

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


!!!!!!After ten hours of Hell with Shirou and Saiki's Arrival!!!!!

Thomas Andre, Nolan Armstrong, Siddharth Bacchan , Christopher Reed and lastly the sole female S-Rank hunter with then Cattleya Harvey has now banded together take this beast down for good.

They are the last line of defense against this behemoth of a monster.

Right now, they need to pull of a miracle to take this monster down.

Cattleya the greatest S-Rank Archer in Europe has been pinning down dragon from flying off again aiming directly for the wings.

She wasted no time analyzing the dragon and made a strategy to contain the dragons rampage to minimum, reducing the colossal amount of damage to the surrounding cities. The dragon already reduced the western coast of United states to rubble with its long-range fire beam.

Such power makes her quake in her boots.

But she has to provide support no matter the cost, even if it is her own life.

If she doesn't then it's over for the world.

As most of the S-Rank hunters were hired just to stop this monster.

Now amongst this hired muscle only five remains.

The last three fought valiantly going down with a bang doing considerable damage to the dragon.

All the hired S-Rank hunters were nothing but FUCKING COWARDS!

Each and every single one of them.

When they saw the situation was bleak, they tucked their tails and fled from the area.

The image of the dragon rising form the ashes of the nuclear strike gave goosebumps.

Not to mention the catastrophic blow to the cities and the citizens.

The death toll has already reached millions in split second.

All of the hunters who had confidence that the dragon was weakened because of the nuclear strike vanished into thin air.

They stood by like headless chicken.

Especially the roar that froze that froze the weak hearted ones and easily met their demise.

Even if they somehow got the courage to run away and not be petrified.

The dragon followed like a grim ripper and chomped on their bodies like a slag of meat.

Running away has spread more damage to the makeshift shelters and the hospitals taking severely injured and traumatized patients.

The cries of people and children being burned alive by the destructive fire will continue to haunt the hunters for the rest of their lives.

Fighting ten hours straight!

The mental and physical toll has reached its peak.

The only rest they can get is when they hide behind the rubble and run around as the dragon sets its whole body on fire and releases numerous fire balls from its body.

An all-out area attacks.

Even Nolan Armstrong who is the greatest shielder had his shields creaking under such barrage.

Most of the fight was hit and run under all that barrage of the city.

Each building melting to slag after taking the heat.

But soon the S-Rank hunters were running out of options and cover.

The cities are slowly turning into a wasteland forming a huge crater with a sizeable radius.

Something needs to be done.

!!!!!End Cattaleya POV and reminiscent of the fight!!!!

Judgement day had arrived.

The prophesized world ending scenario with powerful monsters flooding the earth.

Thomas Andre was on his last legs and so are the rest of the hunters.

Nolan was on the verge of fainting.

Siddharth the sole caster on this makeshift team of eight now five is still firing chakrams on the dragons' wings completely tattering it.

Its regeneration was a Bitch to deal with.

But it seems the oh so great dragon was already out of breath.

Firing all that Death beams around the States and casting magic that involves instilling fear with it's dragon roar is making it run dry of mana.

Now is the chance.

Andre and Christopher with his sword is the last close-range fighters.

Their armors in tatters bleeding profusely.

Andre with one of the dragons' fangs logged into his shoulder and Christopher clutching his stomach from the tail swipe the dragon did on him.

He is sure he had several broken ribs and internal bleeding. Just one hit and it's done for.

Choppers that were in the air and was recording from far away was shot down as the dragon sought its prey or the pilot petrified from the dragon's glare lost control.

It was hard to breathe in this superheated place close to the dragon for a normal human being.

But for hunters with recovered items from gates worn by high-ranking monsters for anti-magic protection.

This itself was a life-saving grace, but such items have limits against a behemoth.

Andre: Blegh! Fuck! If we didn't get short stick for anti-magic items, we would have been petrified with fear like the rest of the dunderheads hogging all those High-Class Weapons and armor.

