
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Crisco's Death

Skulls out of his throne chair then began looking through files of fake passports to identify himself. He totally changed appearance and had sold all of the expensive clothing that he had previously worn.

With circular, tinted glasses, he stood at a harbour with several others. A cargo ship had arrived, and several workers were present.

"We'll be crossing the sea border between Oskad and Biscerli in approximately 90 minutes. We'll stop off and have to move on some of the stock as we go." A man said, directing the other workers.

They had orange coveralls with fluorescent lining that gleamed under the dim white lights that surrounded the harbour. Underneath them were chaotic waves, and dark clouds were present all across the sky in various areas.

He gave Jonio City a last look, taking in its beautiful appearance. There were skyscrapers that were more than a hundred metres tall, and he just took in a deep breath.

'Goodbye, Oskad.' He said, stepping onto the cargo ship with several others.

He wore these coveralls too, and also wore a tough white helmet to further conceal his appearance. As the ship horned, the mooring lines holding it in place were released. It opened up to the vast sea that was to its right and horned, signifying its departure.

Skulls looked back to his workers before camouflaging into the crowd of operators.

The Crisco Gang was no more, and the entire gang had been dismantled by two mere boys. He gritted his teeth upon realising how his growing empire had fell. It was enough to shed a tear, but he clenched his fist upon looking off the ship.

'I promise you, Lycanos Ramio! This fight is not over! I will return and I'll return with a vengeance!' He declared, staring at the glistening stars that reflected off the dark sea.


[User: Lycanos (Ramio) Damaskus]

[Level: 4]

[XP: 33/50]

[HP: 16/16]

[Lunar Empowerment: 1]

[Regeneration: 1]


[Speed: 3]

[Durability: 1]

[Stat Upgrades: 0]

[Energy: 115/115]

[Talents: 2] [expand]

After this entire event, Lycanos now had 33XP and couldn't wait to level up. However, he was very unsure of how he was acquiring human blood in the future.

His methods of doing so were particularly messy and even though his tracks were seemingly being left unturned, it wasn't going to happen forever.

He also felt quite bothered by having to assault people just to control his urges. Xavier was already finding a method for Enzo to get human flesh, so maybe he could secure a supply for himself.

Meeting in Jolsby Grove once again, Lycanos hoped that he would believe his claims. He couldn't exactly prove that he desired human blood and Xavier already seemed to know of wendigos desiring human flesh.

From what he knew about the man, he had never seen a werewolf that desired human blood.

The two conversed for a time, just talking about random things, but Lycanos then gave the question.

"Have you ever heard of werewolves that need human blood?" He asked.

Xavier shook his head and just chuckled as he heard this.

"No, that's impossible, it makes no sense." He replied.

Lycanos was quite puzzled by his reply. Maybe, there was a slim chance that there would be a rare species like that but from his tone, there really hadn't been any werewolves in his situation.

"Really? How come?" He asked further.

Xavier had been leaned up against a tree trunk, and started to move his arms to express his explanation.

"There are two species that I am aware of that need human blood. Vampires and the Nosferatu." He stated.

"You probably don't know who the Nosferatu are and, to be honest, they are quite rare. They are the result of mutated vampire bites. Based on the character and genes of the victim, they can end up becoming Nosferatu like your friend became a wendigo."

"Anyways, I digress, those two species require the life essence that is within human blood to maintain their virtual immortality. Vampires can be killed through special, unique attacks but they don't age and can live on as long as that doesn't happen. To do so, they require human blood's life essence."

"We, werewolves, age and die just as humans do. We're supernatural so we can just live longer but we do exhaust our life force and die as any other mortal lifeform. Consuming human blood would do nothing to change that." He affirmed.

It was starting to make a lot more sense to Lycanos now. Maybe he was a unique species, that didn't matter, but what he knew now was that he absolutely did need human blood. He was branded as an 'immortal' werewolf, not just an ordinary werewolf.

No matter the injury, his body would heal and return to its proper shape in minutes at the very most. To continue doing this, his body would have to draw from something and that was in the form of human blood.

"Why are you asking, anyway? Have you been reading up on books of legend or something?" Xavier inquired with curiosity.

"I'm a werewolf, but I need human blood. I crave human blood and after enough time, I can hear it pulsating in people's bodies and smell it in the air." He explained.

