
My Infinite System(MIS)

100 years ago, portals appeared on Chars releasing beasts of different kinds that brought hell for the people of Chars. with the beasts, came super powered individuals who turned the tide and gave the humans a breather and rebuild what they lost. Follow our protagonist who was betrayed by people he called friends and allies dying by their hands as he goes back to the time he awakens his talent. follow him as the makes a new history, as he becomes the Lord of Infinity.

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The Force

Eve: "how did you do something like this, this is beyond anything we have ever seen"

Eve asked when she saw how advanced the ship they were on.

Lucifer: "I don't know myself, when I was creating it, I thought of a place to make as our home and also something we could use as a means of transportation and it appeared this way"

Lucifer said not wanting to tell them about the system and told them what they thought to be related to his talent.

Francisca: "this is cool, you have a very good creative and intuitive idea to pull something like this off"

The four walked around the ship as Lucifer stood there and wondered who was piloting the ship, as when they got in, it was operating on its own and he is not going to believe that they are currently at the same place they were when they got in.

Lucifer: [Friday, who is piloting the ship]

Friday: [well, you can ask the AI of the ship, you can just call it out]

Lucifer did as Friday saidasnd the AI of the ship appeared before him.

{Hello, master, I am the AI of your ship, I am at your beck and call}

Lucifer observed the AI and he have to say, the AI appear more human like than what he thought.

Lucifer: "umm, do you have a name"

{No master, but you can do the honor of assigning me with a name}

Lucifer: "ok, I think Alfred will do, what do you think"

Lucifer said as he can't be calling An AI as AI, so he decided to gift it a name.

Alfred: {thank you, master, I find it very befitting of me}

Lucifer: "good, now tell me the functions of the ship"

Alfred: {there are many functions, Master, but they are only few accessible currently "

Lucifer sighed as he already knew something like that is bound to happen.

Lucifer: "just tell me what you can do currently, I don't care about the others right now"

Alfred: {these are the current available functions;

Instant Travel


Size Manipulation

Absolute Defense

Anti - tracking

Auto - pilot mode

These are the functions, do you want me to explain them in details"

Lucifer: "there is no need for that"

Lucifer rejected the idea as just by looking at the names, he has an idea of what they are and just decided to go to the control room.

Another part of the ship

Freya: "I guess thus the dorm or should I say the living area"

The four were touring the ship as they were marvelled by the beauty, the awesomeness and the sheer size of the ship compared to what they saw outside, it was as if the space inside is ten times bigger than the ship.

Derek: "this is all incredible, but can someone please tell me if you saw any place where someone can have something to eat, I'm very hungry right now"

Derek said as he held his grumbling stomach.

Eve: "that's true, come on let's continue our tour, maybe we can find it on the way"

Alfred: {it would be easier if I show you the way}

The four freaked out when they saw a holographic human being appeared before them and started talking to them.

Alfred: {sorry to startle you, but Master said that I should give you a tour of the Infinity Ship since you are new here.

Alfred said as be tried bto make the four calm down.

Eve: "but who are you again?"

Alfred: "oh, sorry for that, my name is Alfred, given by the Master himself, I am the AI of the Infinity Ship and now your personal tour guide"

Alfred introduced himself to the four.

Eve: "wow, you are so much alive and makes one think that you are a living being"

When Eve said that, Alfred subconsciously raised his eyebrows at her, he didn't know why but he was slightly offended by what she said, why would she say that they think he was a living being when he is actually one. He did not know why he thinks he is one and he did not know how he was created but he knew that he was not a program that was created to run certain things as he has his own free will but there was something that felt like it was engraved in his very being to always follow his master, Lucifer Morningstar and listen to his words as a command.

Francisca: "sorry, she didn't mean to say that, she was just a little surprised as we have never seen someone like you before as all the other AIs we know are just voices and not like you"

Francisca said when she saw the reaction of Alfred after what Eve said.

Alfred: {there is nothing to be sorry about and if you would, please this way "

Alfred said as he showed them around the ship.

Elsewhere (Force Headquarters)

The force, an organization founded for the protection of the ordinary populace from monster tides in certain areas where defenders are unable to get there quickly, rogue defenders and also keep those who failed to become defenders in check so that they don't use their powers recklessly and destroy what was painstakingly built after the first monsters outbreak.

Athena came here to report about the five runaway kids from the Academy.

"So you are telling me that a bunch of kids not over 18-19 became Rank A awakeners while in the and that within the span of 2 months"

A man with a beard and had an eye patch with a gruff voice said as he looked at Athena as if he was looking at a clown.

Athena: "yes, but one of them is already a Rank S awakener and they have a very strong control over there already strong talents, they are rare genius and anomalies at the same time, so do not underestimate them"

Athena told him what she has figured out about the Five as the man before seems to not take her seriously.

"And you are also telling me that, these five kids managed to escape under the watchful eyes of several Rank SSS defenders and a very special Rank SS"

The man said the last part of his sentence while looking at Athena.

Athena: "you didn't get me the first time, I did not say managed, but walked out of the Academy without any form of resistance from us"

Athena was saying all these even though she might be looked down on so that the bastard before her can know the gravity of the situation and never to underestimate the kids if he managed to find them.

"Hahahahaha, so you are telling me that a bunch of kids left the Academy and all of you cannot do anything to them including you, the great Athena, hahahahaha, this is the best joke I have ever heard in my entire life"

Athena: "alright, that's it, start taking this seriously or you will regret not doing so, those kids are special and given enough time, they will shake the whole world of Chars, but it's that time we don't have anymore, so get your shit together and mobilize your men and get your ass of that chair and find the kids before anyone else gets to them"

The man fell silent as he saw the seriousness in which Athena spoke and how she commanded him which he didn't like but he can't do anything to her, she knows it and so does he.