Andre was coughing blood with each sentence.

Christopher: One's own funeral Gasp! Damn it's hard to breath with my ribs broken.

Nolan: G-u-ys I -have one last spell before I kick the bucket. Ma-k-e it count.

Siddahart: We have a long way to brothers and sister. We have still not met out end.

Andre/Nolan/Christopher: Amen.

!!!!!Back at the president's office!!!!

The president was sweating buckets looking at such scenario.

This is going to go down in history as the disaster comparable to pearl Harbor.

Fritz: We have contacted other countries for help of their S-Rank hunters. This has gone beyond the complete annihilation of our country, but a world ending scenario.

The president is in the bunker with the rest of his staff with calls going of here and there.

When Fritz and he clicked glasses a part of White House was struck by that fire breath completely running their victory celebration.

No, they are cooped up here praying for a miracle.

President: Do you think they will agree?

Fritz: They must or their destruction will be next in line.

President: I can only pray this nightmare ends.

Fritz: So, do I.

!!!!!End of POV!!!!

Saiki and Shirou were watching the fight intensely.

Shirou brought out Mirror of Clairvoyance to see what was happening in detail.

A round golden floating mirror was Infront of both Saiki and Shirou as they gazed around the battlefield.

Both of them was shocked was an understatement.

Charred corpses and craters here and there with bodies of fallen fighters in unrecognizable appearance.

Saiki was looking at it with a blank face.

He has seen Shiro's memories so these are nothing.

Shirou was having a migraine this instant.

Why did that vampire bring him to such an apocalyptic scenario?

[Shirou: Zelrecht you better fess up what you are cooking]

{Zelrecht: I just bought you to an alternate universe of this magical world where five of them lost}

[Shirou: You mean!]

{Zelrecht: This battle was meant to be won, but here it's different. Think of it as a chance to test your new skills]

Shirou took a huge lump of breath not to scream profanities at this son of a bitch vampire. He had enough of this guys shenanigans.

(Saiki: If you were in front of me, I would have punched you to the Troposphere!)

{Zelrecht: Hehe he come one now! Let's see some action. I am bored you know sitting here reading books and doing nothing else. Why don't you show me what you are capable off?}

Shirou and Saiki closed their eyes taking deep breaths.


They though simultaneously.

They looked back at the mirror but got spooked.

Kamish noticed their presence and was looking straight at their direction.

It looks like the fight has concluded.

!!!!Back to Andre and Team!!!!

Cattleya was now buried under rubble as the dragon finally decided enough is enough! Then shot straight towards the archer who took it's one good eye.

Aiming at the eye was one good decision but at the same time ticked Kamish off.

He shot a flame breath right at the Archer with all his might knocking out the sole support of the team.

Now it set it's one good eye on the four.

All of their moral was hit after seeing their Archer out of commission.

But she has done her part.

The dragons hide was filled with holes bleeding profusely.

With wings battered and ruined and its face and belly all marred with long gnashes and scars.

It was also not in good shape.

But now it's time to end this once and for all.

With one scream mustering it decreasing mana supply he knocked out the Shielder who can't go on anymore.

The three were pressured by the huge killing intent.

They have all became used to the dragon roar and the fear of death.

It's time for one last ditch effort.

Thomas charged with all it's might flooding his whole body with magic energy to tank the dragon.


Christopher wasted no time and blitz away from the dragons sight to it's blind side.

Siddharth used his magic to throw Nolan far away from the battle so he can be safe.

Siddhart: Lord Shiva bless me.

With several chakrams appearing around him up to 100 to thousand he is going to give one last effort to take the behemoth down.

Andre dashed on a straight line and tanked the dragon making it stagger.

Kamish looked down and released its fire breath on Andre with him gritting his teeth to withstand the heat.

Christopher was looking around trying to find a weak spot amidst the titan's body.

Legs, Head, Body.

