
My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series

Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 21K Views
  • 45 Chs
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What is My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series

Read ‘My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series’ Online for Free, written by the author Emma_Stewart_6262, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering MAGIC Fiction, MYSTERY Light Novel, VAMPIRE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Having enough courage to run through the woods and away from the people who convinced me they were saving me was not how...


Having enough courage to run through the woods and away from the people who convinced me they were saving me was not how I believed I'd spend my day. Yet, there I went escaping from the only place I knew existed in the world. Being held captive was too much for me, especially when these people wouldn't tell me who they were or even who I was. The first moment in my life I recall very clearly. I awoke in a dark room, with recollection of everything that happened in the world except for one thing. I had no memory of myself existing, I didn't know where I was or why these men kept me from leaving. Days after I first woke I asked plenty of questions, and yet none of them were answered. The only thing I learned was that I was not allowed outside because the woods heald the most powerful magic on the planet, the most dangerous magic. It was more than just bad men and curiosity about the forest that got me to leave, it was a pull towards something; towards magic. Once I was in the forest turning back was never an option, so I put it in my head that I'd keep walking until I found a civilization or a nice paved road that would lead to safety. But that never happened because the forest has a force living through it. Believing that the forest held something strange was the easy part but experiencing it myself was something totally different. I didn't expect anything normal but I didn't expect to be completly engulfed into the forest. I was led by an unknown presence that made me truly believe it was a living being, and in fact it is. I was innocent then, but now I know that anything can be hidden under a small platform in the woods with a secret bigger than the world itself. I was given life that day, until it all ended months later; the day I took my last breath.

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Different kids crave different kinds of attention and affection.

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