
Whose To Be Trusted

That day Stella had to leave her apartment and leave for Benicia, USA, on her way she saw a man dressed like a person she encountered at the bar, she watched the person from a close rage as she locked her door and waited for a taxi, the man standing two blocks away started walking slowly towards her direction, Stella was very nervous and she immediately brought out her phone and pretended she was trying to contact someone, the stranger whose face was still covered walked pass her. A watchful person could sense the sign of relief on the face of Stella as she observed the person walk past her back slowly. The flight to Benicia was a success but she still had no idea about the relocation, why was she relocating?, was Samuel also in Benicia city of USA? Was it a trap? Many questions were running through the head of Stella as she got to Benicia Local Aviation airport. A man dressed in a black coat approached her, she was frightened because every man who had approached her that day had been putting on black, it felt as if she didn't want to see the colour (black) again, just as she was about to call Samuel to confirm if she should follow the man standing by her, a mail entered her phone from an unknown Email account, the Email showed photos and description of the man standing next to her. Everything looked like a plan work to her, was Samuel close by? no one could tell, these times Stella had two instincts within her, whether to follow the man or go to the nearest police station and wait for Samuel to come to pick her up. But after looking at the bright picture she knew that going to the nearest police station was a waste of time since she was new there. She had no evidence of someone after her life, she handed over her handy bag to the man, while the man led the way to a Fold car parked in front of the airport. 

 Samuel got to see Stella after months of being separated, everywhere was bright, and it felt like she was in heaven, computers and Analyst were also on motion at the place, "I am happy to see you again, I have been on the hideout now, something crazy is going on out there, I have been monitoring all your movements from here just to ensure you are safe. you know I'm not going to leave you to fight alone" Samuel said as he hugged Stella and made her settle in. 

 One of Samuel's best friends at that moment was Kalam, Kalma was a computer Analyst and a CSA( Central Security Agency), Kalma helped with tracking of every step and action Stella made while she was back at her place, Stella told Samuel about the incidence that happened back at the deserted building and she said she also observe the person wasn't working alone. She further explained that Patrick one of Peter best best friends would be involved because she recognised his voice at the building, Kalma and his fellow analyst started keeping track of Patrick, it was easy to hack into Patrick's phone since Stella had his number and also's of others related to him. 

 Benicia was a great place to explore, and a great visiting place for tourists, who would visit Benicia and wouldn't want to visit the parks, museums, cinemas and other recreational places. Since the state was a very big place, Samuel and Stella would always visit the park every night. Although they weren't allowed to walk during the day because of their safety, even though it wasn't safe at night Samuel would always make an excuse to leave and later on, Stella would take excuse to join him at the park. These events continued for two months and all was going well, the track on Partick was still ongoing, and Samuel and Stella felt safe for the first time, but the truth is would it be so easy to find peace in an unknown place where they're isolated from everyone they love. 

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