He needs to decide the where to strike for maximum damage.

Time slows down as he stares at the dragon.

What will make this Lizard breath it's last.

Then he saw it.

His opportunity made by Cattleya.

The damaged eye.

If only he could get the chance to dig his sword in the dragon's eye.

He needs to wait for the perfect time.

The time when their caster lands a strike.

Siddharth was bulking under the huge mana he is drawing out of his body.

After this it's his last rodeo.

It's been nice knowing all of them.

Suddenly Kamish stares at a direction giving a broad view of its damaged eye.

Siddharth made contact with Christopher with each relaying their intentions.

This was the time.

Christopher: NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With no hesitation Siddharth released his spell with Andre jumping away at the last second.

With his body charred by the extreme heat.

The dragon got showered by magical attack blinding its sight.

Several gnashes were laid out on its body and with one of horn finally breaking by the sheer scale of the magical attack.

From its side came the grim reaper.

With his sword charged and ready to Strike.


Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands Christopher plunged his sword to the weak point The eye.

The dragon was caught off guard.

It closed its eyes accepting the end.


It seemed lady luck didn't grace the men and women with her blessing.

The sword shattered after coming in contact with the eyelid.

The magical attack blew through it destroying the eye.

It still did not reach the main target.

The Brain.

Despair seemed to cloud everyone's heart who was watching.

The Dragon realized that it was still breathing and everything came to a standstill.

It released a snort.

Coming so Far.

In the End it doesn't matter who has the higher hand or the number to boast.

Luck was the main factor.

The dragon released a flame burst from the body blowing the challengers away.

The Rulers were sweating now.

What are the odds for the dragon to triumph even though they were controlling it to be tame.

It looks like they have to move to plan B.

But suddenly they felt a foreign presence.

An Unknown one and other they were familiar with.

They wouldn't dare the consequences if that being was Alive.

Right now, Chills were going down their spines.

At this moment the Dragon noticed it too, applying healing magic on it's wings and it's body.

Licking its wounds.

Looks like it found its prey.

Rather a worthy opponent.

The Aura was something to look up to.

The Aura of a King.

A Monarch or a Ruler.

!!!!!!!Back to Saiki and Shirou!!!!!

Shirou: Well Fuck

Saiki: Why is it looking at us? Not to mention sensing out presence.

Shirou: It may be my magical aura. I think it noticed that.

Saiki: Wait Aura? Shit so that's why!

Saiki quickly withdrew his aura.

Sometimes he subconsciously turns it off or on.

But today he had it on as he had expected to go and fight some monsters in a fantasy world.

Saiki didn't realize that withdrawing his aura seems to tick off the dragon.

The dragon took it as a challenge.

It felt like it was insulted.

Withdrawing one's aura showed that the challenger is unworthy of that persons presence.

The dragon gave a roar startling the two.

It looks like another huge battle is on Horizon.

!!!!!!!On Vimana!!!!!

Shirou: I want to leave. I really want to but it seems my E-Rank luck is working at full throttle. I don't want to attract attention to myself by transforming.!

Saiki: No use fussing over small things. I think we already got noticed by the beings who made gates appear in this world. I had my aura out at full glory.

Shirou: Great just great now we have no choice to kill whatever comes at us!

Shirou grabbed his head pulling his hair.

Saiki: Get ready we have a lizard to take down.

{Zelrecht: Take out Balmung and Armor of Fafnir. It will be a great test of your current strength and endurance. Also give that pink head a Shield}

Shirou: Just my luck.

Saiki: Ready?

Shirou: I never was ready. I was forced to be.

On top of the still Vimana in air Shirou closed his eyes and released the huge energy sleeping inside him.

With a blinding flash Shirou transformed to his full capability preparing to battle the behemoth.

Now the World shall reach its Twilight.

I am doing the Arc in sololeveling world. My first Arc. Wish me luck.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapnocreators' thoughts