
My Hero in a Dungeon?

Izuku died one day and reincarnated into the body of a baby. The problem is that the world he reincarnated into is very harsh and cruel. After adapting to the world and gaining strength beyond what most could even dream of, he was killed. Now he finds himself at where it all began. Plus he is a dungeon. I do not own My Hero Academia, just the plot and OCs. Do not expect anything grand or the like, I am just doing this for fun, I just type what comes to my mind, so it will not be very consistent or good, if you hate systems, reincarnation, OP characters, or just a jackass of a main character who sees people as his way to get money, this isn’t for you.

DaoistLvbLz6 · Others
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17 Chs

Chapter 17

The hobgoblin looked their way. It then had a large viscous smile on its face. The fear the people felt stunned them still. To them the next moment the hobgoblin was right in front of them, its large club slammed down.

The person at the very front used her quirk, creating a barrier, it managed to block the attack but it shattered.

"Kikiki." It laughed before it swung down again. This time another person blocked the attack for her. The barrier shattered but the attack was reflected.

At this time the others started to attack.

"Close range fighters. Charge, long range attackers. Shot!" The leader shouted. The people used their quirks and started to attack the hobgoblin. But it was much stronger than they would anticipate.

It used its aura and stuck the side of one of the defenders, sending them into the grass field. At this a group of long ranged attackers used their quirks and struck the hobgoblin. All at the same time, as it was about to dodged the attack with a side step the two close ranged attackers held its legs down with their bodies.

The attacks landed on the hobgoblin. This caused it to move back a bit. The smoke covered the upper body, but the attackers did not stop. They used their quirks to continuously attack the hobgoblin.

The enraged hobgoblin used more aura and swung its club sideways. This landed on another person, sending them flying into another person, they fell to the ground, one dead, the other with a broken bone.

It kept swinging, but most of the attacks missed. The man who could created blades from his body charged forward and stabbed the blades into the hobgoblin's eyes, killing it.

It turned to light and entered the bodies of many people. Two of which had developed a core.

"Are you alright?!" A person asked the other that had broken his bone.

"Shut it! I just broke a bone or two, that doesn't mean I am dead." He said.

"How are we going to get out?" Another one asked.everyone had rushed in and not given a thought about getting out.

"This is the dungeon, so maybe there is like a returner's stone or heart stone, or we are going to need to kill the boss." A video game enthusiast said.

"Wait, stone, I remember gathering a bit of stones on our way here, they monsters dropped them." Someone said, showing a bunch of stones with blue runes on them.

Everyone looked at the person.

"Well, let's try them." He said.

"Normally to use these stones you crush it or you inbue energy into the stone." The video game enthusiast said.

The man held a stone and crushed it under his palm, and like that, he disappeared. Not only him but four others also disappeared, at this the others started to rush to the get the stones. They all crushed the stones, they all left the place.

But there were more than these few people in the dungeon.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, why the hell aren't you working?!" The man shouted at his gun, it had malfunction, not only that, but even the most simple gun of his didn't even work.

He was being chased down by a long tusk boar, they were called that due to their long tusks. He was able to juke it a few times but it wouldn't take long before he would eventually get hit.

"Leaf cutter!" Someone shouted. The boar was slammed as a ball of sharp moving leaves slammed into it. It knocked it over.

"Get out quick!" Someone shouted. The man followed his instructions and left. They met up soon.

"You, you're GunJack, right, why don't you use your guns?" The man asked.

"The darn things don't work here." He said, he pointed his guns up and pulled the trigger, nothing came out of the gun.

"This really is like a dungeon." The man responded.

"Yea, we need to escape first."

"Yea." Rustling occurred behind them, they quickly turned around and found another person.

"You two are heroes, right?" The man asked.

"Yes, I am Leaflet. This here is JackGun."

"Oh, my group has found a way to get away, we are currently trying to scout for others to help." The man said.

"Wait, y'all already found a way out?" Leaflet asked.

"Yes, you see, those monsters sometimes drop a stone like this, crushing it will allow five people to escape." The man said while showing one of the returner's stone.

"I see, this is even more like a dungeon." JackGun said.

"Yes, we learned this quite fast, so instead of normal logic, we use logics one might find from games." The man said.

"That is good, to think that civilians are practically doing our jobs." One of the heroes said.

"Yep, now, let's get going, before they find us." He said in a hush voice.

"Who's they?" The hero asked in a hush tone.

"Goblins and hobgoblins, they are not strong compared to some of the other monsters, but they always come in groups, not only that but they are also cunning and intelligent." He answered, they already had problems dealing with dumb monsters and now there are smart ones.

They started to walk to the others, they entered a large group, well over a hundred people, they chopped down the few trees and started to create a small camp. The wood were made into pikes and a spike wall.

"I found two more." The leading person said.

"Great, we found a few more as well." Someone replied.

"That is good, we have a bit over forty returner's stones, we should find some more."

"This is a nice camp y'all built here." One of the heroes said.

"Yep, here, our quirks are suppressed by about half, so instead of quality, we should use quantity." A hero said.

"Crap! An attack! Dire wolves!" Someone shouted, the sound of attacks could be heard from a far. The people dropped what they were doing and started to charge towards the area.

