
My Hero Academia: The “New?” Quirk

Bella_Bandy · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


(All characters are speaking in Japanese unless pointed out that they're not)

U.A. High has decided to open up their school to all parts of the world, allowing all kinds of future heroes of different origins to apply to Japan's famous school U.A.!

The school set up mixers around the city for international students to meet older students.

A girl from Germany named Anna was sitting alone at a table eating soba at one of the mixers. Anna made eye contact with a boy who then walked over to her.

"Ciao, (hello) my name is Romeo. I am from Italy," he said kindly with a thick accent.

"I'm Anna. I'm from Germany," she said, shaking the kind boy's hand.

"You do not have… German… accent."

"I'm from America, but my parents are German; we moved there when I was ten."

"You don't seem too fluent in Japanese," Anna noticed.

"I am not," he responded with a chuckle.

While the two were talking, they heard screaming and looked into the crowd and watched a boy being chased by two girls. He ran to their table and hid underneath the cloth. The two girls ran to the table and slammed their hands down simultaneously.

"HAVE YOU SEEN A SMALL AMERICAN BOY?!" The two girls shouted in French accents.

Romeo and Anna looked at each other and pointed at the table. The twos eyes lit up, and they reached under the table and pulled out the boy by his feet.

"HELP ME…!" He cried out as they dragged him around.

"That was fun!" Anna said, smiling.

Two girls with a small American boy walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the gates to the U.A. The boy was between two girls who were slightly taller than him. The girl on his left was named Charlotte; her hair was half pink and half gold (gold on the left and pink on the right); the other girl on the boy's right name was Camille; her hair was the same but on the opposite sides. The girls were twins from France, and they made friends with a boy named Bryce.

"We're actually here!" The boys said, smiling.

"This is!"

"So cool!"

Bryce started walking inside, and the twins quickly followed behind. When they went inside, they were told what they would do for the entrance exam.