

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


!!!!Rulers and Kamish POV!!!

The sudden burst of energy startled both the Rulers and the Dragon. The power that washed over all of them gob smacked all of them.

At first the person of interest they were observing was like a small flame in the darkness, but now it is like they are staring at the sun.

Such overwhelming power sent goosebumps up the Rulers spine with the dragon feeling the same.

So, a split-second decision was made out of nervousness and cautiousness of the presence of the unknown intruders.

They are going to release Kamish out of their control.

The Rulers after capturing the minions of the monarchs placed a slave contract upon them so they can be hunted for materials and experience to survive in an apocalyptic world for the surviving humans.

As the Rulers have decided to introduce magical beasts to the world call Earth and grant powers to humans who can survive and fight for their cause, and equivalent exchange was made.

A path opened up to easily get rid of the Monarchs for good.

The Rulers who are watching in doubt had an inkling Kamish would not be enough.

So, they moved to Plan B.

A plan to make those five hunters who is at their last breath to be their avatars in exchange for their lives.

Another equivalent exchange.

Now they have to wait and see how this development ends and what these intruders' objective are.

If they survive that is.

!!!!!End of POV!!!!

Shirou has successfully transformed without blowing up the area around it, his body was and mind was being strained with the huge output of power but it becomes less and less after each practice.

Practice makes a man perfect Afterall.

He was with his signature red and black body suit with a silver S on his midsection with a white cape.

Saiki: Quiet the lightshow now let's start the planning. First, I would your advice as a counter-guardian how to take down the overgrown Lizard.

Shirou: Haa damn this is such a pain to transform. Okay here is the deal. First you stay out of this teach.

Second dragons are magic resistant especially a flame dragon who has huge amount of energy in its body.

Third the dragons howl instills fear to their opponents. Something called dragon fear. They can also make a domain of huge density of mana to pressurize their opponents.

Those who do not have magic resistance should not even think of fighting that thing. Except for those who have great will power to snap out of it.

Since I am familiar with this type of feeling I snapped out of it, I would not have fallen into it's influence if I had already flooded my magic circuits with decent amount of prana with not having my guard down.

Also, the dragon looks pissed. With that rage it's oozing its presence and killing intent to massacre anything in its path.

If we want to beat it, we have to aim for the core, which is the heart. Physical attacks are the only way to go.

Saiki: So, you are telling me energy attacks won't work as it has a passive energy barrier around it.

Physical attacks like bashing it with a hammer or pushing it would hopefully bring it down.

So we need a Shield and a Weapon to like those medieval era knights with guts to go toe toe with a beast to wipe out a country.

Sounds barbaric to me.

Shirou: ...…..

Shirou: Haa let's just not argue on this. I don't know if your psychic powers will make it go to sleep. Not to mention it might have metal resistance against such attacks.

So, we have to go the old fashion way.

And it seems I have the right tools for it.

Shirou opened the gate of Babylon and took out Balmung out of it.

It was a ling silver broad sword with decorated hilt with a cross and a blue jewel on its end of the handle.

He wanted to take out Gram but he has not sure how long the battle would take with the amount of mana consumption he is going to do to bash the dragon.

He took out an obsidian-colored necklace with three huge pearls with runes curved around it and gave it to Saiki.

Shirou: Here this artefact will help you to negate the Dragons Roar, Mental damage, Damage to soul and Extreme magic pressure. As you have not properly taught magic this will suffice. Also, what shield should I give you?

Saiki took the necklace and inspected it and to his surprise his telepathy which were flooded with cries of anguish and despair stopped.

Saiki failed to notice it as he was focused on the dragon but such screams would haunt him for some nights, so he chose to ignore it.

If he removes the limiters, he could hear people all around the world including in warzones.

Something he thoroughly ignores all his life.

Saiki: So, do you have something like Aegis or the Shield of Sir Galahad.

Shirou: Hmm with your mana supply you won't be able to activate either of them. Let me see what is-


Shirou: SHIT! Gotta think fast.

{Zelrecht: Give him Aigis armor of Odysseus}

[Shirou: Haa? Are you out of your mind. He would need several gods blessing form the Age of Gods to wear it. Even if I could give him without that criteria as the PRESENCE gave me the Gate of Babylon it would return it to me]

{Zelrecht: Not if you let him borrow it or give it away under your authority. Except for divine artefacts, you can't give them away only let he specified person to borrow it.}

(Saiki: Aigis? Shouldn't it be Aegis)

Shirou: It's one of the Aegis series armors made by the god Hephaestus. The armor you would be wearing is the concept of defense itself. Still wear the necklace as you currently d not possess the capability to bring out and its true potential.

