
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

New Pack

The duo received some direct training and advice from Xavier, who seemed to know everything. He was slowly refining their technique, but it would take a long time before they'd master any sort of fighting style.

Lycanos couldn't help but practice the moves that were given to him once he returned home. He had showed them the basic jab and right straight, along with a side kick as some of the most fundamental attacks for them to learn.

Following this, Lycanos had finally secured a job. It was in a local superstore located near Kol Heights. It was closer to the centre of Jonio City, and he was started off at 6 dollars an hour.

It was a low start, and he was only given 12 to 15 hours a week, but it was all that he could get.

With the funds that he had acquired, he knew he could easily meet his expenses from consuming meat, and he had a supply of blood that would keep him going for weeks.


In the hanger that previously housed the Crisco Gang, a group of suited individuals were seen inside it. Many had submachine guns and pistols, with glamorous jewellery. There was a slight breeze that managed to pierce through the opening in the building and swoosh around it.

"We've taken over all of the Crisco safe houses and are getting them in operation." A man said to a tall, ginger man.

He had bright orange hair and looked to be around 6'4. He wore a sleek, maroon suit, and wore a scintillating diamond watch.

"Brilliant. I want everything to be up and running in a week at the most." He ordered.

The man, who was next to him, nodded in affirmation. He was 6'0, and quite bulky with a grey suit and an MP5 in one hand.

"Of course, Lord Moretti." He said, with a bow.

He slowly walked up to the throne chair that was currently vacated. He then sat in the seat, looking out into the open hanger. Ahead of him was the opening into the golden lights of Jonio City.


2 weeks came and passed, and the two friends swiftly noticed that something was off with Kol Heights. They noticed various suited individuals traversing the neighbourhood, while some were clearly armed.

They could tell that another gang had commenced operations in the area, but they just didn't know who it was. For now, they just kept their eyes out for any threats.

It was infuriating to them to have another mob taking control of the area. After all, that's what kept the place so poor and crime-infested.

Lycanos had put on 40 pounds of pure muscle, and he now looked quite muscular. It was built on an originally lean frame, so he didn't have abnormal amounts of fat. He remained slim.

Enzo had put on muscle as well, but it wasn't anywhere near as much as Lycanos. Lycanos attributed that to him being a werewolf, while Enzo was a wendigo.

Xavier even explained to them that the wendigos of legend were usually extremely skinny and tall, but powerhouses. It was likely Enzo wasn't going to get much bigger than he was without trying to.


In a forest near the western outskirts of Jonio City, a large bald man rushed through them. He moved with superhuman, disorienting speed.

He leaped from branch to branch, while also dashing between the small gaps in between the trees. Surrounding him were several people doing the same, and they all had glowing golden eyes.

However, the large man at the forefront of this group had blood red eyes, with a smile that showed off his large, razor fangs.

They soon came to a stop, and they looked at the large city ahead of them.

"Do you reckon there'll be anyone for us to kill here?" A man said from behind the bald man with a keen smile.

"I hope so. It's been a while since we've found some targets." The leader of this group said, looking at the large structures ahead of him.

"It really has." A softer voice said from beside him.

It was a girl that was tall, around 5'9, and had golden blonde hair with a beautiful face that glowed under the serene, white moonlight.


In class, Lycanos and Enzo were just talking to each other as they usually would. They would do this a lot more than actually do work and Lycanos' lack of discipline in school was starting to rub off on to Enzo.

This was also partially due to the things going on in his life. He was quite hungry now, as he hadn't received human flesh, but Xavier said he'd have a package of flesh ready for him by the evening.

That was the main thing pulling him through all this.

"Students, I would like for you to meet a new student. Her name is Leah, so let's do our best to get her settled in." Their teacher announced.

She had an enchanting face, with perfect teal eyes that people would gaze into. Along with that, she had long, blonde hair with a curvaceous figure.

"Hey, everyone!" She said with a smile, before taking the seat of Carson, that was now empty.

Following her introduction, they spent their afternoon doing games. They were sent to play football, and Enzo wasn't sent off to play with his team since it was only his year doing games at this time.

He usually had a lot of fun stunning the non-athletes with his skills, but it just wasn't as exciting as playing with the skilled players of his team.

His football team wasn't merely a single year, and yearly games lessons wouldn't allow them to play together.

Lycanos was on the pitch and was surprised with his new figure that he could see through the tight green PE kit.

It was a dark, spinach-like green and ahead of him, were a team of 11 people that he had to play against.

Boys and girls were mixed together since it was merely recreational, and the new girl stood against Lycanos.

She gave him a keen wink, making Lycanos quite creeped out, but he couldn't help but smile due to her attractiveness.


Enzo, who was on Lycanos' team, received the ball and skilled past numerous people with ease. Seeing Lycanos approaching him, he passed the ball off but the werewolf certainly wasn't skilled.

He just kicked the ball past defenders and chased after it so that they couldn't get to him. Making sure to not show off all their skills, they held back on their top speed and strength but were still faster than everyone else.

Lycanos could maintain speeds higher than a lot of these student's sprinting speeds for more than ten miles on end.

Approaching the goal, the new girl rushed toward him and smacked the ball out of his control.

Attempting to use some of his strength to shove her away, he ended up getting lifted of his feet. She used her own physical strength and somehow, managed to make Lycanos get thrown over her by rolling over her shoulders.

Getting sent right to the floor, Enzo came to a stop with surprise, while the play was stopped due to a foul on the girl's part.

"Sorry about that, Lycanos." She said, reaching out her arm.

Lycanos just looked at her hand for a short moment, before grabbing it and getting up. He gave her a look of confusion, but the game just continued as usual.

He looked back to Enzo, who just shrugged in reaction. To these humans, Lycanos and Enzo were supposed to be immovable brick walls. The fact that he had been sent to the ground like that made him suspicious.

The evening soon came and the two students raced over to Jolsby Grove, where Enzo would receive his meal.

Xavier met them at the forest, and revealed a khaki-coloured package that was wet with blood. Lycanos could even feel himself salivating from the smell and sight of the human blood, then Enzo tore the soft package of flesh open.

It was about the size of a laptop, except it was several times thicker.

He couldn't stop himself, and he devoured all the raw flesh right away. His arms just kept ripping into the package, and he didn't even care about the pieces of paper he was occasionally eating too.

"Thank you... so much!" Enzo said in his feast, licking off the blood and small chunks of flesh that remained on his fingers.

He couldn't stop until everything was totally gone, and he just laid onto his back, stuffed.

"You're lucky you're a wendigo. I'm sure there was all sorts of stuff in that flesh if it was raw." Xavier said, watching him.

Enzo felt quite embarrassed to have eaten in such a way in front of the two but as he did it, the thought simply wasn't in his mind.

"Alright. After the training you've gone through, I would like you two to spar. You're of similar level so this should be more productive than if you were to fight me, for example."

The two students were pitted against each other, and they made their stances in an open area of the forest.

It was getting dark, and there was a dark blue sky above them as the sun had set shortly before this.

The moon was starting to reach its apex, and the two warriors nodded at each other before closing in on one another.