
My life, and You..

Ellena is an orphan. She stayed in a small orphanage in the countryside for 18 years till the high school graduation. After that she moved to the city and has been working as an administrative officer since then. There's nothing worth mentioning about her life except for one day she suddenly transmigrated to a distant place where magic and myth, past and present entangled together sucking in her body and soul. *** This is my first novel, please be kind as English isn't my native language :) Credit to the owner of the picture.

Azure_Phoen1x · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I woke up feeling extremely tired this morning, since I can't even close my eyes let alone sleeping. This kind of routine is starting to get me really bored to the core. Just sleep, eat, work, repeat. I don't know if this is actually a normal way to live. But no, I can't do this anymore. In my 30 years, after working for exactly 12 year since high school graduation, I'm determined to quit my job, and start the journey to wonder around the world. I guess my saving is enough for me to be a jobless person for at least one year.

It took me only 40 mins to get ready for work, like usual I drove my old car to my office. I'm glad it's still function just fine despite being used for years. Fyi, I am just an average office girl with enough salary to get through the month before another paycheck arrive in my bank account. I can't afford to buy a new car or at least having a decent one to use. Heck, I can't even continue my education since I'm busy collecting enough money to fill my stomach and have a place to sleep.

"Ellena! Good Morning. How you doin' today?" Lisa my office mate always greet me everyday if we coincidentally meet at the hallway as I walk my tired legs toward my desk. I don't actually have someone close here, we just casually greet each other or having lunch together since we work at the same place. I am not an introvert or extrovert to be precise, I don't also have physical nor mental problem that makes me have less friends. I make friends, I just don't consider them close enough to have a deep talk or sharing some secret.

"Morning to you too. I'm good, how bout' you?" As always, my answer was also same. We walk side by side and she casually responding back to me, a little chit chat here and there until we reach our destination. But instead to my desk, today I go directly to the manager office to give her my resignation letter. Since it's still early in the morning, she is not in her office yet, so I just go back to my desk and wait for the outcome.

Exactly at 8 o'clock I see her entering her office and close it. Actually I'm feeling a lil' bit nervous, I've been working here for quite a long time, so I can't really imagine how she will react to my resignation letter that came out of the blue.

Meanwhile I'm busy contemplating on what to do after quitting my job, she opened her office and called my name, "Ellena Raelynn Shira," "Yes Ma'am," I immediately walked towards her office whilst feeling kind of weird hearing my full name being called. Funny, I'm an orphan to begin with. I don't know who my parents are, my ancestors, or where exactly my roots came from. What's the need of having a full name. I don't even know who gave me that name, maybe the head mistrees in the orphanage, I'm not sure.

"Is this true your resignation letter?" She asked me directly once we both seated inside her office facing each other.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm sorry it may feels somewhat rushed..."

"Just give me a proper explanation," she cut me midway.

"Umm, truthfully I just wanted to go travel for a year. I've been stuck here almost all my life, so maybe it's time for me to take a break, relax, or looking around here and there then set up a new resolution before doing anything in particular." I answer her honestly.

"Are you serious, you can just take a year off. We can still provide you with that. You've been working here for 12 years, and never even a single day taking any leave beside your usual day off. It's normal if you get bored, you are a well-known hardworking woman. Please reconsider your decision." I guess it's not so easy to get out of here unscathed.

"No Ma'am, I'm sorry I don't think I can go back working here even after a year. I'm planning to get married and having lots of kids. So maybe, I just switch my profession to become a dutiful housewife," If the honest answer doesn't work, I can just give her a made up one.

"Really? But I heard you don't even have a boyfriend, let alone getting married," she smirked. Ughh what a cruel truth. "Alright, I was just kidding," she wave her hand seeing my red face. "If you say so then I can't hold you here. So when exactly do you want to quit? I can give you 1 or 2 weeks to finish your remaining job before handing it to other."

"Actually I had finished all the remaining job last week before I gave you my resignation letter today. So I hope.. ,"

"You mean you want to quit right this instant?" She look at me with shock and disbelief written in her face. I can't blame her, it may seems too sudden. But I've been thinking about it even years earlier than she can imagine. I just don't have the courage to do the deed untill this morning.

"Yes Ma'am. I apologise if it's too abrupt. But I really have to stop working as of today. Because I already booked a flight this afternoon to go abroad."