
My last days before hell

As people started to disappear and the heavens lit up there was people who stayed on earth because they never had a bond with God and they were living their last days on earth before going to hell and among these few people who stayed there was a particular boy and girl who never knew about each other but was both granted special powers and discover who they truly are. Would they end up in a relationship or become destructive foes?

Amy_Faurie · Others
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'Where am I ?' (Emmelyn's Pov)

I was on a flight,on my way to Tokyo to go visit my current boyfriend and suddenly saw the heavens shine brighter than ever before and sparkly things floating up towards heaven.I rubbed my eyes to see if what I'm seeing is real and when I took a closer look it seemed like people who were entering the heavens,soon everyone around me started to disappear as well except from a few people who was going crazy and started to pray.'What was these people praying for,or to whom?'

Then they mentioned their sins and started to apologize to someone they called God.

I wondered whom he was,of course I heard people talking about him and worship him but I never knew him.Honestly when I heard about how perfect he was and how much he loved each and one of us I felt weird.Such a perfection can't exist can it?

Unlike the others I wasn't scared or rushed away.I mean what would it help?I already accepted my fate for what it was.It wasn't as if I can perform a type of miracle.Whats meant to be will be and then a dark mist was seen and everything became blur to me,I fell into a black space,then in the middle of the universe looking at all the planets and the stars along with the sun and the moon's but then something was off,there seemed to be life on the other planets.

On earth humans believed that no other living being nor any form of life was able to survive one these planets but they all seemed to be full of life almost better than earth -well not almost since earth isn't what it used to be.

Then everything started to blurr again and I fell into a deep sleep.

It took me a long time to finally wake up and I don't know how long I was out for but when I wake up I felt dizzy,'where am I and why is it so soft?'but I was on a dark cloud.'Am I dreaming? 'the cloud disappeared and no one was to be seen except the crashed airplane and the corpses of the people in the plane.'How was I able to escape?'and she remembered that dream along with the cloud.

There was a lot to process but I stood up and walked along searching for any other people and when I looked over the hill it was a awful sight.Bodies were lying there,people were fighting and killing each other and there was men hitting on younger girls almost my age bullying them.I couldn't look any longer and stayed out of sight of others when a weird guy approached me as well,he was drunk and a woman was begging him to stop.

"What a nice skirt you have on,may I peek what's underneath?"he asked with a creepy smile.I swinged my body to the side and he fell over but when he fell over I landed a kick behind his ear enough to knock him out for a while.Yes,I used to do martial arts,kick boxing,karate and took self defence classes.

I quickly ran off to see if there might be a way to find out where I am and also a shelter to keep me safe,food and water.It also seemed like I'll have to get a few weapons for the way things are looking right now.

'Heyy ma'am,may I ask where I am right now?'I asked a old lady who seemed to be pretty friendly.'This is LA young miss,I see you're alone in this cold and also seemed to be lost,do you wanna stay for a night?'