Shiro went forward to Saiki and touched his shoulder. Slowly an skin tight body armor materialized on Saiki's with a Neural Link mask of a cyborg on his face.

This startled Saiki as a foreign power washed over him.

A hud system was displayed Infront of him.

For an ancient armor.

It was more of an advanced mecha suit.

Saiki raised his hands covered in armor.

He looked around his body and saw he was embraced my a silver white armor with a white cape.

Saiki: THIS IS-

Shirou: Cool right. I was really jealous when I saw this armor in Atlantic lost belt. When I say it, I was like


{Author Note: Someone post picture of Odysseus armor from Atlantic Lost belt}

Saiki chuckles under his antiques but it was interrupted with huge amount of mana washing over them suddenly.

Shirou: WHAT THE-

Saiki: It's presence just became huge.

Shirou: It was losing mana now it seems like it got a refill for some reason. Mana breathing of a dragon?

Saiki crossed his eyes to look through with his clairvoyance.

He saw a rapidly approaching dragon heading straight for them!


Shirou quickly took control of vimanna and headed straight away from the city scape to a nearby Island where he can conclude the battle. First of all, he is going to release some bombs form this ancient aircraft.

Shirou: Hold tight we have a dragon to slay. First of all we need to drop the dragon of the sky to the grown. I am going to fire Noble Phantasms with curses at its wings to drag it down.

Saiki: Nice! I just want to say thanks.

Shirou: Thanks for what, your raising flags here Saiki.

Saiki: Thanks for taking me to such amazing adventure. Everyday it's been boring. Holding myself back every day. The world was like a carboard to me. A single misstep would destroy thousands of lives. But now I can finally let loose.

Shirou chuckles at this.

Shirou: Yare yare looks like I am not the only chaotic one here.

Shirou looks over to the Horizon where the Dragon is flying off from. He clenches the sword in his hands.

This is his first time outside the counterforce to fight a dragon.

A High-Ranking Phantasmal beast.

He doesn't know if he can toe to toe in his base form as a servant on his own mana supply, but now it's different.

With a high-class mana core and 80 circuits with his regular 27 modified circuits, he can take it on.

Not to mentioned this unknown power in his body, with origins mystery to him.

Shiros Clairvoyance Sha Naqba Imuru activates showing him the seven beings watching him and the battles in the future.

It looks like there are lots of planning to do.

Shirou cape flutters in the wind as the Vimmna sails through the Atlantic Ocean.

First a change of armor is needed in the place of this tacky skin tight suit.

!!!!!!Kamish POV!!!!

Kamish was resting and revitalizing his magical energy from the surroundings.

Even though it was in a new world, it seems the world is slowly getting saturated my magical energy.

This helped him to rejuvenate itself from the huge expenditure of his mana and strength albeit at a slower pace.

Since Kamish was under the influence of the Rulers, he had had abilities lowered so that those pathetic weaklings of this world have a chance against him.

So now the mighty dragon has slowly curled up with several magic circles for defense, awareness and healing to get back into top shape.

But suddenly it felt something.

A shift in the surrounding mana around it and its body.

Like several locks opened at once.

It felt liberated.

Then seven voices entered its mind.


Kamish was shaken to its core.

The abilities which were sealed was liberated by the Rulers to fight an unknown being that was watching him.

How powerful can that being be to make the Rulers raise their guard?

Surely this being cannot be a monarch as they all have went into hiding.

So, who is this person?

This question can only be answered if he meets those beings face to face.

Now that his abilities are liberated, it now can finally soar the heavens.

Curses, Regenerative spells and Magic involving elements.

This battle would surely be legendary if the Rulers voice of cautiousness give any tell tales about it.

Kamish rose on its four feet's and released a roar to the sky, declaring it's conviction to survive.

A worthy opponent surely get it riled up and motivated.

Several Magic circles were cast by Kamish which instantly healed its tattered body.

Fighting all of those beings surely took a toll on it.

Now that its wings are healed it is time to chase for its prey.

With a single flap of it's wings Kamish rose to the sky to find his opponent.

!!!!!!!End of POV and Collision Course!!!!!

Kamish was hot on Vimana's Tail which was flying at quarter of its actual speed.

Saiki and Shirou were standing on the craft and looking at Kamish with bated breaths.

Shirou: Ready?

Saiki: You know the plan you made is suicide.

