
My Hero Academia : Champion

This follows a kid named Christan Brooks and his attempt to become a Pro Hero. Along with his childhood friend Ochaco Uraraka. What will he do when his future could be affected by his past coming back to haunt him.

ItsNightWing246 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Starting the Entrance Exam

I'm out running with Ochaco training for the entrance exam. I heard it's pretty dangerous from a newer pro. We got ten months till the exams start. I'm a bit ahead of her so I slow down so she can catch up. "Your so slow, you wanted to be a hero." "So you have to be fast or at least be able to get there without stopping every few minutes." I told her while she had her hands on her knees breathing really heavily. She didn't say anything she looked like she was gonna fall over. I grabbed her by the shoulders so she wouldn't fall. "You know what, let's take a break." I told her as we sat on the bench nearby.

I got us some ice cream and we sat there for a while in silence before she broke it. "Thanks, I needed that." "I could tell, you could barely stand." I told her. "That's because you said we were going to jog around town but you sprinted way ahead of me." She told me before pouting. "That's how I jog." I stated with a sarcastic tone. "Don't use that excuse, your just being mean." She said getting in my face. "Okay, okay I'll slow down." I said before standing up making her back away. "I'll let you get a 10 second head start, go." I told her before she jogged ahead of me. 10 months of this and regular gym visits and we'll be ready. I have to get Ochaco to an independent mindset. Of course I want to help her with whatever but I don't know what the actual test will be. Mt. Lady didn't tell me much other then it's gonna be dangerous. I thought to myself as I started to run up behind her.

10 months later

We're walking to the school and its huge. "This is so crazy." "Ten months just flew by." I said pulling headphones down to my neck. "Right, I'm still a little nervous but the good kind." She says as we walk through the gate. On our way to the door we saw this kid with curly hair about to fall but Ochaco quickly stopped him from falling. He freaked out for a bit but he calmed down after a bit. "That was my quirk." "Sorry for stopping you, but ... I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you." She said before smiling. The kid looked shook. But I just ignored it. "This sure is nerve wracking." "Not really." I whispered under my breath. The guy didn't say a word, he just stood there. I began to walk off while Ochaco walk with me. "Good luck to both of us." "See ya." She said before we got in the building.

Inside the Auditorium

"WELCOME TO TODAY'S LIVE PERFORMANCE!! EVERYBODY SAY HEY!!" Present Mic yelled out us but everyone was silent. "WELL THAT'S COOL MY EXAMINEE LISTENERS!!" "I'M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES FOR YOUR PRACTICAL!!" "ARE YOU READY?!" We were still silent. It was a few more minutes of my ear drums being shredded before someone wanted to ask a question. He asked about the fact there's four robots on the paper not three like Mic said. He also called out that kid from earlier on his muttering. Of course I could hear it too but Mic was so loud I stopped caring about his light muttering. Present Mic explained the fourth robot was worth no points so immediately I stopped caring. All I have to do is avoid it. Seems easy enough. "Ochaco, you hear that?" I whispered to her. "I'm not gonna try to fight it." She told me. "Just making sure." I said before we were dismissed to the testing locations.

I'm stretching my legs out before it starts. It was a really good Idea to wear black and red track pants and red compression shirt for this. I look over and see Ochaco patting her chest and breathing slowly. "You're really that nervous, you got this." "Just don't overwork yourself." I told her putting my hand on her shoulder. "You're right, you be careful too." She said as I heard Present Mic's voice again. "Did he just say begin?" I asked while everyone looked up at him. "WHAT'S WRONG?" "THE TEST'S STARTED!!" "RUN!" "RUN!!" He yelled out as the door opened and everyone ran through the gate. I used my quirk to push myself ahead of everyone and I kicked right through one of the robots. I landed on my feet & noticed three more robots in front of me. I quickly used it again to send the three robots in front of me flying into a building destroying them.

"Nice, that's about 10 points already." I said to myself. I turn around and see that Ochaco is sending a few robots up into the sky and dropping them to the ground. She's doing great. Looks like she won't be needing me. I think to myself before I use my quirk to jump on top of the nearest building. I look around and see that there's a bunch of 3 point robots on the other side of the building. And there's only a few other people around them. From above them I used my quirk again but this time I pulled all four of the robots off the ground and violently pushed them down destroying them. "And that's 22 points." "Alright, let's not lift more than two robots for now." I said to myself breathing heavily. I jump down from the building as I see that curly haired kid just standing around. I was gonna go over see if he's okay but then I heard Ochaco call me over to her.

