
My Isekai: I Had a Fun Life in a Fictional World with my Cheat Ability

Currently is going hiatus! ——— A wish fulfillment fanfiction about a guy from our world who got transmigrated as Yuuya Tenjou from "I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World" with Ability Creation… Read on your own discretion! ——— More Tags: (Adult), (Ability Accumulation), (Ability Creation), (ACG), (Beautiful Female Lead), (Beasts), (Dragons), (Elves), (Fan-Fic), (Fantasy), (Romantic Subplot), (Handsome Male Lead), (Harem-Seeking Male Lead), (Human-Nonhuman Relationship), (Lazy Male Lead), (Level Up), (Lucky Male Lead), (Magic), (Mature), (Overpowered to Plus Ultra OP), (Perverted Male Lead), (Polygamy), (Scheming Male Lead), (School Life), (Science Fiction), (Skill Accumulation), (Skill Creation), (Universe Travel) ——— Misc. Info: • Update schedule: 3~4 chapters/week. • Chapter length: 1,000~1,500 words per chapter.

Eromaru · Others
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23 Chs

Chapter 3 - Breaking the Limit (5) [Edited]

The following day, after waking up and finishing my morning routine, I cooked venison in my possession into thin slices and fried them. I accompanied the fried slices of deer meat with salad and carrot juice as my breakfast.

Once I finished breakfast, I decided to be idle until 9 am. Even though I said that I was idle, the truth was different.

After breaking the limit of status measurements, I noticed that my mental capabilities became inhuman. I could process information and think at an extremely fast speed, and in addition to that, I could multitask many things at once easily.

It was as if my mind had become a supercomputer!

So, even though I was idling around, my mind was working through many things at the same time. It was as if I had a skill like Mental Partitions or Parallel Thinking without truly having ones.

It was purely my mental capabilities without empowering it with skills. Honestly, it was really amazing!

While my… extra processors, yeah, let's call them that, were working through many things at once, my main processor was enjoying the peaceful moment I had.

Anyway, I had digressed long enough. Let's talk about my plans for today.

When it was finally 9 am, I headed out. My first destination was an electronic shop.

To reach the shopping district, I decided to take the public bus. From home, I walk to the nearest bus stop.

On the way, my transcendent appearance caught the attention of passersby, both female and male.

Getting positive attention from women is what I like, but getting positive attention from men sounds wrong. I couldn't help but shudder in horror when I saw the gazes of men who were mesmerized by my appearance.

No offense to gays, but I am as straight as a pole.

Anyway, after crossing the line and becoming a Transcendent Human, it looks like my appearance has gotten better. If I looked like a supermodel before, I now have a supernatural charm that can captivate anyone regardless of their sexual orientation.

That's when I realized that being too handsome can be a problem.

Super pretty girls aren't the only ones who have trouble because of their looks.

Even super handsome guys have the same problems as them!

And so, I became aware of the negative aspect of being too extraordinary!

'Is this the kind of trouble Senior White in the Cultivation Chat Group is going through? This is very troublesome!'

That was what I thought at the time.

Well, I didn't really mind dropping into a love hotel with a beautiful collage girl or a charming mature woman for a one night stand. However, I decided to refuse their tempting invitation politely.

I have made up my mind that I will only be in a relationship with special girls! So, I will not falter just because some random girls or housewives invited me for a one night stand!

But, that's beside the point. After short consideration, I decided to do something to deal with this problem.

I used Space Magic and Spirit Magic simultaneously to make the area around me have an effect to make people not mind my transcended attractiveness too much. With this trick, if someone doesn't observe me closely, their thoughts will make them think that my outstanding appearance is not something to be concerned about.

Basically, I was no different from the ordinary passersby if someone didn't observe me too closely. And that trick helped.

People stopped looking in my direction as if I was a sort of rare animal they never saw before. The rest of my outing continued without problems.

There were no more thots bothering me!

And soon, I arrived at the electronic shop. There I bought the latest model of smartphone with a prepaid data plan and the latest model of laptop with a sound system, a comfortable headset, and other computer accessories that caught my fancy.

