
My Hitman Academia

(This story is not a Yaoi.) Good-for-Nothing-Tsuna is how he's recognized. Having the same dream as all the kids, just wanting to be the same as their father, to be a Hero. However, he was not born with the same potential as his brother. Even with the spark of hope he received, things didn't turn out as they should. The portrait is NOT mine, contact me if you want me to remove it.

Just_A_Chuunibyou · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Kyoya angry?.

After the end of class, here I am again in the same place as yesterday.

For my happiness Kyoya-San didn't take long to arrive this time.

Kyoya-San's eyebrows twitched, maybe it's the weather?.

Anyway, my fight with Kyoya-San started again.

By the way, when did Kyoya-San stop talking rise ?... I don't think that's important.

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"Sawada Tsunayoshi..." Kyoya-San said my name as we paused. Surprisingly it was Kyoya-San who asked for a break.

"Yes Kyoya-San." Since I wasn't so hurt, I was able to talk normally this time.

"You mustn't call me Kyoya-San anymore from now on. Otherwise I'll bite you to death." Kyoya-San said as he lifted his tonfa.

"Okay... So what should I call you?." If I can't call Kyoya-San, Kyoya-San, then how am I supposed to call him?.

Ichigo told me to call him Sawada, but it was to humiliate me, Ichigo also calls me Tsu-Kun which is like Nana- San called me when I was a kid.

So is it with nicknames that we should call those we care about?. I think Kyoya-San is my friend, don't you?.


"You must call me Hibari." "So Kyoya, right?." Before Kyoya finished speaking I spoke first. Yes, I remember Nana-San saying that San and Chan are to speak respectfully, so if I take them off it's like I care about Kyoya.

Yes, Kyoya is much better than Kyoya-San.

A wind blew across my cheek.

"You didn't even say we were going to continue Kyoya." Kyoya's eyebrows trembled non-stop, is he happy then?.

"I WILL BITE YOU UNTIL... DEATH." And so we started a new round of fighting.


Ichigo's three days of rest went by quickly, in those three days, I feel I've improved a lot.

As I fight Kyoya, even though he doesn't speak much, I can see from his actions that he is teaching me while 'Bite Me to Death'.

Kyoya is someone nice and he is my friend. I shouldn't be late today.

But of course things wouldn't be easy for me today...

Ichigo and his buddies went back to school, they didn't mess with me all day, so I thought I could rest easy for today.

But I didn't expect that before I could go meet Kyoya, Ichigo and his buddies would take me to the back of the school.

"Damn TSUNA." Ichigo punched me in the stomach, his fist glowed with dark orange flames. Although his punch wasn't as strong as Kyoya's tunffs, his flame was what hurt me the most.

"Did you think I wouldn't see that look of yours of pure satisfaction at our disgrace? Did you forget that I'm superior to you?" Ichigo started kicking me nonstop while I was lying on the ground.

"You're just Dame Tsuna, a worthless brother that I must protect, so why didn't you stay quiet in your corner while I protect you ?." Punches, kicks... Any unprotected part my, Ichigo tried to hit.

It took some time before he stopped.

"You're just a useless thing that can't protect itself. As long as I want to protect you you'll be fine, but if at some point I don't want to protect you...."

"Let's go guys." Ichigo dropped me as he left. His companions didn't even give me a second look.

While Ichigo beat me I could only protect the most important parts of my body. In fact the only one that really hurt me was its fire, something I wasn't used to.

Luckily Ichigo still can't control his temperature to be strong enough to really burn me.

I stayed like that for a few more moments. When I finally felt they were gone I got up. The burns were mild, but they were still hurting me.

Anyway, I have no time to waste. I need to get to Kyoya fast, Kyoya is impatient, if I don't arrive on time, he's capable of leaving.

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Hibari Kyoya Pov.

"The false herbivore is late." I lean against a wall as I wait for this fake herbivore to arrive.

He is never late.

"I will bite you to death for your tardiness." For some reason don't hate this fake herbivore, at least I can stand its presence differently from others.

"Kyoya, sorry I'm late." Finally this fake herbivore has arrived, I'm going to start twice as normal.

At least that's what I wanted, but the wounds and her burnt clothing caught my attention.

"What happened fake herbivore?." I don't understand why this bother inside me.

"It was nothing, I just passed some trees." Lie... Such a blatant lie. Who does this fake herbivore think he's fooling.

"I think we should finish today's training then." Training?.... Since when do I think of it as training?...

Ah... Anyway, I need to find out what happened to the fake herbivore. With him wounded I won't be able to bite him to death like I normally do.

"No Kyoya, I'm fine for us to do the training, I swear." ..... I really hate that look.

"If you don't tell me what really happened, we'll stop training forever." Well, unfortunately I refuse to give in on this issue.

"It was... It was my brother... I don't want to talk about it, okay Kyoya?." That doesn't suit you fake Herbivore, it's like you're a wounded herbivore.

The brother of the fake herbivore?. That weak, blond-haired herbivore isn't it?. I think I need to bite someone to death.

"Go rest for today, fake herbivore, I don't like hunting wounded prey."

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Tsuna Pov.

Kyoya was really mad that I was late, wasn't he?. He didn't give in at all.

I think I really won't have training today...

But then what is this burning inside me?. As if something was wrong. Anyway I better go rest, tomorrow I'll definitely make Kyoya train with me.


If I had known, by stopping Kyoya today, we could have avoided the current situation we are in... Would I still stop Kyoya knowing that?... Actually, I don't think I would have stopped Kyoya.