
My Hitman Academia

(This story is not a Yaoi.) Good-for-Nothing-Tsuna is how he's recognized. Having the same dream as all the kids, just wanting to be the same as their father, to be a Hero. However, he was not born with the same potential as his brother. Even with the spark of hope he received, things didn't turn out as they should. The portrait is NOT mine, contact me if you want me to remove it.

Just_A_Chuunibyou · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Is he an herbivore?...

As soon as we reached an empty spot, Kyoya-San threw me to the ground, I rolled over several times before coming to a stop.

"Rise Herbivore." Kyoya-San said with his tonfa prepared for combat.

Just like Kyoya-San said, I got up. But before I could get my bearings, Kyoya-San hit me in the face with his tonfa and sent me back to the ground.

"From today on, you'll come here every day for me to bite you to death. You'll get up when I ask and we won't stop until I say stop. If you refuse that, I'll bite you to death. Rise Herbivore." Kyoya-San said with an irritated face.

Again as said, I got up, this time I was prepared so I didn't suffer the first blow, unfortunately the second one came right after and threw me back to the ground.

"Rise Herbivore."

"Rise Herbivore."

"Rise Herbivore."



This was the first time I ran away from a class, I just didn't expect me to do it to get beaten up.

From the moment we got here, I've been fighting Kyoya-San nonstop. It's dark now, my body right now is struggling to get up, but nothing I've done has helped.

We had many fights and it was only one that I managed to hit Kyoya-San, which was yesterday's fight...

"We're done for today Herbivoro. I want to see you here tomorrow after your school hours." Kyoya-San put away his blood-covered tonfas and started to walk away.

"T...Thank you Kyoya-San." Despite the swollen face, anyone could see the trace of a smile...

I wasn't thanking Kyoya-San for releasing me... I don't actually know why I'm thanking, but for some reason I'm happy.

I couldn't see it, but Kyoya-San stopped for a moment before continuing on his way.

Despite my completely bruised body, I dragged myself back home. Again no one received me this time I dragged myself to a cold shower before falling face down on my bed.


The next day, I found out why I didn't hear anyone at home. Nana took Ichigo to the hospital and came back just today. Ichigo's nose is now with something white in it, while the rest of his injured body is bandaged.

"Tsunayoshi, you are banned from sleeping in your room for 3 days." Nana said in a completely icy voice, something that made me freeze, but in the end I just sighed and replied.

"Yes, Nana-San."


Ichigo and his companions don't have to come to school for 3 days because of their injuries. They can stay home to rest.

Luckily I can still move, even after the injuries I received from Kyoya-San.

Even though I can't go back to my room for 3 days, I think this is the best vacation I could ask for.

For some reason I got excited today. As soon as class was over I ran towards the place Kyoya-San asked me to go.

As soon as I got there, I realized that Kyoya-San hadn't arrived yet, so I sat down to wait for him.

Minutes later, there was still no sign of him. I still waited.

30 minutes later and he still hadn't shown up.

3 hours later and nothing.

But I continued to sit and wait for him.

It was only when night fell that I finally caught a glimpse of the black-haired boy.

"Kyoya-San." I waved at him with a smile on my face.

Kyoya-San for some reason froze with a dumbfounded face, I didn't understand why.

"What are you doing here Herbivore?." Kyoya-San asked me with a serious look as he picked up his tonfas.

"Didn't you ask me to come here?." I asked confused by Kyoya-San's question.

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Hibari Kyoya Pov.

Why did this Herbivore come here?

And why is he giving me this innocent look like he doesn't know what he did?.

Not only did he mess up my hunt once, he also tried to protect me... And to top it off he still keeps calling me by my first name like it's something common.

I bit him to death twice, he was supposed to be on the run by now and then I was supposed to hunt him down.

I've been looking for him all day and I haven't found him.... So why is he here?.

"I'm going to bite him to death." I will bite you to death.


I will bite you to death....


Why does this herbivore not fall?....

Why does this herbivore keep getting up ?.

No matter how hard I beat...

No matter how hurt he is....

Why doesn't he fall?...

Doesn't this herbivore know he's going to die if I keep going?...

So why doesn't he fall?

I see... This Herbivore.... Is not a herbivore....

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Tsuna Pov.

"We're done for today." Kyoya-San said as he put away his tonfas again covered in blood.

"Tha...Thanks...K...Kyoya...Xan..." I try to speak with my face completely swollen.

This time.... I won this time.... Haha... I landed a blow on Kyoya-San... It was a light attack, but I hit him...

Yes... I can.... I feel it... If I defeat Kyoya-San.... If I defeat him I can.... I sure can become a hero too...

And then my family will accept me, won't they?...

Ah... I don't need to go home today, anyway I'll end up sleeping in the living room as I can't go back to my room...

So I might as well sleep here, right?...

Good night, Cloud in the sky...


Unbeknownst to me, a small, pure orange flame appeared on my forehead, before disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.


The next day I was feeling fine, so I got up and headed towards the school. Luckily I have a personal entry just for me that I created to get into school ahead of time and luckily the school has a shower.

My clothes are still dirty, but it doesn't really matter I guess.

I can't wait to see Kyoya-San again. I hope school finishes quickly.