
My Hero Academia: Generator Rex

A man responsible for the destruction of the world died and gets reincarnated to save a world with the powers of Generator Rex. A world filled with quirks is slowly dying. Can new Rex save this world?? Disclaimer: I don’t own any character in this fanfic. Generator Rex is an American animated science fiction television series created by Man of Action, maker of Ben 10 For advance chapters or support me here: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 21 Fiancée

Rex was looking out of the car with a boring expression while Bisha was driving the car.

The next day, Rex woke up when Bisha suddenly appeared and asked him to prepare for an outing. Right now, he was in a two-piece suit with a tie. His hair was combed in the back while also wearing a pair of standard glasses.

On next hand, Bisha was in her tsundere mode not telling anything what's going on. She was also in a two-piece suit which she usually wore in her working days. Sebas was silently driving the car.

"Mom, I think it's time you tell me what's going on," Rex asked.

"Humph. You don't need to know." Bisha said in tsundere mode.






"Arg! Fine… sigh* w-we are going to meet your fiancée." Bisha said with a stutter.

"Let me guess, it's Yaoyaorozo family and her name is Momo Yaoyaorozo."

"Yes, her name is Momo- wait, how did you…" Bisha wanted to ask but saw Rex was looking at her with a deadpan expression. Bisha coughed then continued, "Ahem, so that's the story. You are going to meet her today."

"Can't you guys at least consult me? And I am only 15 and at what age are we living that parents are fixing marriage of their children without his consult?" Rex asked.

"Consult you? All you have to do is to meet her. I am not asking you to marry her. And besides, if you have seen her then you should know how pretty she is. Soon the law will be passed for fixed marriage system from decreasing population."

"Wow, you found your son to increase the population."

"Of course, you have to start with your family first for a positive move." Bisha proudly said.

"And what about Melissa?"

"What *about* her?"

"Don't tell me, you don't know what pops was cooking!" Rex said with narrowed eyes.

"Well, there is an only friendship between you and her. Besides the government already passed the bill to have multiple wives based on income. So…" Bisha said rolling her eyes.

"Are you seriously making your son make a harem? What if someone asks you to do the same with pops?!"

"I don't have a problem," Bisha said with a straight face.


"Yes. In fact, he even had one beside me."

"What happened to her?"

"She died. I went berserk because of that. She was also my best friend…" Bisha said with a sad tone.

Rex looked down before he sighed and changed the topic. "So why did you fix my marriage with her? I know we have some connections to the Yaoyaorozo family but I am still unaware of the actual relationship."

"I guess it's time you should know. Yaoyaorozo family is an influential family even before the age of superpowers. My grandma means my mother's mother, was the original heir of the Yaoyaorozo family.

At that time, they adopted the rule that whoever gets a powerful quirk, will become the main heir of the family. This became a dispute since my grandma had a powerful quirk to create various metals but she had a little brother who didn't like her. Sensing her brother's ill intent to eliminate her, she left the house and married another person who was from Mexico, adopting the new name Kinzoku.

The problem was not severe to the point of using violence but it was still restless. Anyway, Aiko, Momo's mother has become a good friend of mine. Also, she had done many favors to me, when you were born, she asked your hand for marriage with her daughter and I agreed. That's the gist of the story."

"… Wow. Talk about connections." Rex said then sighed. "She is aiming to be a hero you know. What if something happened to her and I become berserk?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Rex! It happened once doesn't mean that it will happen again. The sole reason I trained you hard and have control over your emotions was just to not let you go berserk!" Bisha scolded Rex who looked away. Bisha sighed then smiled and said, "Look sweetie, in this world nothing is certain. If you fear the future this much then you won't be able to find happiness for yourself. You have your family support. I will put my life on the line for you if you are in danger."

Rex looked at her with wide eyes before he smiled and said, "Thanks, mom. I am sorry for acting cowardly."

Rex realized that he was making the same mistake he made in his previous life. The main reason he came here was to make a family and live a happy life but he always perceived this world as his previous world.

"It's okay. You are still a kid even if you act like an evil game player." Bisha said with a chuckle.

Rex shook his head and decided to wait for his arrival at Yaoyaorozo mansion. After another five minutes, they arrived at the mansion. Main gate opened and their car entered. Soon a big mansion came into view. It was a western-looking mansion with an exquisite garden. The car stopped at the entrance and they came out of the car.

"Welcome, Bisha Kinzoku and Rex Kinzoku."

They heard a soft voice and saw two identical-looking girls. One was wearing an elegant looking dress with a ponytail while the other was has her hair open and wearing a similar-looking dress but the only difference was

Bisha smiled and gently hugged Aiko who also hugged her. Though there was an age difference, they were still good friends.

Rex walked to Momo who was looking at Rex with a daze. Rex smiled and snapped his fingers in front of her.

"H-huh?" Momo woke up from her dream and blushed, "I-I am sorry. I was not paying attention."

"Hehe, well anyway looks like we meet again," Rex said then smiled. "Momo Yaoyaorozo."

"Same here, Rex Kinzoku." Momo also said with a gentle smile.


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