
My Journey in other worlds starting from the world All of us are dead.

The story is about a guy who died in his world and was given a second chance by a mysterious system that asked him to go to various worlds and become strong. Follow his journey as he travels collecting various powers at the same time while finding wives in that world. The Mc is a good person, If you like ruthless and evil Mc. You can skip this novel this isn't your thing. All characters appearing in this story don't belong to me, except Oc Ps: My English is a little bad and also I'm writing this for fun don't expect much from it. If you don't like you can leave

Jagadish_A_8390 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter-14: Technopath

Seeing the rewards, Hiroki's eyes gleamed with joy.


'Well let's roll the lottery, may the gods of all regions bless me'


'Now start the lottery'.


The lottery began to spin and finally, it stopped near Zanpakuto. Seeing this Hiroki was about to get excited, but the next second it stopped next to the spot of Zanpakuto.


[ You got Technopath (S) ]


[Descrption: A superpower that enables the user to control all electronic appliances and technology you can control them like a part of your body, It can also integrate various technological weapons and you can fuse them create them update them, You will be a god of technology when you explore this skill potential.]


Seeing this Hiroki was a little disappointed. At the same time, a change happened in his mind and he was able to sense the electromagnetic waves around him and could communicate with them and control them. He also felt a surge of electric currents through his body and had a new type of power in his body.


'Well at least I got something practical instead of bad powers like the power of healing scarfing life force and many other trash skills '


'It also seems it's an overpowered skill in this modern world'.


'As long as I wish now it seems I can cause an entire economic collapse all over the world'.


'It also seems I can make some new weapons, well let's try after I borrow some weapons from the military' thought Hiroki with a sly smile as he thought of the military Arsenal he was going to steal ..no stealing is a wrong word, he is just borrowing them since he was going to give them anti-virus and help them solve the trouble.


At the same time, the announcement was finished,



"Hmm let's try my new ability by hacking into this broadcast room " said Hiroki as his eyes turned blue and he began to enter the line of the broadcast system. It all depends on your mental power. If your mental power is weak you have to touch the objects to access them. If your mental power is strong you can control them easily from anywhere.


Even though he gained an S-level skill, it all depends on the user if the user is not capable of using it to full power then he can only blame himself.


If the user is capable he can reach the full potential of the skill. So Hiroki also needs training now to fully master the skill.


'Connected '


"Hello, hello Mike testing testing " The speakers all made the same sound and all the students in the classroom looked at Hiroki in surprise because this was his voice. But they didn't see Hiroki opening his mouth. And also how was he able to do this without any equipment?




"Ah, it seems to be working."


"Now it's connected what should I say?"


"Nam-ra do you want to try? I don't think I'm suitable for this " said Hiroki looking at Nam-ra with his blue eyes. He really isn't suitable for this. He felt really awkward.


Seeing Hiroki's blue eyes, everyone was taken aback because they seemed to be glowing, They wanted to ask why his eyes were glowing.


But remembering Hiroki's previous attitude they suppressed their doubts. They wanted to save some face as they didn't want to make a fool of themselves again by asking questions and getting ignored again by Hiroki.


"What do you want me to say?" asked Nam-ra with a confused face. She also wanted to ask how Hiroki did it, but she chose not to ask. As for why, she thought it might be his secret.


"Nothing now I'm controlling the broadcast system, if you want something to say say it " said Hiroki looking at all of them.


"You how did you do that?" asked Gyeongju as he could no longer suppress his curiosity.


"Well, secret," said Hiroki with a smile.


"If you don't have anything to say I'm going to announce the thing I want to say."


"Wait, I have something to say," said Wu-jin as she thought of his sister.


"What do you want to say?" asked Hiroki


"I want to make an announcement for my sister " said Wu-jin


"Okay, next did anyone want any other announcements because after 1 hour we are going to move to the top of the building for rescue?" said Hiroki but no one responded.


"No one, then I'm going to say my thing and close the channel."


"But by the way what is your sister's name?" asked Hiroki although he knew her name, to not cause any doubts he just asked causally. He didn't want to be treated as a stalker.



"Ha-Ri " said Wu-jin


"Your name is "


" Wu-jin"


"Okay then."


"Attention all students and others who are alive in this school, a rescue helicopter is going to arrive before midnight."


"So I inform you to reach the roof safely and also Wu-Jin sister Ha-ri your brother is fine."


"So you can try to reach the roof before midnight or you can stay at the place where you are staying. The crisis may be solved after one day."


"So try not to go out and stay safe"


"And please survive," said Hiroki as he stopped his broadcast.


At the same time in a certain girl's bathroom on the ground floor.


"He is that your brother?" asked a girl who looked like a delinquent and this is none other than Mi-Jin.


"It seems like that," said Ha-ri who was wearing a white sports uniform with some doubt.


"So are we going to the roof?" asked Mi-jin


"Don't you want to leave this place?" asked Ha-ri with some doubt


"Don't you think it is safe to stay here until the rescue comes?" asked Jun-Seong the fat man with some fear.


"That is what they said in Braoscast, if we want to be safe we have to reach the roof asshole " cursed Mi-jin as she kicked Jun-seong's fat ass.


"They also said this situation was going to end," said Jun-Seong


"I don't believe it " said mi-jin


"I'm going to the roof to meet my brother. Who will come?" asked Ha-ri and the other three didn't raise any voices as if they agreed with her words.


"Well we will move once the surroundings become dark " said Ha-ri


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