
My Hero Academia: A New Generation

This story takes place after the graduation of Deku and the rest of class 1A when a new classroom of heroes takes up the mantle. The world agrees to send young heroes to train and learn customs from all over the world to bring the the world closer together against villainy! you can go to https://www.instagram.com/amethyst_stone93/ For artwork of my new class 1A. Please leave feedback, I want to improve my writing!

Amethyst_Stone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Double Battles

Today marks day two of my time at UA, I wonder what today's lesson will be about. I get out of bed to get dressed for today and head down to the common room. Most people still looked to be half asleep while eating breakfast. "Good Morning everyone, anybody have any guesses on what we'll be doing today?" I ask.

"If you would have read the syllabus you'd know we are doing practice battles today." Said Hari in an abrupt tone.

"Wait you actually read the syllabus!" Said Isamu in surprise. "I didn't think anybody did that!"

"If you want to be successful as a hero you might want to consider reading more often. When we get our hero licenses and go on real missions there will no doubt be written debriefings. Will you neglect to read those as well?"

"All right, all right, I'll knuckle down." Says Isamu putting his hands in the air in defeat. We all laughed and pulled out our syllabus as well, even though it sounded rude Hari did have a point. We talked about what we thought the practice battles would be about and how to possibly prepare for them. We did that until it was time to head to class inside Mr. Aizawa was already there and waiting on us. "Yesterday you used your quirks in the Q.A.T. and potentially used them in ways you never thought of before. Today you will be participating in practice battles. At the start of the year you were told to submit ideas for you Hero costumes to the support course. They have been completed and are ready for you." As he said this 20 suitcases emerged from the wall each having a different students ID printed on them. "You will put on your new uniforms and meet me at the Mock City from the entrance exams, then we will start the battles. For those of you in the H.E.P. Follow your fellow students they'll show you the way" at that he dismissed us to put on our new outfits.

In the locker room we put on our hero suits and looked around at everyone's suit, complementing on the different designs. Ryo didn't have a shirt so he had more skin showing that he can tattoo. Ren's suit exposed his joints so he can use his bones. Each suit was made with each quirk in mind. It was very fascinating. My hero suit was made to look like an ancient Japanese mage called an Onmyoji. I also have a metal war fan that can absorb my fox fire to make a larger attack. We finish getting dressed and meet the girls in the hallway before heading toward the Mock City. We all meet up in front of Mr. Aizawa. "In this battle you will be paired up 2 on 2. One group will play the villains in a hostage situation. All Might will be your hostage for this class." Entering the area was All Might his skeletal frame a shadow of who he once was.

"Good morning class, i look forward to working with you." All Might said with a small bow.

"All might has been instructed to do as the 'villains' say. He will cooperate but will not be joining in the fight. The battle will take place in this building." Mr. Aizawa gestures to the building behind him. "'Heroes' your Goal is to rescue the hostage, you can do that in 2 ways. 1 is to subdue the 'villains', and the second is the get the hostage out of the building before time runs out. 'Villains' you win by subduing the 'heroes' or by keeping the hostage until time runs out. You will be randomly assigned to your teammate and wether you will be 'heroes' or 'villains'. Those of you who will be selected at villains for this battle put yourself in the mind of a villain, it will help you in the future when fighting real villains. Now we will begin come to the front one at a time and draw your lots to see who you will be teamed up with."

We went one by one to the lot box to see who we were paired with, unfortunately Kage got paired with Shoji instead of me. I got paired with straight laced Hari, we are so opposite in personality hope it goes well. The first match up was Hari and I as the 'hero', against Ryo and Morrigan, I bet he's happy to get his crush on his team.

Mr. Aizawa told us that the 'villains' had 5 minutes to take All Might and find a secure location before we were allowed to go in.

"Kyū we must prepare for the battle ahead. Tell me what can you bring to this fight?" Hari said all business.

"If you stay within 10 of me I can cast an illusion on both of us to make us practically invisible. When it comes to actual fighting I have basic fighting skills and my fox fire. What about yourself?"

"I have studied acupuncture for years to help with my quirk. If I am able to see our opponent I can quickly incapacitate them. Your illusions, do they effect all the senses or just sight?"

"Just sight. So we will need to still be stealthy. Now let's analyze our opponents!" I say getting a little excited. "First we have Ryo with his tattoo quirk, he can enhance any part of his abilities and I don't know if he can tattoo inanimate objects too. So we should watch the floors, walls, and ceilings for any marking."

"As for Morrigan during the Q.A.T. She turned into a bird and a deer so we should watch for any animals as well" Hari says. "I believe we are as prepared as we can be. As soon as we walk in cast your illusions on us and we will go floor by floor looking for the villians, are you prepared?"

"I just got another idea, Hari how far can you shoot your needles?"

"About 30 meters, why do you ask?"

"I'm sorry I'm American what's 30 meters in feet?" I ask apolitically, 'I really need to learn the metric system' I thought to myself.

Hari lets out a frustrated sigh. "It is roughly 100 ft. again why do you ask?"

"I was thinking in case Ryo used his tattoos on the walls and stuff if you could shoot your needles down the hallway, they could activate the booby traps. And if the villains come out into the hallways we'll at least know what floor they are on quickly."

"That is a good idea, however, if they don't come out into the hallway we will still need to look room to room. It would also give them time to prepare if it set off an alarm!" She says bluntly.