I walk to her and she looks to be out of breath. "You tired already Ochaco, come on it's almost over." I told her. "No, of course I'm not tired." "I'm pumped up!" She yelled out while flailing her arms around. "That's the spirit." "But I do feel like we over prepared." "What do you mean?" She asked tilting her head in confusion. "Well, for one these robots aren't that durable." "I'm mean they go down so easy." "I kinda get it but isn't that a good thing I-." "Oh right shoulder." I cut her off to say as I launch away couple of 3 pointer robots that were about to attack her. "Thanks for that, but back to what I was saying why are you overthinking this?" "Your usually a lot more laid back." She asked me as sat down on the curb. "I'm not sure, it's probably just a gut feeling." "That just means your hungry. She said as my stomach growl." We both laughed and then I remembered.

"Hey how many points do you have?" "I'm sitting at a nice 28 points." I said proudly. "Really, me too." She told me in cheery tone. "Wait we have same amount?" *Six minutes, two seconds remaining* The intercom says. "I have to win." I said as I pushed myself off on top of a building. "IT'S NOT A COMPETITION!!" I hear her yell out as I land. I look around and see a few other people but no robots. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if their all destroyed. But then I saw a 2 point robot just all by itself. I was gonna destroy it but then felt the ground shake. I turn around and see a giant robot destroy a few buildings nearby. "Isn't that a bit much UA?" I say to myself as I jump from building to building to get away from it. But then I remembered Ochaco. I look in to crowd of people running and I don't see her.

I felt my heart sink. I turned around and ran back to the robot to see if she was there. On my way back I saw that she stuck under some debris. I also noticed the curly haired kid was also there, frozen in fear. The robot was gonna crush them. I was about to use my quirk to launch it backwards. But just then the kid jumped all the way in the air and uses his quirk to destroy the giant in a single blow. I was so stunned that I stopped dead in my tracks. That was awesome! He must have a strength enhancement quirk. I thought to myself. This is why we don't judge a book by its cover. Then I noticed he was falling and his limbs look like they were broken. I was thinking I could pull him to me but the sudden shift from falling down to being yanked in another direction would do more harm than good. I instead use my quirk to launch myself over to them. I was almost there but I think I might have under shot, or maybe lifting those 4 robots before took a lot more out of me than I thought. I felt my face and cracks were spreading fast.

I landed on my feet and was about to make it but Ochaco slapped him and he stopped falling right before he hit the ground. I walked over to him and made sure he was alright but he just asked if Ochaco was alright. I looked over to her and saw her throwing up. I let out a sigh of relief. "She's gonna be just fine." "Thank goodness." He groggily said but then he tried to crawl. "What are you doing?" "You're in no condition to be moving." I said stopping him from crawling. "One point, I just need one point." I heard him say as tears rolled down his face. That's right he never even got one, and that giant one doesn't give you anything. I frantically looked around to see If there were any robots left. But then I saw a 1 pointer still somewhat moving. I used my quirk to pull it towards me. It landed right in front of me. It was barely functioning so it wasn't able to do anything.

"Hey, you there man?" I asked. His eyes opened slowly before they widened. Still crying he reached his one working arm out and pushed it over destroying it. Just then Present Mic spoke let us know it was all over. I finally laid down next to him. "Thank you." He said still breathing heavily. "No problem." I said closing my eyes. But then I heard a familiar voice. "Well if it isn't my favorite patient, Christan." I opened my eyes and it was Recovery Girl. "Granny!" I yell out still on the ground. "It's been so long since I've heard that, it's nice to know your still getting into trouble." She said rubbing the cracks around my eyes. "My, my you really did it now." "Those cracks have gotten further than when you were younger." She then used her quirk on me and I felt the cracks go away. "Thanks Granny." I walked over to Ochaco and helped her off the top of the robot parts. I cared for her over to Recovery Girl. "Is he gonna be alright?" "This one will be just fine." "Now I'll be off, it was nice to see you again Christan." "You too Granny."

One week later

I'm sitting in my room playing video games. I'm about to win after several hours of playing but then I hear frantic knocks on my door. I angrily sighed before pausing and went to open it. As I opened the door Ochaco fell down on the floor but then she quickly got up. "It's here!" "The letters are here!" She told me holding two letters in her hands. I quickly grabbed mine and we ripped them open. They fell on the floor and All Mights face appeared on them as a hologram. He told us that we did amazing on the practical and written exam. Well Ochaco did better in the written. But then I heard him say that we also had a lot more points then we thought. He told us that Rescue Points were also a factor here. "45 rescue points for Christan Brooks!!" "45 rescue points for Ochaco Uraraka!!" He said making Uraraka hug me with joy with tears in her eyes. "You're in!" He said holding out his hand and and then making a fist. "Come Now, Christan and Uraraka!" "This will be your hero academy!" He finished as we both yelled in happiness. "YEAHH!!!" All the training we went through to get here. So begins our high school career we've dreamed of.


