for]

Shocked by the message from the game, I mentally asked Ruby ("Since when are messages like this appearing?") To which she just replied.

[Since yesterday]

Shaking my head at that, I ran my hand through my hair and said to Ruby in a whisper "Show me from now on all the notifications of earnings of affection and reputation"

[Fact Frank]

Nodding, I continued my walk, after a few minutes I arrived at my house, so taking my key I opened it and entered, closing the door again, I went to my room, lying down in my underwear, I closed my eyes to start my work in Anteiku.


Opening my eyes slightly after a night of action, I lazily moved my eyes around my room, as I roamed my room I felt movement under my sheet.

So lifting my sheet, I was surprised to find Rize naked on top of me, letting out a sigh at that, I slightly moved Rize's body to wake her up.

"Wake up Rize"

After a while of trying to wake her up, she finally opened her eyes, watching my face close to her, a smile appeared on Rize's face, letting out a sigh at that, I raised an eyebrow and asked her.

"Why are you in my room?"

"Do you have a problem with a pretty girl in your room?"

Sticking her chest and body even closer to my body, shaking my head at her attitude, I said "I have no problem if you were a normal girl, which you are not, so tell me, what do you want?"

"I want you to give me my appearance back"

Observing his serious face at his demand, I just nodded "Then let's get up" surprised that they accepted easily and said "Are you going to give it back to me just like that?" to which I replied "Sure, you will be in my house most of the time, I see no problem in having your original appearance inside the house" to which she only responded by hugging me and sticking to my body and saying "So take this as pay"

"If you say it"

Hugging Rize's body and placing my hand on her butt, we spent a while like this until I picked her up, because I had to go to Anteiku, taking Rize in a princess bag to the living room, I put her on the sofa and told her.

"I'll be working in the cafeteria where we met" to which she raised an eyebrow and said.

"You know they are ghouls, right?" to which I just gave him a blank look and said.

"Of course"

After that talk I sat on the couch as she sat on my lap, placing my hands on her butt, I let her start biting my shoulder, while Rize was devouring my shoulder with a satisfied face and a growing blush on her face thanks to my meat and playing with his butt.

I was thinking of using the [Crystal Heart (Large)] to increase Eto's affection before he reached 50 because if he reaches 50 he will no longer be able to use [Crystal Heart] of any kind.

While I was pensive, a moan from Rize took me out of my thoughts, so turning my gaze on her I asked her "Are you so excited that I play with you while you eat my meat?" to which she only responded with a laugh and a sensual smile and saying "It seems I discovered a new fetish, aren't you glad I discovered it with you?"

"I would be lying if I said no"

"See? Now keep playing with my ass"

To which he continued to devour my shoulder even more fiercely, to which I began to play with his butt more roughly in response to his ravenous appetite growing on my flesh.

[You have gained 15 Affection with Rize]

Reading the notification out of the corner of my shoulder, I just shook my head and continued to enjoy Rize's body while she enjoyed mine.