
I Met An Old Friend

stella hid herself in the corner until both men were out of the building, she called Samuel but his number was going through so she called one of her friends she felt she could trust. She did not want to get the police involved until she had gathered her fact and she has enough evidence to charge Patrick, but the mystery was who was the second person, she had online their conversation and that was how she was able to recognize Patrick's voice, but the other person said nothing but she knew they were two of them because a person can't be talking to himself when he's not mad. she wanted to know why Patrick of all people would be haunting her, she went to Samuel's house to inform him, but the maids said he left the house early in the morning, Stella couldn't believe her ears. " so he left after all, I knew he was a selfish idiot " she soliloquized to herself and left the apartment. 

 Patrick sent another note to Stella, this time she wasn't freaked out because she now knew where the notes and package were coming from, she picked up the note and went through what was inside and kept it in her closet, Stella never stopped calling Samuel, she kept on trying just in case he picks the call. After three months of trying to get in touch with Samuel, Stella stopped trying and waited to see if Samuel would call back, the calls were ringing but nobody was responding to the calls. 

 one day a strange number called Stella, she was scared to pick up the call because she felt it could be Patrick or his assistant, but she remembered that Samuel hadn't been picking up his call either and he could be the one calling her back finally, she picked the call but to her surprise, the voice she heard was that of a joker, the voice sounded indistinctive that she could notice how loud the voices sounded in the background. Stella was gripped was fear and she immediately hung up the call, she was in shock and panic for the rest of that day. later during the night that same day she received a call from another strange number, this time she did not pick up the call she just left the house and went to a bar to get a drink. At the bar she ordered for a bottle of whiskey and exist to an isolated area in the bar, she popped her whiskey and had about three glasses, just as she was about to pour the fourth one into her glass a man appeared in front of her, she was terrified, the bottle she had dripped from her hands and you would be able to observe the fear she had in her. the man was putting on a thick fabric sweater that had a face cover, " please I need my privacy, excuse me" she said with so much fear, 

 " are you avoiding me" Andrew asked, as he uncovered his face. There was a sign of relief on their face of Stella, she thought the person was a bloody haunting assassin sent to get rid of her, "I thought you were someone else " she said as she tried to clean the mess she made. 

 "I had want happen, am sorry"

 "It's okay, we are coping, at least it has been a while since I had from the person sending those notes "

 " so what do you have on the person, I could tell a friend of a while to help out on the investigation"

" Well I know he isn't working alone " 

 " and how sure are you?", Andrew asked with an isolated voice filled with mischief 

 Stella couldn't see their conversation going anywhere because the last time she checked Andrew never wanted her and Samuel's happiness

 "Why do you care so much about the case?"

 Andrew wasn't so dum-witted he knew that Stella knew about his past and how he treated Samuel, and for him to have shown his face then she would want to suspect him, so he acted as if he wasn't still cool with Samuel, he had to pretend like he hasn't settled with Samuel so Stella doesn't have much reason to suspect him, 

 "I just want to be sure my worst enemy wasn't making progress, and I pray the person behind it succeeds in his plans"

 Stella asked Andrew to leave but he refused, claiming that it was a free world. Stella had to leave the place and she went home, she checked her phone before she slept and saw twenty-three missed calls from the second number that called, what could be the person's problem she muttered to herself, so she called the number back, it rang for about three minutes before the person picked it, 

 "is this Stella speaking ?" a lady from the other end asked 

 "Who are you, and what do you want from me? why have you been calling this number ?"

" a man here wants to talk to you," she said and handed the phone over to Samuel

 " Hey, it's me, Samuel, don't be scared "

 " am scared of you already, how could you leave without saying a word, it's now more than three months " 

 "I can explain, but firstly can you do me a favor....?"