
A Trip To Russia

Peter spent two at the Philippines, Samuel kept surviving on his own without Peter nor Stella, to be honest it wasn't easy but he knew that sometimes in life you just have to accept whatsoever life throws at you. After two weeks of Samuel been alone he heard a knock on the door and by the time he opened it he saw both Peter and Coach Mc Ederson, he was happy to see Peter but he was scared to see Mc Ederson, he helped Peter settle in and he offered Coach Mc Ederson a bottle of water, he could not look him directly in the eyes knowing what he did, he kept making excuses that would take him outdoor and he wont have to stay in the presence of his coach. Mc Ederson noticed the games that Samuel was playing and he doesn't have all day, the irrelevant excuses that Samuel kept making were very obvious that Peter was even surprise at is friend reaction. " what happened, why did you miss your flight" Coach Mc Ederson knew he had to break the silence and he went straight to asking Samuel what was the problem that made him miss the program, Samuel knew the excuse he had wasn't enough reason for him to have miss such a great opportunity but he had to tell Mc Ederson the truth but the only part he exempted was that he wasn't with Stella anymore, after the whole explanation Coach Mc Ederson was speechless because he also won't have known what to do in such a situation. Even him as a coach he asks for his wife permission before going on any trip, he has that fear of embarking on a trip without his partner permission, well even action has a tale and Mc Ederson isn't an exemption. Coach Mc Ederson's father was an international journalist who travel from one country to another, he was well known both home and away, Mr Lionel who is Mc Ederson father kept a very noble reputation and this made him won a lot of award. But Mr and Mrs Lionel had a fight one day about Mr Lionel going to Russian, she needed him to follow her to her father's burial but Mr Lionel wanted to go for an interview, he requested his wife to postpone the burial for another day, he even offered to pay for everything needed and what so ever she might have spent already

But Mrs Ederson refused to accept the offer, the following day Mr Lionel booked his flight for that night, but he was excepted to leave the following day but because of Mrs Lionel complaint he had to leave the house for her and Mc Ederson their only son. The flight to Russia was a successful one and also the burial was held on the same day and it was also a success. After the interview Mr Lionel was hooked up by the country's ambassador, he had to spend two more days just to honour the request of the ambassador 

 these time he forgot to inform his wife about the postponement of his arrival, he was lodge in one of the most classic hotel in the country, he also had dinner with the ambassador and other noble men of the country, he ate and drank to his fullest, he wasn't even able to carry himself to his room. The ambassador asked some guards to carry him down to is room, not knowing some other journalist who were present at the occupation saw this as a very good opportunity to set Mr Lionel up, since he was in a state of consciousness and he doesn't even know what he doing, the journalists paid one of the room attendant to naked Mr Lionel and just take a picture of them both on the bed, the instructions were simple her face doesn't have to reflect in the picture but that of Mr Lionel was the most important, Anabella who is one of the room attendant came to carry the cups they used in drinking, the journalist left a note in of the cups and signal her to read the note, Anabella who felt one of the journalist was into her was excited and she left the dining, when she got to the kitchen she open the small note and went through it ' we've a job for you in these hotel, you'll be amazed by the pay'

 She immediately threw the paper and washed it, she carried another glass of wine to the dining. The ambassador was surprise to see her bringing a glass of wine again, because when she left no one instructed her to give them another glass, she presented the glass to the same journalist who signal her to read the paper, before she left she step on his toe a little, the journalist took excuse from others just as Anabella was about to leave, they both left the dining together and they went to the bathroom. Negotiation of price wasn't a big deal because the journalist needed to terminate the reputation of Mr Lionel so others can also get a chance to shine, Anabella collected the journalist phone and went into Mr Lionel's room, she undressed him and also undress herself she took several pictures of the both of them together. Back at California Mrs Lionel was worried about her husband, she went to the airport to pick him but he did not show up, she and her son waited for hours to no avail, after spending the night without her husband she went to the airport the following day but still no positive outcome, on the third day when she got to the airport she observe how everywhere was scanty and some of the official were in the mood of panic, they were moving from one place to another it was like something bad was happening, she tried asking people around but their were also in the dark. She went home again that day, and this time she was really worried because she haven't had anything from her husband

 Little Mc Ederson could not interpret what is mother was going through all he could see was the worried face and her dull attitude, later on that same day she turned on the television, they were showing a breaking news of the flight coming from Russia to California, she immediately rush into her car with their son, she went to the venue said on the news. And this was how Mc Ederson lost is father at a tender age, all he has is pictures of him as memorial.

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