Shirou: We can't give it range or else we will be skewered by the shower of magic spells. So going head on would be the only option. We can glide through the attacks with this aircrafts speed. If we are close it cannot cast any huge AOE spells to wipe us out in one swoop. If our abilities are known it will use all it's might to kill us. You know the plan right. Go up and prepare to snip the dragon. I will pin it down.

Saiki: Yare yare after this fight we are going to visit every sweet shop we can find and empty their stock.

Shirou: Whatever floats your boat.

Saiki had already taken off his limiters and blasted up to the sky carrying a huge Magical metal rod given by Shirou from his gate of Babylon.

The plan is mad crazy to full off.

One slip and Shirou might be on the other side of the gun.

Shirou: Haa now shall we play chicken.

Shirou turned around the vimanna and headed straight for the dragon Kamish.

The Dragon noticed this and happily accepted the gesture.

His opponent has courage.

Going head on.

An excellent decision.

The Dragon gave a roar of acknowledgement and headed straight for collision course increasing its pace.

Shirou: Haa I don't want to sound like the arrogant king but I will give my own declaration to the dragon.

Shirou noticed that dragon accepted his challenge and will oblige.

Now that his worries of playing cat and mouse is out of the window, it's time to show his true might.








With one final flash the weapons were released.


All the millions of weapons flying at Mach speed flew toward the dragon.

If the dragon had a expression, it would be his eyes popping out.

In it's head it can only scream.


The Rulers who were watching this fell off from their seats.

Having the same expression and though as the dragon.

Millions of weapons approached the dragon to end it's life.

With its instincts on high Alert, it released the highest defensive spell around it with a burst of flame around it.

Kamish braced for impact.


Saiki who was watching from the top had his jaw drop.

He wondered if Shirou actually needed his help.

A huge explosion happened in the sky.

Shirou wasted no time and opened a magic book with golden runes and spells and coming out of it.

The Weapons made contact that is for sure.

This one attack depleted half of his mana.

He recalled the weapons and summoned a huge portal above the smoke of superconductive air.

A huge portal opened with a huge as a magic circle and unleashed a huge lightning bolt on the dragon.

With a blitz the lighting moved away the smoke and gave the final picture.

Shiro scrunched his face.

The dragon got instincts and luck of the devil.

A huge cuckoo of ice and lighting was tattered to Swiss cheese.

There were some weapons who couldn't pierce through and recalled back.

Such adaptation and casting of spell of the dragon race has greatly shaken Shiro in his past life as a counter guardian and even now.

The reaction time was surreal.

Shiro can deduce some things.

First the dragon is a veteran with huge experience in its belt.

Second, it's knowledge in magic was incredible.

Third its magic power and fighting capability skyrocketed, meaning someone is influencing this battle.

It didn't have such prowess previously but now it doubled?

But the dragon was not unscathed.

After the lighting strike finally shattered the ice dome and the defensive spell.

The dragon had several holes in its body with one of it's wings completely out of commission.

It seems it sacrificed one of its wings to protect its head.

But now it was falling down.

Shiro dismissed the Grimoire by closing it and observed the dragon sharply as it falls.

Suddenly the mana in the area rises putting Shiro on edge.

He quickly used his Minds eye and suddenly remembered a familiar face of a witch he double crossed.

Medea of Colchis.

Shiro quickly dismisses it and throttled the Vimana out of the area with speed at the highest he can withstand.

Surely the place Shiro was residing on had several magic circles opening up.

The mana density is so enormous and disgusting that it is making his skin crawl.

With a flash of light homing lasers was right at his tail.

Shiro gritted his teeth and did evasive maneuvers left and right to get of the range of the dragon's domain of attack.

Fueling the vimanna is draining his magic core rapidly.

If push comes to shove, he may need to use Ea.

Something he does not want show yet to the world, he needs to keep his cards hidden.

Shiro: Fuck! After this I am going to learn third magic to beat your soul Zelrecht!

Shiro quickly did maneuvers but it seems his luck is going to smack him on his cheeks.

The laser coalesced on a straight line gaining a sudden boost.

Shiro wasted no time and released the explosions from the craft towards the laser.

Shiro then proceeded to open his gate of Babylon and summoned numerous A Rank Shields.

He jumped high from the Vimana and dismissed it to his treasury.

Having buying enough time with the magic explosions going off at the contact with the laser.

It finally strikes the Shields Shiro summoned.

Oh boy was it a light show.

Magic bombs going off in the sky like twinkling starts in the sky.

