
My Journey As A Demi-Human

Life was going well for Jay, but it didn't last for long. He was leaving behind his sister, his new life at school, and all those new friends he made, and most importantly, his manga and anime figurine collections. All to be lost in one instant... But then, he wakes up again, to find all that he cared about were safe, but he wasn't, wasn't human anymore. Join Jay as he figures out what the hell happened, and tries to adjust to human and demon society... as a half-human, half-demon. **SPOILER ALERT** This novel is awesome and a must-read! Even though the uploads might be a little, what's the word... all over the place, but if you're reading this synopsis, which I now know you are, please give this a try. Happy Reading :)

FlamingDJay · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 3: Don't think this will end well...

Then, there was a proxy period for our Biology class, so I was thinking of walking towards Alexandra (I probably should start calling her 'Alex', cause it is so time-consuming trying to write 'Alexandra') to tell her that I was free and I could show her around but before I could even get up from my chair, Alex quickly walked towards my chair and said, ''Hey! It's a free period, so would you care to show me around!'' I wanted to say no to her and pretend as if nothing happened, but you see, my conscience just doesn't allow me to do stuff like this, so I had to say yes!

"Yeah, just let me keep my books in the bag, cause you never know when a student's books might get stolen by other students for coping with their notes. Believe me, I've been there,'' We left the classroom and were walking in the passage on which the washrooms were located. ''So here is the girls' washroom. You don't need to know where is the boys' washroom cause you wouldn't be going in one, for sure.''

Alex looked around the girls' washroom and then peeped out of the door and said, ''Have you ever considered coming here, in the girls' washroom?'' ''Yes...I mean, what sort of question is that!" She started giggling and suggested to show her the playground. It was uncanny that a 14-year-old would like to see the kids' playground. Also for the fact that the playground looks deserted and has cobwebs everywhere. Eww... I hate spiders!

When we arrived, she asked, ''Who all do you live with at home,'' ''Ummm...it's just me and my little sis, Lavender,'' I replied, perplexed at why she's asking me such questions. ''What about your parents? Where are they?'' Alex asked, in a tone like, 'I know what happened to your parents, but I would just love to see you get emotional and stuff'.

''My parents...they died in a car accident,'' I said. ''Oh, so that's what they told you, a car accident, eh! Well, what would you say if I said that your parents didn't die due to a car accident,'' she blurted out, most likely not knowing that this made me burst with curiosity. Before I could even get a word out, Alex said, ''Tonight, 8:00 P.M, at your house. I'll explain everything to both you and your sister,'' She said and ran back to the class, leaving an astonished and bewildered me behind.

Then, during lunch, I discussed the ''Alex knows about 'that' incident matter with Lavender and the only reply I got from her is, ''I told you that I saw you die! But you didn't listen, did you? Now there's a spooky girl behind you,'' and when I told that Alex would be visiting tonight, Lavender's face was filled with pure shock and rage, and then, she snapped, ''Seriously! First, you meet a spooky girl, and then the next thing you do is invite her to your house. At least I would have expected this if you were younger than me, but you're 2 years older than me, which changes the circumstance around-'' and more blah-blah-blah from her side.

"Jay, over here! We need you for something,'' Dan yelled, from the opposite side of the cafeteria. I and Lavender walked towards Dan and some other students were waiting, with a sound recorder, camera, pen, paper, and a writing pad. ''Hey...so why am I here? Any special reason, cause there better be!'' and then a girl with blond hair and a long, long ponytail and unusual cyan colored eyes, walked towards me and said, ''Hi Jay, my name is Rebecca Ross, but everyone calls me Becca. I'm going to take your interview,'' and looks at Lavender and says, ''Sorry, children aren't allowed.'' "Oh, come on!'' Lavender said and walked away furiously. ''Anyways, why this interview?'' I asked. ''It's a secret!'' Becca said and led me to a chair.

''Hello everyone, this is your interviewer, Rebecca Ross, here with another new student, Jay. Ok, Jay here's your first question: What do you think of this institution? Is it nice?" "Yeah, I love the institution and the area a lot. There is greenery everywhere and-'' ''Ok I get the blah-blah-blah, now it's time to get serious!'' Oh crap. I don't think this will end well! Why am I giving this interview? ''Umm...what do you mean by 'serious'!''

"Do you have a girlfriend?'' Becca asked. ''No, but I had some in the past- wait for a second, why am I answering you? And why are you asking-'' ''Whatever! Next: Have you ever kissed a girl?'' "No...unless you count saving a drowning girl?'' I said. But I don't count mouth-to-mouth respiration as a kiss! ''Ok everybody, this is the question you've all been anticipating for,'' Oh no no no! Please no! Becca slowly asked, "Are you a virgin?'' ''Yes, sadly!'' I blurted out. (Another fun fact about me, I'm a jerk, an impatient jerk, and also kinda too straightforward, and sometimes I regret it) Holy mother, what's wrong with me! ''Umm...I mean...argh!'' I burst out!

''Well, that's it. You did great,'' Dan said, as we walked away from the site.''Nevertheless, I wanted to show you that footage, remember? The footage of the 'incident'!'' Dan said. He pulled out his video camera and started the footage. It showed the road that we were on and it also showed the world around turn dark red. It showed the entire scene where I was ripped to shreds and when that mysterious girl( which I now suspect to be Alex)came to save me and, I quote ' sliced the daylights out of the creature'( Yeah yeah, I quote myself. It's not a big deal). "So... what did you want to show me? Just the footage or something else?"

He looked at me and said, "First thing's first, let's look at the boy who got ripped to shreds," and I already started shiting bricks in my pants. I don't know what has happened to me or how am I alive? If he comes to know that I should be dead and starts asking questions, who's gonna answer him. Perhaps he can accompany me to the "Alex seminar" back at my place."The boy has a figure like you when you came to school yesterday but now, you have a built body out of nowhere. So... would you care to explain?" Oh crap! I forgot about that madcap body of mine, but I feel embarrassed more cause I thought no one would notice, and evidently, I was wrong.

"Well... I'll tell you this is all somehow connected to that incident. Look, man, I have no answers for your questions, heck I have no answers for my own questions. So... how am I supposed to answer yours?" When I finally came out of my thoughts that were dancing in my mind, I looked over to Dan if he had something to say.

"I don't know what situation you're in, but if you need any help, I'll be there. Also because I am a tinsy-minsy bit curious towards your buff body. So go ahead and tell me your secret. Don't be shy, take your own time. Your buff-body secret is in safe hands." he said comically. "Ok then, how about I invite you over to my place and then we discover the mystery of the buff-body?" I replied and started packing up my tiffin.