
My Infinite System(MIS)

100 years ago, portals appeared on Chars releasing beasts of different kinds that brought hell for the people of Chars. with the beasts, came super powered individuals who turned the tide and gave the humans a breather and rebuild what they lost. Follow our protagonist who was betrayed by people he called friends and allies dying by their hands as he goes back to the time he awakens his talent. follow him as the makes a new history, as he becomes the Lord of Infinity.

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Leaving the Academy 2

Bruce: "I can't let you walk away, Lucifer"

Lucifer: "you can't keep me here for long, you know that right?"

Bruce: "I do, but I'm not the only one who is going to stop you"

Bruce said as Athena took a some kind of device and pressed on it which alerted the entire school higher ups.

Lucifer looked around as he saw the school went on a full lockdown and all the classroom was locked not letting any students out and the guards around the school were running towards their building.

Lucifer: "I'm thrilled, you would go to such a length to keep me from leaving the academy, this shows how highly you think of me"

Bruce: "what can I say, you are an anomaly, if given enough time, you might be able to surprise everyone but right now, you are not yet ready for what's about to come"

Bruce said when looking at Lucifer, he knew that the young man in front of him is a mystery from what Athena told him and he is not going to let the young mab waste his live just like that, even if he had to force him to stay.

Freya: "Dad, you are going to far, right now"

Eve, Francisca and Derek looked at Freya and the Dean back and forth wondering what was going on with them because they did not know the Dean's name as everyone just calls him dean and now Freya was calling Dad.

Bruce: "I told you to not call me that when we are in the academy"

Freya: "I don't care anymore, I will be leaving the academy today, so I don't need to follow that rule, you are no longer my dean, but my father, so please stop all these and let us go, we can take care of ourselves"

Freya said as she walked and stood besides Lucifer making her stance clear to her father.

Derek: "well, I guess this is it"

Derek said as he floated to Lucifer's side and also stood besides him.

Eve and Francisca also joined them.

Bruce: "have you all lost your mind, your lives are at stake and the only way for to be safe is by staying in the Academy, not out there, who is going to protect you when you are attacked by those who wants you dead, do you even know who is after your lives, just stop this and quit talking about leaving the Academy, as I won't allow that"

Bruce said to them when he saw his backups ready.

Bruce: "just give it up, you are all surrounded"

Lucifer looked around him and saw that all their exit were blocked but he wasn't worried.

Lucifer: "you forgot something about me"

Lucifer said as he tried to teleport everyone standing with him but found out that he couldn't.

Lucifer: "I see, you found someone to counter my teleportation skill, you are truly prepared"

Bruce: "I told you didn't I, you are not getting out of here, even if I have to lock you all up"

Lucifer: "you are still forgetting something, something you all neglected since I haven't been using it quite often, Time"

As so as Lucifer said that, the time around the Academy immediately stopped rendering everybody incapable of movement except for Lucifer and the other four.

Eve: "cool, you can completely stop time now"

Eve said as she remembered when Lucifer used this same power back then but he could not stop time completely but now he could.

Francisca: "smart, no unnecessary fights, but the moment we walk out of the Academy gate, we are never going to be defenders anymore, that's one, two, we will be labelled as a juvenile criminals for absconding the Academy before graduating and the force is going to come after us and worst of all, we will be making ourselves an easy target to the people trying to kill us off"

Derek: "then the fight we didn't get to have today, we will have to fight it when they come after us, after all, I'm already disappointed that we are going to leave without a fight"

Francisca: "sigh, you are all brawn and no brain"

The two siblings stared at each other without any one of them intending to back out.

Lucifer: "hey, let just get out of here and as for the defender's badge we don't need it, instead they will be the ones begging for our help"

Lucifer said as they walked out of the Academy gate.

Freya: "so where are we going from here as there is no way in hell, we could go back to our family"

Freya said as she thought of her father who was still stuck in time and promised herself to make it up to him.

Lucifer: "no we are not"

Lucifer said as he opened his system window and went to the system shop, then he entered the vehicle tab and purchased the exclusive vehicle meant for him.

????: [a vehicle that was made by ???? with countless ???? to create such a powerful ????, that has infinite space and a conducive environment for any ???? to live inside. It has many different functions which would be accessible by only the Embodiment of Infinity]

Lucifer: [well, another bunch of unknowns, sigh, I am getting used to it anyway, so I should not complain about it]

As soon as Lucifer made the purchase, a small like disk appeared in his hands.

He felt he could control the small like dusk with just his thought, so he willed it to expand which made the little disk leave his hands and float in the air as it became bigger making the others surprised at the strange thing that appeared before them.

Lucifer: "that's going to be our ride and new home"

The four just opened their mouth and eyes as they stared at the object expanding before them.

They saw Lucifer flying to it which made them also joined him including Eve as she had looked for a flight based talent after she got out of the gate.

When they got to the now big round shape like spaceship, a door appeared on it as they all entered and what they saw left them speechless including Lucifer.

Derek: "I don't know how you did these or where you got this from but dude this is awesome"

Derek said as he saw the interior of the ship and it was something he had never seen before.

Friday: [hey, you have to release your control over time, you have paused it for far too long]

Lucifer nodded but he did not just do as she said but he first cloaked the ship before he released his control over time.

Back at the Academy

Bruce: "damn it, I totally forgot about that brat's control over time, now he has escape. Athena, inform the force and let them find the kids immediately, I have something to take care of"

Bruce said as he went back to the Bastion estate to try and find a way to delay his brother.