He continued to explain the memories that flashed in his mind, and the genuineness behind his statements made Xavier curious and not dismissive.

"So, you really need human blood? I mean if that's how you've lived then fine then. Those cravings should mean something but why have you decided to only tell me this now?"

"Well, I have no proper way of getting human blood. I've um.... well, I've killed people because of my hunger. It takes control of my body, it's like an alter ego it's hard to explain."

"No, that's fine. Human blood should be easier to get than human flesh. I mean, I'll just raid a hospital and see what I can find." Xavier said, lifting off the tree he was leaning on.

Lycanos was taken aback by the willingness of this guy to co-operate. On the full moon, he was totally up for controlling him so he wouldn't hurt anyone and was seemingly going through a lot of effort searching for human flesh for Enzo.

Judging from the darkness that supernaturals had to live in, he expected him to be distanced and isolated.

"Why are you trying so hard to help us?" Lycanos blurted out, before Xavier was about to leave.

"Us supernaturals are up against the world. Just like humans, the odds are against us when it comes to our ability to survive."

He then turned and looked back to Lycanos as he was about to leave.

"There's power in numbers." He said, before speeding off.

His words were bold and impactful. They were branded onto Lycanos' mind, and he couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

Even though the odds were against him, even if he would be in constant danger and trouble due to his urges.

He wasn't alone.


The following week came and went, and Xavier had brought both Enzo and Lycanos together for one of their regular meetings. The group of supernaturals were becoming a lot closer.

The death of the cruel centre-back, Carson, was displayed all over the school. It only deepened and intensified Enzo's guilt as they would hear the warm words for him from their peers and the memorials across the school campus.

However, Lycanos just insisted that it wasn't his fault. Regardless of if he had killed him or not, living a life of guilt and sorrow wasn't the way forward for him.

Their situations had almost forced them to work together and grow closer, but they were really starting to click.

Even though they could tell that Xavier was decently older than them and couldn't relate to them with everything, the resonation they felt from being superhuman and struggling with their primal instincts was more than enough relation for them to have.

Lycanos didn't want to rush his friend, but his urges for human blood had returned. It was the last day of the week for his quest, but it wasn't near the day's end just yet. He had still received the notification that his HP and energy would decrease throughout the day, though, which still concerned him quite a lot.

"Before we continue from where we left off with our training, I would like to say that I have secured human blood for you, Lycanos, and human flesh for you, Enzo. Lycanos, your supply is a lot more extensive since I just took it from a hospital but yours, Enzo, is a lot more -let's say- shady." He said.

"That's great!" Enzo replied after hearing this.

Too frightened to tell his friends as well, his urges for human flesh had returned. More than delighted that they weren't as bad as before, he decided to hold it off for now.

He had found a supplier, but their prices were sky high and as a werewolf trying to remain covert and hidden, it wasn't easy to find the money for it.

Xavier was aware that they were children but he wanted as much aid as possible. Handing Lycanos a blood bag, he leaped at it and almost felt like a wind had pushed him forward.

His fangs dug through the plastic and he completely finished the bag of cool, blood. He noticed that the intense, caramel-like flavour was slightly dulled compared to when it was warm and fresh.

Regardless, he couldn't stop and he was lucky to find that these transfusion packets held just the right amount of blood for him. 250 millilitres.

[Weekly Quest Complete!]



[+1 Stat Upgrade]

[+2 HP]

[+5 Energy]

Receiving a new stat upgrade, he was greeted by his new and improved stats page.

[User: Lycanos (Ramio) Damaskus]

[Level: 5]

[XP: 2/80]

[HP: 18/18]

[Lunar Empowerment: 1]

[Regeneration: 1]

[Strength: 2]

[Speed: 3]

[Durability: 1]

[Stat Upgrades: 0]

[Energy: 120/120]

[Talents: 2] [expand]

Looking at his stats, he wondered what his lunar empowerment did to him. Deciding on a whim, he placed his stat point into lunar empowerment.

'I wonder what that'll do.' He said to himself, watching the value increment.

[User: Lycanos (Ramio) Damaskus]

[Level: 5]

[XP: 2/80]

[HP: 18/18]

[Lunar Empowerment: 2]

[Regeneration: 1]

[Strength: 2]

[Speed: 3]

[Durability: 1]

[Stat Upgrades: 0]

[Energy: 120/120]

[Talents: 2] [expand]

"Alright, now it's time for training."