
My Idle Gaming System

Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers...as well as innumerable treasures. In a small Realm, a destitute boy awakens the Idle Gaming System. Countless Dimensional Rifts later, he lazily raises his head to realize...he is invincible!

Adui · Games
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352 Chs

Resource Distribution and the Silver Rift!

In a Grand mansion within City 8 that an important Silver Rank personage used to live in.

Currently, it was being occupied by the GOLD Blessed that has dropped from the skies and overwhelmingly won the battle for Academy City!

He was currently talking with multiple Subordinates as they reported the progress of their projects within the city.

"The flow of resources has swiftly begun as we already have thousands of Iron Cores, hundreds of Bronze, and tens of Silver Cores ready to be transported."

A Silver Blessed spoke while looking at some papers, another one raising their voice after.

"The rate of Equipment collection is as abysmal as slow ever, but it is beginning to stockpile up!"

The GOLD Blessed's eyes shone with light as he listened, the City he was given the mission of overseeing already heading on the right track!

When he thought of all the young Blessed in his homeland that would freely get these resources, his heart warmed as the mission he had only became firmer.