
My Journey As A Demi-Human

Life was going well for Jay, but it didn't last for long. He was leaving behind his sister, his new life at school, and all those new friends he made, and most importantly, his manga and anime figurine collections. All to be lost in one instant... But then, he wakes up again, to find all that he cared about were safe, but he wasn't, wasn't human anymore. Join Jay as he figures out what the hell happened, and tries to adjust to human and demon society... as a half-human, half-demon. **SPOILER ALERT** This novel is awesome and a must-read! Even though the uploads might be a little, what's the word... all over the place, but if you're reading this synopsis, which I now know you are, please give this a try. Happy Reading :)

FlamingDJay · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 4: The truth behind the resurrection (and the buff-body mystery)!

After school, Lavender, Dan, and I paced forward, towards my house. We mounted up on our cycles and exhaled. "Ready everyone? Let's explore this mystery together!" I said and rode our cycles as fast as motorcycles. With Lavender on the backseat of my cycle, she stuck to me as much as she could cause I and Dan were going at top speed! We didn't want to get stuck in a fight with that creature again.

After we reached home, we parked our cycles and were about to open the door, but then Lavender noticed something. "Uhhh... guys! Think we have company," Lavender said, aiming towards my room, which had its lights on. "Don't worry, Jay might have just forgotten to put his room lights off, right?" Dan replied, attempting to be optimistic. "See... that's the problem! I never put the light in my room. I like it dark cause it makes me feel mysterious and satisfying." I replied, now readily revealing that I was alarmed.

We opened the door slowly and like ninjas, we stealthily went about the house, up the stairs dodging the creaking floorboards and opened the door only to find in it... Alex relaxing on my bed and wearing my headphones, listening to my music playlist. "Finally... how long do you take to reach home? And I see you brought company," looking over to Dan. "That is not important! The important thing is... WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING IN MY BED!" I yelled at the top of my voice. "Your bed is very comfy, and also it smells so good, like you!" She said, rolling over my bed sniffing my bedsheets. I looked over to my sister, who was, by the time, cracking open with jealousness. "Why... how did you?" Lavender stammered. Then I realized what is going on in her head; she's envious of Alex as I'm allowing her to roll on my bed but never allowed Lavender to do that. "Wait! Stop trying to praise me! You told us to meet, so... what's the deal with my resurrection!" I said. "Also about his buff-body secret!" Dan added.

"Yeah, yeah I'll do all that later. At least I'm not that honest to people who are asking personal questions!" Alex said and gave me a sly smile. "Did you hear that interview!" I said, my face red with embarrassment. "Well... yeah, the interview was broadcasted in the entire school, so everyone could hear it," Dan replied. "Anyways, let's begin the 'Q and A session'," Alex said before I could call up 'Lady Becca' and give her a piece of my mind. "First up, what was that creature that blocked the road in my dream?'' I asked. "Whatever you witnessed wasn't a dream. You can't ignore the fact that you got a bulky body overnight just due to a dream. The 'creature' you are talking about was a demon." Alex replied.

"A demon!" Dan exclaimed. "Yeah, a demon. If it is too hard for you to believe such a thing exists, try asking what I am? A demon!" Alex exclaimed, causing us to back up and get into 'fight or flight' positions. "Whoa whoa, calm down! I come in peace. I have dignity as a higher ranked demon to not harm puny vulnerable humans," She said and looked over to me, "But not you. You are not human anymore."

Alex said while she stared at me. "Wait, you're saying I'm not human! Is that how I came back to life?" I asked. "And is that also why he has a bulky body? Because he isn't human?" Dan added. Here I'm searching for a reason why am I alive and all he's interested in is how I got a bulkier body.

"Yes. Jay is now something known as a 'demi-demon'. Don't worry, one of your parents was not a demon or anything, but when the incident took place and Jay was dying, I pitied the fella and injected some of my blood into him," Alex said, staring off into the distance. "And when you said, during the interview, that you never kissed? Well, a demon cannot just inject blood into a human with injections as the injection would just melt. So... I had to take some of my blood in my mouth and then... I kissed you and injected my blood into you through your mouth," Alex added, while I was strategizing how to explain the kiss as a safety mouth-to-mouth measure when Lavender took a step forward, towards me and slapped me so hard, I was about to get swept off my legs.

"You dummy! You allowed her to sleep on your bed and now, you even kissed," Lavender said. "Look, it's not what you thi-" "I don't wanna know anything! Now since you've kissed her," momentarily Lavender was close to tears." she would have to live with us now!" I was taken aback. I thought she would say something like 'I won't live under the same roof as you' or 'go away and leave me alone'. "Wait, what?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, I've decided to allow her to live as now, her life is now your responsibility, since you kissed her," Lavender said, even surprising Alex as well! Alex got out of bed, walked towards her, and hugged Lavender. "Finally! Someone accurately understands me. Thank you for letting me live in this house. I will take care of Jay and this house, along with you." Alex said to Lavender and both of them looked at each other with big, googly eyes and there were imaginary sparkles all around.

I had no idea what just happened or why it happened. All I could register in my miniature brain was that now, I had to live with Alex and Lavender, under the same roof! I intercepted their googly-eyed nonsense and said, "Wait! That's not how a kiss works but if you don't mind answering, What on God's green earth is going on right now!" "You have no say in this, Jay!" Lavender and Alex said in unison. I looked over to Dan for aid but only to realize, he was slightly crying, with tears filled up to the brim of his eyelid. 'Seriously dude' was the only line I could think of that could relate to what I was undergoing at the moment.

"Well, now after this unusual union, we should get down to business. Now since Jay has become a demi-demon, there is something you all need to know. There are 2 types of demi-demons, one with either parent being a demon and are known as stable demi-demons. But in your case Jay, you are an unstable demi-demon, meaning you might go out of your mind and kill everyone in sight." Alex said, finally having some concern in her voice.

I was flabbergasted. Why would a high-classed demon, let alone a sane person, would do such a thing! "If that's the case, then why did you do this to me? Is it because there is a chance that I might kill innocent people who are unfortunate to come across me or did you turn me to do your dirty work?" I exclaimed "Look at this situation from a different angle; you would have died, so out of pity, I saved you. This allows you to live on and not die during that demon attack! You've gained something a person close to death would willingly ask for, and thus, even if you go out of control, we'll figure things out!

"So... how sure are you that you would be able to manage Jay when he goes crazy? Specify in percentage, please!" Dan said, with his face turning into a skeptical smile. "The chances of we not being able to save him is less than 10%. It's cause I've done this before, with a friend of mine..." Alex drifted off in a flashback. I was about to disturb her flashback when an idea suddenly struck my brain and I ran downstairs as fast as my thoughts could go. I could hear voices behind me, but I ignored them and ran out the door, leaving the door open.

Yeah, I realized that this plot sounds familiar to some of you, that's cuz it's 'inspired' by another book/anime series. Anyway, just wanted to mention this. Happy reading :)

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