
My Hero Academia : Champion

This follows a kid named Christan Brooks and his attempt to become a Pro Hero. Along with his childhood friend Ochaco Uraraka. What will he do when his future could be affected by his past coming back to haunt him.

ItsNightWing246 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Media Incident

Christan P.o.V

"U.A has been having a lot of attention lately don't you think?" Ochaco asked as we made our way to school by roof hopping again. "It's the biggest school around." "It's gonna get some attention" I told her as I jumped onto the last roof before getting to U.A. This building has a massive gap between the other so Ochaco always has to cross it with help but today she said she wants to make it on her own. "This is a lot bigger than usual." She looked horrified at the thought of jumping. "You say that everytime." I sarcastically state aloud as I look over the edge of the building. 

I looked back at her and she looked defeated. "You gonna jump or are you still Little, Bubble?" I stated before devilishly smirking at her. She quickly stood up. She looked not confident but determined. She then backed up a bit, like she was really gonna do it.  "That's it, get a running start." I said, egging her on. She ran right to the edge and jumped. While she was in the air she used her quirk to let herself float to the other side. She deactivated her quirk landing on her hands and knees. She didn't look nauseous or tired. She had this big grin on her face. "See, it wasn't that hard-." "I told you I could do it!" She yelled out cutting me off jumping around out of pure joy. 

"Now you have to buy me mochi for a month." I totally forgot about that. I let out a sigh before exclaiming. "A deals a deal but let's get to school before we're late." "After yesterday's Battle Trail, I can't wait to see what's next." I say as we jump off the building using Ochaco quirk to slowly descend to the ground. As we walked up to the school reports swarmed us and started asking questions. "Tell us what the symbol of peace is like infront of the class." Some random reporter asked. "How he looks?!" "Um...super muscly!!" "Yeah!" Ochaco responded as I just tried to get around them.

 "What about you?" Another one asked me as I almost got out of the swarm. "Hey, you're Christan right?" "The kid that used work as an intern a few years back." A blonde reporter said catching some attention from the others. "Oh right, I forgot you interned at Juzo News." Ochaco whispered to me. "Not my favorite memory, all that I got out of it was meeting heroes." I whispered back to her. Just then I saw Aizawa tell the reporters to leave. Thank you Eraser. I thought to myself as we walked through the reporters. As we got in I heard a loud metal door shut behind us. I turn around and see exactly what I expected after hearing that, a giant metal door. A bit much to just keep reports out but whatever's necessary.

In Class Aizawa tells us that we did good on the battle trail yesterday. He called out Bakugo and told him to grow up and he told Midoriya learn to control his quirks. I'd love to work with Midoriya. Then he told us something that actually caught me off guard. "Now, on to homeroom business." "Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today you'll be deciding on a class president. Everyone freaked say they wanted to be class president. I didn't think too much about it. I'm not sure if I'd be a good class president. Then Tenya stood up and suggested us to vote. It took a bit of voting before we got the scores. "Christan, you got 2 votes!" Ochaco told me making almost fall out of my chair. "Who voted for me?!" "I didn't even vote for me" I yelled out of pure confusion.

"You aren't the worst option, Bakugo only got one." Kirashima told as he pointed at him. "Shut up shitty hair!!" Bakugo yelled out. "Still doesn't explain who voted for me." But I got 3rd place so Midoriya and Momo won President and Vice President. I voted for them so I'm cool with this outcome. I thought before we headed to lunch. I'm sitting with Midoriya, Tenya and Ochaco at I love the food here. "Lunch Rush makes amazing food." "It's like a buffet." I said say as I'm stuffing my face with food. "Please Christan, don't talk with your mouth that full." Tenya said as he ate his curry. "Come on, this is nothing." "I eat a lot worse at home" I say after swallowing my food. "He's not wrong, my mom loves cooking for him." "He eats everything." Ochaco told them eating rice.

