
Good Things Don't Last Long

Months passed and the two were closer than ever before, Stella always pay Samuel a visit almost every week and Peter would always have to excuse them both, " what are the both of you always doing that you guys don't always want me around whenever she's around " asked Peter, Samuel was surprised at the question because Peter was the one who would always excuse the both of them when they were still friends, now its the same peter who is asking questions. If we remember fully well the two had a lot in common, also playing of basketball. Samuel career was going well that he was one of the best in his team, he always score who points than any other player, no one ever beats his point in any matches or tournaments. one day Samuel's team coach, coach Mc Ederson was one of the best coach who take sport as is own business, if you're able to impress coach Mc Ederson then you should count yourself a lucky player, he just doesn't invest his time he also invest is money, dedication, and wisdom. Basketball was one of the few sports he's into, Samuel and Peter were lucky enough to be in that list. One day a scout from the Philippines called coach Mc Ederson that he needed a very good basketball player, Mc Ederson went through his list of his best basketball player and picked, Samuel, Peter, Simeon ,Bruno , Mikel, Matthew and Pope. This were the selected players to try out these scouting program tournament, the man from Philippine gave Mc Ederson some money to transport the seven player down to philippine. Before the journey Samuel called Stella to inform her about his trip to philippine, but Stella was not in support of Samuel going to Philippine because she was scared of him been chosen and he won't come back, 

Samuel pleaded with her but she insisted, on the d-day the coach called Samuel if he was coming, this time Stella stayed with Samuel for four good days just to monitor his movement. By the time Mc Ederson was calling him, Stella was seated beside him, he told his coach to hang on that he has somethings to settle back at home before he travel, they waited for two hours without a word from Samuel, Peter tried calling him but he wasn't picking his calls, the coach got tried of waiting and Samuel was replaced with a guy called walker. Samuel kept begging Stella to release him even though he wasn't chained or locked indoor, he had just two options to chose between love and basketball, without the knowledge that his coach already left with the other players, Samuel picked up his bag and left Stella in the room, he stopped a taxi hopped in and hurry down to the airport, the security stop him to confirm what he wanted at the airport, he claimed he was one of the player going for a trial at Philippine, the security told him that the flight already left, but Samuel refused to accept. He struggled his way into the counter just for him to behold the flight was just leaving, he rushed out and tried to chase the plane, some security men went after him to stop him. Although Samuel was a fast runner but he wasn't as fast than a plane, he was later caught by the security men and they threw him out of the airport. 

   By the time Samuel got home Stella already left with all her things both the ones that she asked Samuel to look after for her, Samuel sat down and picked his phone to call Peter but the call wasn't connecting, Samuel became very depressed to the extent that he spent a whole day at the same spot without realising it, they was no one to look out for him both Peter and Stella were gone. Stella already felt that Samuel traveled and Samuel thought Stella doesn't want to have anything to do with him because he left without her permission, 

After some days Samuel received a call from an unknown number and it was an international number, he picked the call and he did not recognise that it was the voice of Peter, " hey, how are you doing? " asked Peter, " am good, sorry who's speaking" Samuel was lost,

  Peter was surprise that is friend didn't recognise his voice " the person that would kidnap you before the end of this year " said Peter, this was a slag that Peter always like using whenever he calls someone and the person doesn't recognises his voice. They both talked for a very long time, Samuel was also able to explain why he missed his flight, Peter could not believe his ears that is friend went through such a thing and he did not say a word to him, but it was too late for any take back of actions. Peter kept updating Samuel on how the program was going and how each player were faring, Samuel was really disappointed at himself he lost the love of his life, and also a chance to make it to the top in his career. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Abikoye_Emmanuel_8creators' thoughts