I paid everything in cash. When I paid for everything, it was then that I realized a bit late that I looked weird carrying so much cash with me, so once I finished buying my things, I stopped by the bank to save my cash.

Even though my fund decreased after buying the necessary electronics, I still had more than ¥5,000,000 yen to save in the bank.

By the way, I had more than enough budget to pay for everything from exchanging the Magic Stones and unimportant items dropped by Hell Slime, Crystal Deer, and Needle Roller netted me more than ten million yen.

I mean, one S-rank Magic Stone gave me five million yen, and I'd had two of them. Then, there were other items that gave me ¥500,000 at the minimum.

For your information, an A-rank Magic Stone can be exchanged for ¥2,500,000.

On another note, I put my purchases in the Item Box when I was certain that no one was around to see it.

Anyway, when I deposited my money in the bank, the banker didn't have many questions, so I had no problem there. And even if I was asked about the origin of the money, I had prepared an excuse.

For your information, I prepared to tell them a lie that the money was Yuunosuke's secret savings in the home that I'd just discovered after cleaning the house.

Once my business in the bank finished, I immediately went home.

On the way home, I visited a convenience store to stock up my pantry. I bought milk, juices, soft drinks, snacks, cooking ingredients and seasonings, etc.

It was also then that I remembered that I did not have a fridge back home. Another thing I had to do, buying a fridge… or perhaps I could create it.

I meant, I could create an iron box using Creation Magic and enchanted it to work like a fridge.

Come to think of it, if a monster like Crystal Deer can drop a portable bathhouse, are there monsters that drop magical house appliances in Argena?

After getting that idea, I used Akashic Search Engine to find information about it. And I found that there are monsters that drop magical house appliances as rare dropped items.

I jotted down the names of the monsters in my mind. After all, I decided to hunt them later.

By the way, those monsters are located deep inside the Great Devil's Nest. So, one can guess that they have high levels and stats.

Well, that's not a problem for me anyway. I've broken through the limit last night, and I'm sure that no one can beat me in Argena.

I did that on my way home from the convenience store. I stopped gathering intel when I arrived home around 3:45 pm.

Once I entered my house, I decided to laze around until the time for dinner came. I also set up my new laptop.

After dinner, I went to Argena to soak in my magical portable bath in the backyard. Once I was done, I returned to Earth, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.


The following day, after breakfast, I decided to get the magic book hidden inside the Great Devil's Nest, which was the name of the forest where Zenovis' house was located.

After putting on the Bloody Ogre Armor Set, I flew to the spot where I killed the Needle Roller the day before yesterday. As usual, I used Perfect Concealment to hide my presence.

Even though I am sure that there's nothing in Argena that can harm me, I am still role-playing as an assassin. It'd become a bad habit.

Once I arrived at my destination, I immediately headed for a large rock hiding the entrance to the cave where Zenovis' magic book and corpse were. I stood there for a moment, looking at the ordinary-looking stone as part of the environment.

"Alright, let's do this!" I hyped myself and prepared my fist.

I covered my fist with my magic power to look cool. There was no other reason to cloak my hand with magic power other than that.

I mean, my ATK is immeasurable, and I'm sure that I can destroy a planet with one punch if I go all out. Just like Saitama.

Anyway, I punched the rock in front of me lightly yet still destroyed it. Afterward, I saw the rock fragments crumble, and a tunnel appeared.

Without further ado, I slowly and carefully entered the dark tunnel… Never mind, the torch affixed on the wall burned suddenly, lighting up the formerly dark cave.

I continued walking forward. After a while, I reached the deepest part of the cave, which was a slightly larger space, and a large number of torches were held up on the surrounding walls.

I looked around until my eyes zeroed to a skeleton in a tattered robe, sitting and leaning against the innermost wall. There was a thick book on the ground in front of the skeleton.

Length: 1,500 words.

Revision Date: Nov, 4. 2021.

Eromarucreators' thoughts