You're mom? Midoriya confusingly said. "Oh yeah,  Christan has been living with my family for years." Ochaco told them as I continued to eat. "So he's like your big brother?" Tenya asked. "I guess you could say that." She said, looking over to cause me to smile. "On the topic of older brothers." "How your brother Ingenium?" I asked him. "So you're aware of my family name, I don't like people to know but, he's doing work in Tokyo I believe." Just then a loud alarm went off. "Security level three has been broken." "All students please evacuate in an orderly fashion" A voice on the intercom exclaimed. Almost on cue everyone rushed to the exits in the most unorderly fashion ever. 

I was even pulled into this massive crowd. I couldn't even move. I couldn't see Ochaco, Midoriya or Tenya. Then I felt something behind me that felt soft. Out of curiosity I turn around and realize what it was. "Hey, Momo." "Once again we find ourselves in this awkward situation." I awkwardly said before trying to laugh it off. "It's not your fault." "This crowd of people is at fault." She said helping me stand up making us stand face to face. 

We both averted our eyes and then I broke the silence. "So what do you think possibly infiltrated the school?" "Well I don't know what could possibly get in without being seen." She said as I then saw a flash of blue spinning light fly above our head. It was Tenya flipping through the air. Before hitting a wall. He then told us that it was just the press and that there was nothing to panic about. "The press?" I confusingly asked. "To think they'd go this far for a story." "Breaking into U.A and setting off the alarms is just too far." Momo looked really perplexed about why they'd do it.

 "Oh they would do it alright." "When I used to intern up there they used to tell do whatever it takes get a story." "But how'd they get in is what frightens me and intrigues me." "If the press could get in then what's stopping some more unsavory individuals getting in." I could see the fear on her face as sweat ran down her forehead. "It'll be fine, we have the most powerful heroes just sitting around in almost every room that in includes our class." "Not to mention All Might." "I almost feel pity for the poor fools who comes to this school looking for trouble." I confidently said putting my arm over her shoulder and smiling. Then she started laughing hysterically. "Oh come I thought that sounded pretty cool." "I really tried, it wasn't that bad." I started feeling a bit vexed. 

"No, no, no it wasn't that you what you said." "It's that your sense of complete faith in things made me laugh." "You're so sure that no one will try to get in but today is enough proof that it's possible." She stated to me whipping tears of joy from her eyes. "Well who'd be stupid enough to break into the place the number one hero is?" I said as we walked back to class to see if everyone is okay after the Media Incident.

When we were in class Momo and Midoriya wanted to announce something after talking for a bit. "Go ahead class president." She said to Midoriya. "W-We'd  like to choose the other council members!" "But before that this is more important." Midoriya said looking pretty sheepish. "I believe Tenya is best suited for class president." "You all saw how well he led everyone in that crisis." "I think he's the correct choice for the job." Midoriya told us. 

And I along with everyone else completely agreed with Tenya getting it. Saving me from getting trampled will always put you on my good side. I thought. Tenya gladly accepted the position. I thought it was over but then Momo said my name. "There is one more announcement." "We'd like to announce that Christan should as well be on the council." I immediately sat up in confusion. "Before I was quite hesitant." "But today, I was told by him that he pitied the poor fools who come to this school looking for trouble." "With that kind of attitude I truly believe that he is absolutely necessary to be on the council." "Since I already had him in mind along with Midoriya in the votes." She said looking right at me.

 Everyone from Mina to Kirashima were all saying that I'd be a good choice. And they were all looking right at me, I couldn't say no in this type of situation. I let out a sigh and stood up. "I will accept the position if I get to share the position of Vice President." I said with no real sense of this being accepted. She started to think for maybe a second or two before giving me an answer. "Your request is indeed granted." "You will be working alongside me and Tenya as secondary Vice President." She said looking really proud about her statement. I then somehow found myself standing beside Momo and Tenya on the student council. I felt kinda outta place. I looked over to Momo and she gave a reassuring smile. Which kinda helped as I gave her an awkward grin back. I was not expecting this to be my day. What could possibly be next?