The close combatants used their quirks and blocked the attacks and movements of the dire wolves while the long range attackers continued to bombard them.

The dire wolves were killed, but the walls that protected the camp was destroyed. But the dire wolves turned into light, which entered the bodies of the men.

"Why don't we just create walls of stone or dirt?" One of the newer people asked.

"No one here can create stone or dirt, but the quirks that affect the ground doesn't seem to work." One of the older ones answered.

"Rebuild the walls." The leader shouted.

"Bring the injured to the medical field." Someone said.

"Foragers, gather some grains." Someone said. "We can make some bread with these grains. They are of high quality."

Once that was done, the people started to rebuild the walls. But as they did a larger monsters appeared. A mini boss, an orc.

It was a gaint, muscular, green skinned, man with tusks that reached from under his lips. It had tattoos that covered its body. And in its hands was a large sword.

It brought up its sword and swung it down. The people under its sword dodged to the side. As they did a group of people sent attacks towards the orc. The orc blocked the attacks with its arms.

But as it did the people used this time and got up close. They used their attacks and struck the orc. They only managed to create small wounds, but this did not deter them. One of the humans charged forward. He held a sword he got when he killed a hobgoblin. The sword struck the arms of the orc, but the orc used this time and swung his arms at the man.

The man blocked the attack, but was moved back a few meters. The or. Used its aura and charged forward. At this, chains made of water held its legs, causing it to trip. At this, a dozen attacks covered the orc. Causing even more small wounds on the orc.

At this, the people with weapons used their aura and attacked the orc, causing moderate wounds on the orc. The orc used this and slammed into the humans with its arms and used its sword and slashed at one of the human.

She managed to dodge to the side, but the attack still cut her arm off. The close combatants moved away, giving time for the long ranger attackers to bombard the orc.

The bombardment continued to damage to orc, but it swung its sword, the shockwave of the swing blocked the attacks of the long rangers. The closer combatants charged forward. They surrounded the orc and slowly caused more wounds on the orc.

It swung its sword and slashed right through one of the people. Cutting them in half.

But they did not stop to mourn, for if they did, more people would have died. One of the people the. Used his aura and slashed the nape of the orc, the orc died, falling down to the ground.

"Bury the dead, treat the wounded, get that girls arms back, rebuild the walls." The leader said, he had done most of the damage, thus he got most of the light. That the orc became.

But when everyone had gathered their experience, a light appeared. It shone up, high above. It looked divine.

Everyone looked at the light, and was mesmerized, by it. The wounds of the wounded healed up, the arms of the girl had reattached. And three treasure chests fell down. Like it was a gift from the heavens.

"Everyone! Hold your horses! First, we are to find the rewards, and we will distribute them accordingly to their contribution and compatibility!" The leader shouted, stopping everyone.

He walk up to the chest and opened them, he took out a sword, and he stabbed it into the ground, so smooth and clean it was like a hot blade into butter.

The next was a chest plate, made of hard hide, it was smooth and anyone could tell how good it was. He placed that on the ground.

The last one was a pile of books, each one had a picture of martial arts on it. He placed them on the ground. Last, three bottles of pills was one the ground. The pills were called core expansion pills. It was labeled as well.

"Everyone, the pills will be shared between all, it seems it helps increase the amount of aura we can use! The sword can easily cut through even the ground, the armor could withstand a few strike from the monster we just fought, and books are called skill books, I shall take one of the books, Alan please take the sword, Mathew, take the armor, Jone, Jack, Elma, Anna, you will take a book!" The leader shouted, he then took one of the books, he opened the last chest and it was full of coins with D on them.

"These are the currency of the dungeon, please take some for yourself!" The leader said after only taking a small handful.

The coins turned into blue lights. That entered his body. The others also took a pill and some coins. They ate the pills and many felt their cores being formed into true cores. They had become basics.

The people who had their names called took the items and used them, the leader took a skill book called, Gale Fist, by opening it, it was used and turned into light, knowledge flooded his brain, giving him knowledge on the martial arts, it would take a while before he could use it, but he would be able to soon.

[ Mini Boss defeated, Exchange floor unlocked, happy shopping. ] The panel showed up for everyone in the dungeon. Suddenly, knowledge on how to get to the exchange floor entered their mind.

They would need to use the returner's stone to get their, but once they did, they could just leave the exchange floor and exit the dungeon.

People started to chatter among themselves, thinking about leaving. But th leader shouted.

"We shall decide if we leave by vote! Those who wish to leave, go on the right! Those who don't, stand on the left!" He shouted. Many people wanted to stay, these were the weak, bullied people who tasted power for once and wish to keep it.

But even more people wanted to leave, they woke three to one.

"Alright, before we leave, we should leave a message behind to the people that make it here! This message should have tips and advice that we have used to survive here, so those that come here in the future will have a better chance at leaving!" He said.

The people with pens with them offered their pens, people with paper from note books or from other things offered them as well.

"One: Always be on guard, monsters like to attack when your guard is down.

Two: Keep the walls there, they protect more than anyone might think.

Three: The grains here can make food, be sure to harvest them.

Four: Keep scout of the area, others might wander the place.

Five: Work together, no matter how strong soemone might be, strength here is in numbers." He placed the note on one of the trees still standing and with the others he crushed their stones and went to the market.