
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 43


"DIE!" Bakugo roared, firing a compressed explosion at a villain who rushed towards him.

He then blasted himself towards the group of villains and began attacking them. Of course he did his best to minimize his power, or else he won't only knock the villains away, but destroy a large area too, and causing the building to collapse.

'I need to hurry this up and meet up with the others.' He grabbed a male villain on the face and blasts his face, knocking him unconscious.

He looked at the other two who were teleported alongside him. Sato was already showing sign of exhaustion, and of course idiocy. A backlash of overusing his quirk.

And Aoyama, despite obviously looking scared that his face stiffened in fear, was doing his best to knock out the villains who are near him.

Not only that, he was already feeling the pain from overusing his Quirk.

Suddenly, a villain with camouflage quirk sneaked up behind him. However, before he could attack, Bakugo turned around and blasts him away with a powerful explosion that caused the building to shake.

The villains were startled and stopped moving while Bakugo grinned rather maliciously.

"Kukuku," he laughed, sparks flying out if his palms, "If you dare come any closer I'll blast this floor away and cause this building to collapse. Let's freaking die together why don't we?"

That, stopped the villains on their tracks. They exchanged glances, as if asking each other on what to do.

With that evil look on Bakugo's face, they 'knew' that he wasn't kidding and he'd really bury them here.

"Come on, come closer, I dare ya." Bakugo grinned, retreating slightly until he's near Aoyama and Sato.

Aoyama stood next to him and whispered, "Y-You're not serious about burying us here right, mon ami?"

Bakugo didn't answer but just grabbed him at the back of his neck along with Sato before throwing them outside the window.

"AAAAHHHH!" Aoyama screamed in fear.

While Sato just grunted.

Bakugo swung his arm at the villains and activated his Quirk, creating a massive explosion. He then jumped out of the window, using his explosions to blast himself towards Sato and Aoyama and grabbing them.

"Grab Sato and hold on to me."

Aoyama didn't hesitate and circled his arm on Bakugo's waist while Sato was still in a daze, so Aoyama was holding him on his other arm.

Bakugo gritted his teeth and used his explosions to lessen the speed of their fall.

They reached the ground safely, before he grabbed Aoyama and threw him away. "Let go bastard. We're already on the ground."

"You already threw me!" Aoyama retorted, feeling a bit wronged.

Bakugo just cliked his tongue. "Let's go."

He turned around, only to sigh when he saw another group of villains approaching them.

However, what caught his attention is a tall and muscular man with exposed brain and red skin. Bakugo thought that he certainly looked a lot like Abomination from that old movie, The Incredible Hulk.

He turned towards Aoyama and Sato, "Can you still fight?"

Aoyama winced, but nodded nonetheless. While Sato just gave some strange... inaudible sound.

"Alright, then I'll—" he didn't get to finish his words as the Abomination wannabe appeared in front of him and punched him on the gut, sending him crashing towards a building.

Aoyama couldn't even react. He just stared at the spot where Bakugo once stood in a daze. Then, he blinked, his eyes immediately widened as he felt a massive pain all over his body and he was sent crashing to another building as well.

He coughed up blood, as his eyes rolled up. His body was already weak to begin with, now he was exhausted from using his Quirk, and he was punched with so much force that his ribs probably broke.

He was easily knocked unconscious.

As for Sato, the Abomination grabbed him on his legs before raising him up, and slamming him down on the ground, repeatedly, until he was covered in blood and was knocked unconscious.

Bakugo was the only one who remained awake. He was under some rubbles, his vision was blurry, and he was coughing.

'Shit... That freaking hurts...thank god my costumes absorbs most of the damage or else I would've turned into bloody paste ...! How strong was that guy!? Not to mention fast too... I felt like I just took Izuku's punch!'

He slowly moved the rubbles from his body, and weakly stood up.

He stared at the massive abomination and wiped his sweat, 'What a guy.' he glanced at his bracers at the shape of a grenade, 'I really don't want to use it, but looks like I've got no choice.'

He weakly raised his left hand forward and grabbed the pin of his grenade-bracers.

'Just wait...'

Then, the massive abomination twitched, and Bakugo flinched as it suddenly appeared in front of him.

However, he didn't pause for a second and immediately pulled the pin.



"YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Present Mic screamed, using his Quirk which actually cleared the rain for a few seconds and blasted away the villains without much trouble.

"So loud." Jirou narrowed her eyes and covered her eyes.

"Mic-sensei is really strong." said Kaminari in a daze.

"So this is a pro huh," said Sero with a wry smile, "In front of something like this, we really can't compare. Maybe Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Bakugo and Midoriya. But not us. Not now anyway."

Shouko remained silent, her eyes narrowed as she observed Present Mic. 'Strong. I already knew that Pros are strong but...seeing it now...Mic-sensei isn't even one of the top ten but he's clearly stronger than me...I still have a long way to go.'

Present Mic turned towards them, "Alright little listeners! You go and meet up with the rest! I'll handle everything here!"

"Are you sure sensei?" asked Kaminari in worry, "There might be stronger ones here you know? Are you sure you can handle all of them?"

"Okay!" Mic gave a thumbs up, "No worries my dear listeners! This is a solo! My live show! No need to interfere! Now go!"

Shouko bit her lips, but nodded. "Let's go."

"But..." Kaminari wanted to say something, but shut his mouth when Shouko glared at him.

"Let's just trust our teacher. Let's go." Said Jiro as she started to run, following Shouko.

Kaminari and Sero exchanged glances before following after them.

Mic watched his students leave before looking at the top of a building, where he can see a monster with bird-like head and exposed brain that look similar to the one he saw earlier.

'This guy...hmm, he's a bit dangerous.'


"Amazing...." Kirishima muttered, staring at Aizawa who was easily beating the group of villains like he was playing with children.

Iida and Ochako watched as Aizawa then proceeded to use the group of villains against themselves, throwing larger villains into smaller ones and slamming many more to each other.

"Sensei is amazing, I don't think Izuku is as good as him." Said Ochako.

"You three, focus!" Said Thirteen as she faced the villain covered in mist. 'We need to get Iida out, no matter what. He's the fastest here, and he can get help much quiker. I'm sure All Might is already on his way.'

"All Might is already on his way," said the mist villain called Warp, "Is that what you are thinking?"

Thirteen remained silent, as did the students as they all went to combat stance and prepared themselves to fight.

"Unfortunately, All Might won't be here for quite awhile." Said Warp, "We know of his weakness, and with our influence in the underworld, we ordered a few villains to cause a ruckus near U.A. That buffoon cannot NOT help people, it is his reason. Of course, we planned it so he will still have enough time to reach this place, but when that time comes, all of you are probably already dead."

Warp chuckled, "I'm quite excited to see that man's expression, when he arrived here too late, and he don't have any power to change anything."

"You're wrong." Said Ochako, her eyes narrowed rather dangerously, "All Might will arrive, just in time like he always does. Even if he is delayed, there are still the teachers and those three who are more than capable of beating you guys."

"She's right!" Kirishima grinned, "Besides, did it crossed your mind that before All Might arrives, we would've already beaten you guys?"

"We might not be Pros, but we're still students of U.A!" said Iida.

"These kids..." Thirteen muttered, staring at the students.

Warp chuckled, "Is that so? Well, why don't we try and see?"