People at the coast who were hiding in the rubble came out after the sounds of battle stopped and the roar of the dragon finally ended close to their location.

It was heart wrenching to say, but in such dire circumstances the flashes of light were beautiful, which were far off at the Pacific Ocean.

Before they might die, they can at least relish at such mesmerizing scene.

!!!!Back To Shirou!!!!

Shirou was buckling under the heat and pressure of the laser attack of the dragon.

This strength is absolutely ridiculous.

This mana output is close to legendary dragons like Fafnir.

He has no Choice but to unleash a Noble Phantasm in this world.

The laser died down with the Shields glowing with the huge heat it has absorbed.

Shiro did not dismiss them but raised one of his hands to the Sky.




Seven Colored petal formed at top.

Suddenly a huge beam landed on him straining Shiro Further.

Shiro: SON OF A GUN!

Shiro gritted his teeth with his eyes looking at the top.

If not for his clairvoyance he would have been hit badly.

Shirou under stress quickly dismissed his body suit and materialized the Armor of Fafnir on his body.

Going close is his only option.

One of the petals suddenly shattered straining his muscles.

The second was layer was on the verge of shattering but the laser withdrew.

Shiro wasted no time and looked at the place the dragon landed and flew straight there.

Shiro made sure Kamish was on top of an Island when he released his attack.

So, he can have a final bout.

Shiro used telepathy to contact Saiki.

{Shiro: Is it done}

{Saiki: Three minutes}

{Shiro: That's Enough}

Shiro landed on the Island the dragon was at with his senses scanning the Island.

Shiro turned around and looked to the west.

He raised Balmung close to his chest and held its hilt with both hands.

Shiro gripped it hard.

"O sword let thee be filled"

Shiro canted challenging huge amount of mana.

A pillar of blue light rose to the sky.

A burst of mana covered the Island.


A weak voice of the dragon was heard.

Shiro raised the sword up prepared to unleash havoc.


With a single strike he released toward the place where the dragon was rushing towards him.

Kamish opened his mouth and fired its own beam.

Matching the power of Noble Phantasm toe to toe.

But as the Noble Phantasm was used against a dragon and extra boost was given to Shiro.

Slowly pushing the dragon back.

The beams collided for supremacy and with a burst exploded to the sky coiling around each other.

One Blue and another Red.

Shiro Crouched down with the sword at the side for a wide swing and used mana burst on his feet.

He quickly rushed through the path where the dragon is, with blue sparks coming out of his body and armor.

Several Magic Circles appeared above his head and he quickly blitz through the hail of Ice, Fire and lighting.

Shiro in this situation was not feeling fear or pain.

But only Euphoria.

The speed, power and the rush of battle.

A single thought crossed his mind.

{Shiro: So this it the power of a true heroic spirit}

A smile graced his face and wind passed through his face and hair. Ashes rising here and there with fire erupting through nearby forest and small cliffs falling over.

Shiro Steeled his eyes.

One strike.

He needed one Strike.

After that it's over.

He was moving left and right through the area.

With huge explosions going off around him grazing it with just a few inches.

So, he began to chant for the coming blow.



Shiro jumped away from sudden throw of rock from the dragon.

He blitzed through the earth control going around him.

Heated rocks firing off to his place.

He batted them away with Balmung

Slicing of the huge ones with a vertical path to make a path.

A cross swing and a spin with the blade to maneuver through the terrain.

Digging the blade on the huge rock and launching it back to the dragon.


Shiro jumped up high enough so that he can get a vantage point where the dragon has not barricaded with the rocks surrounding it making it a dome.


Shiro pulled back the sword for a huge horizontal swing.

" BALMUNG!!!!"

A huge pillar of blue ether unleashed from the sword towards the dragon.

Kamish had its life flash before his eyes.

When Kamish saw the Pillar of blue light coming out of the sword, warning bells were going of it's head.

Something was telling him if the pillar of light or the sword landed a strike on him.

He will surely die.

So he made a barricade of earth.

But it was too late.

The Human opponent who it considered worthy as it's opponent has found a perfect place to strike from the sky.

It was already too late to barricade against that pillar of light that was rapidly approaching.

So it closed it's eyes and accepted its fate.

With a flash the blue pillar descended upon it.

It was the end.

A huge explosion went off the Island Coloring the world in blue.

The Sun rose after the explosion has cleared.

The World had finally had the veil of darkness washed away.

The World had reached it's Twilight.

So how was the chapter. Feel free to drop some comments for improvement.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapnocreators' thoughts