
My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead.

The story is about a guy who died in his world and was given a second chance by a mysterious system that asked him to go to various worlds and become strong. Follow his journey as he travels collecting various powers at the same time while finding wives in that world. The Mc is a good person, If you like ruthless and evil Mc. You can skip this novel this isn't your thing. All characters appearing in this story don't belong to me, except Oc Ps: My English is a little bad and also I'm writing this for fun don't expect much from it. If you don't like you can leave

Jagadish_A_8390 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter-15: Escape to the Roof(1)

"So we are going to the roof?" asked Su-Hyeok asked with a questioning face


"Yes, if the military is going to send a chopper to get us," said Hiroki


"Why are you so sure? " asked Chenog-san


"Because I have the thing that they needed," said Hiroki with a smirk . Previously he was not sure how to contact the army but now with his new skill contacting them is a piece of cake. Now all he needs to do is go to the roof and contact the army and all his work in this world is done. He doesn't need to kill 5,000 zombies the Anti-virus can do that.


Even though there will be some problems with the Army, he has no other option than to follow the Army. He also has to borrow something from the Army. He doesn't know what the next world is so he has to prepare something for the next world such as Weapons, Gold and other things.


He was lucky because this world is a zombie world so there was no need for anything. As for the next world if it was like Naruto and One Piece and other places where there was no technology he had to prepare some gold to survive in that world.


He also has to prepare some weapons, even though he has swordsmanship skills it was only used for closed combat skills. So he has to collect at least some guns for long-range attacks.


And he also wanted to try his new skill to make some new weapons. So for his future plans, he has to go to the army to borrow some weapons.



"So you are leaving?"


"Yes, I'm going. Whether you guys follow me or stay here you can decide."


"Now decide either stay here or come with me " said Hiroki looking at the people with interest in what decision they were going to make.


"I can guarantee that following me is better than staying here " said Hiroki looking at them. He can be sure these people can't resist the idea of escaping from here. Even though he told them that this crisis would soon be solved.


He can't be sure that others will believe it. They would rather take a risk to escape than be trapped by zombies.



"Well raise your hands if you want to follow me."


Nam-ra immediately raised her hand when she heard this. Seeing this Su- Hyrok also raised his hand and others also raised their hands.


"Good you will not regret this decision " said Hiroki with a confident face.


"Now prepare and try to cover your hands and next with something so that you will not accidentally get bitten " said Hiroki. There is nothing wrong with taking precautions.


Hearing this others started their work covering their arms and necks with thick papers and tapping them.


"Why don't you also cover yourself?" asked Hiroki looking at Nam-ra who was sitting beside him. She was calm, unlike the others.


"You will protect me don't you?" asked Nam-ra with a smile.


"Well yes," said Hiroki as he tilted his head not understanding where her confidence came from. She doesn't even know him that much how can she trust him with her life? Then he remembered his mother's words "Hiro you can't understand a girl's heart, it is like searching for a needle in a haystack "




"Hey don't you think Prez is smiling too much?" asked Min-jin looking at Hiroki and Nam-ra. The atmosphere around them seemed to be like a couple in love.


"Yeah, it is the first time I saw her smiling," said On-jo with some surprise ,as long as she remembered prez always used to be alone and moody and didn't like to talk to others.


"Do you think she fell in love with him? "


"I think so too," said On-jo looking at Nam-ra and Hiroki. She felt Nam-ra's way of looking was just like how she looked at Su-Hyeok.


"I have to say Prez has good taste. He is handsome and seems reliable compared to other boys," said Min-ji looking at the other boys.


At the same time, Su-Hyeok also looked at them with a sad expression. He had a secret crush on Nam-ra, but now it seems it will be a secret forever. But he can only blame himself for this.


"Su-Hyeok what are you doing hurry up, why are you in daze ? " asked Wu-jin as he saw Su-Hyeok's listless look.


"Nothing" said Su-hyeok as he stopped looking at them.


After 10 minutes,


The sun was about to go down, darkness began to cover the city and the roars of zombies became low.


At school, the movements of the zombies became sluggish because they couldn't clearly see at night. Because there was no sound the zombies wandered slowly around the corridors and in rooms and grounds. For a moment the entire school was surrounded by eerie silence.



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