
My life, and You..

Ellena is an orphan. She stayed in a small orphanage in the countryside for 18 years till the high school graduation. After that she moved to the city and has been working as an administrative officer since then. There's nothing worth mentioning about her life except for one day she suddenly transmigrated to a distant place where magic and myth, past and present entangled together sucking in her body and soul. *** This is my first novel, please be kind as English isn't my native language :) Credit to the owner of the picture.

Azure_Phoen1x · Fantasy
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Do Not Belong Here

I can't believe I need to made up so many excuses to get out safely from her office. Especially about having a flight this afternoon. I did it to avoid attending a farewell party she sure gonna make one for me. She always organize it to each of her subordinates who decided to stop working. No reason, I just need a good sleep tonight, due to the fact that I was busy packed all my belongings yesterday night. I'm tired as hell.

Arriving at my appartment this hour in weekdays seems a little out of place, usually I was always stuck in my office working my ass off. But not today. And I'm glad I made the right decision. I feel so free, excited and nervous at the same time. Whatever my life would be from now on, first thing first, let's get some sleep.


Meanwhile in another world

A black haired man with piercing blue eyes sitting leisurely holding a glass of wine facing his trusted aide inside his secret chamber with gold plastered everywhere. The gold interior makes the room look majestic regardless of it small size fitting only 5 or 7 people.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, you must attend this ceremony," He suggested.

"What ceremony do you mean I should attend? I don't recall having one. Please don't put unnecessary thing in my schedule, you know I'm a busy man," The man rejected the invitation purposely. He actually knows what kind of ceremony the temple is holding every ten year. He just doesn't feel the need to attend those stupid fairy tale people create in desperation moment.

"I am 10 times a lot busier than you, Your Majesty, since you delegated almost your half duties to the poor me. But let's put that aside. Your throne is in crisis, the majority of people don't trust you given that you ascend to the throne by killing all the imperial family members leaving none but yourself. You are being called a tyranny, people afraid of you rather than respect you. The empire is in danger of having no heir since you are not interested in any woman to begin with. The list are still long, I don't have time to tell you one by one," He told the black haired man those long answer in one breath while looking so damn irritated.

"So do you think by showing off my face could dramatically boost my reputation?" He chuckled. "People can assume what they want, I'm merely doing my job as the emperor. You know the reason I killed my family was to avoid unwanted rebbellion in the future because my father screwed so many women resulting in hundreds children. I was the crown prince in the first place. So it's just natural for me to take the throne and do what I deem necessary. As for an heir, I can just pick anyone worth the job. I've met so many disgusted women my dad brought in to the palace, I don't feel like having one near me." He defends himself. Unbelievable, what kind of emperor having to defend himself in front of his subordinate. Shouldn't it be the opposite? He thought on giving him another sleepless night afterwards.

"You are right, showing your face wouldn't change anything though," He mumbled, well aware of the annoyed face in front of him. "But She can. People still put their believe and hope in that prophecy."

Hearing this, the emperor couldn't help but laughing out loud. His body shook, there were a few tears in the corners of his eyes. He can't comprehend how the white haired man before the very eyes of him still believe in children story.

"Let me ask you something, how old is the prophecy?"

"Currently over a thousand years old."

"In that thousand years old, how many times has the temple held a welcoming ceremony?"

"Currently over one hundred times."

"In those one hundred times, did the red-haired woman with golden eyes described in the prophecy ever appear?"

"Never even once, but she might today," He insisted looking straight to his cold blue eyes.


I woke up around 2 p.m, after ordering some take out I'm checking my apartment once again. I already gave almost all my household appliances to my neighbors, like some electronics and accessories. Since I don't know how long my trip will last, it's safe to stop renting this place. I will only bring a suitcase and a sling bag. I didn't lie though, I do have a flight to go abroad, but it's tomorrow morning.

Walking toward the windows, I look down to the busy street outside the apartment building. I stand there while questioning my self seeing that I don't have attachment feeling to any of the places I've been with or the people I've met. This is weird, it's like I don't belong here in the first place. I spent my childhood and adolescence in the orphanage, but nothing and none leave any memories or impression worth remembering. And then 12 years here working, yet no close friend at all. None looks surprised when I told them that I quit the job today, except for my manager, it was like they know it would happen someday, that "me" suddenly leaving is already expected. I kinda feel sad, maybe because I'm an orphan so I don't belong anywhere. Even my parents doesn't want me though.