"Then how about 15 ft in front of us, that is barely out of my illusion so it can trigger all the traps if there is any. Also if there are alarms they wont have as long to react!"

"That idea is sufficient. They're 5 minutes are up. It's time for us to head out" at that she told up and headed toward the building. As soon as we walked in the door I hurriedly cant my illusions around us. We went floor by floor as quickly as we could. Following the plan of Hari shooting her needles and us keeping watch for animals and symbols on any surface, we went form the bottom of the building to almost the top before we saw anything. On the next to last floor we saw the kanji for alarm on the wall, we almost missed it because Ryo made the kanji almost the same color as the wall itself. No matter what we had to cross that mark before we could reach the top floor.

On my phone i typed out, "'I'm going to keep the illusion in place as i cross the kanji, if an alarm sound i want you to be ready to run!'" Hari nods and i step forward in front of the kanji all of a sudden a loud alarm sounds and hari bolts in front of me going to the top floor there we see Ryo and he's tattooed the walls with kanji for 'laser'. So lasers start shooting out at Hari and I we are trying to take cover behind some of the pillars on this floor. I catch the scent of another fox, and the only reason another animal should be in this room is if its Morrigan! I quickly cast an illusion that makes me invisible and projects another me, the kanji that Ryo makes might be able to see through my illusions but morrigan wont be so lucky! I yell out to Hari "I've got morrigan you take care of Ryo" she nods to me again and as she does a streak of orange fur comes out of nowhere and lunges at my illusion self. I quickly grab ahold of the back of the foxes neck, scruffing it. The fox is paralyzed by the scruffing reflex. I put the fox in front of me like a human shield as i step out in front of the lasers. Knowing that Ryo has a crush on Morrigan I hoped he'd cancel them as soon as she was in possible danger, and i was right. In an instant all of the kanji disappeared. Right after that 3 needles shot out and hit Ryo in his shoulders and the base of his tail paralyzing them so he could no longer fight back.

All Might came out from where he was hiding, "Congratulations to all 4 of you. You did an excellent job but this win goes to our hero's by means of capture."

At that i let go of Morrigan so she can change back into a girl, "Ya know scruffin' really hurts. Ill have to get ya back for tha' later." She says rubbing her neck.

"I'm sorry morrigan when i saw you captured i panicked. I'm sorry." Says Ryo giving a bow to Morrigan after Hari removed her needles.

"Ah it was just the one grade, we'll make up for it next time" and pats him on the shoulder.

"I'm proud of each of you young heroes, now lets go back down so Mr. Aizawa can go over what he saw" at that we all headed back down stairs.

When we joined the rest of the class Mr. Aizawa asked, "Now can anyone think of something that any of these 4 could've done better?"

Immediately Hari raised her hand. "If I would've had Ryo quirk I would've set more alarms and traps to slow down Kyū an I. Also with his quirk sense he can tattoo walls I would've tattooed every wall and door on my way up, and would've put extra defenses on the final room!"

"If Ryo would've done the traps like you said he could've compromised the integrity of the building, say one of the traps was fire and it missed you, it would've set the building on fire and all 4 of you would've been in danger. Same goes for lasers on every wall, if he would've done that the ceiling could've caved in because the walls wouldn't be able to hold it up. Also he could've shot his own kanji and made them useless. Yes he could've used more alarms but not the traps and not more lasers! Does anyone have any critiques for the other 3?"

"I should've known I wasn't jumping at the right Kyū, the smell didn't line up but i trusted my eyes more than my nose" said Morrigan.

"That right if you have animal traits as your quirk use them as best you can, and if your nose is telling you something different than your eyes trust your nose 1st. Now what about our heroes? Any comments on their performance?" Mr. Aizawa asked the class again. After the class stayed silent for a while Aizawa spoke again. "For your first time in the field you two were pretty much flawless, using Kyū's illusions as camouflage, shooting at needles often in search for traps, testing to see if the final alarm would see through the illusion. And using your phone to communicate so you make even less sound. This is the type of teamwork i want to see from each of you. Think about what you opponent can do and try to come up with a way to counter it! If either of you are hurt go see recovery girl and then meet back here." Mr. Aizawa said to the four of us. When only Ryo left Mr. Aizawa continued. "Okay next group Shoji and Kage as the villains and Kaze and Isamu as our heroes. Your 5 minute prep time starts now!" Says Mr. Aizawa and Kage and Shoji immediately run into the building with All Might. I never thought I'd say this, but i want the villains to win this time.

After the 5 minutes were up, and as the heroes ran into the building a screen came on so we could see what they were doing. When Kaze and Isamu run into the building, Kaze lets out a giant gust of air. The air traveled up the entire building all the way to the villains. We could then see Kaze say something to Isamu before they both took off running. "I think Kaze was able to tell where the villains are based on the changes in air pressure." I said to myself.

"Can he really do that?" Ayaka asked me.

"I don't know, but can you explain why they took off like that after he let out that gust of air" i stated. She had a look of shock that I could come up with that type of explanation. We all just kept watching to see what happens next. And what happened was completely amazing. Kage and Shoji went into a room like the one Ryo and Morrigan were in. In the room there were small toys in the hallway hiding in the shadows so Shoji will know exactly when they plan on entering the room. As soon as Kaze and Isamu interned the room Kage threw a flash Grenade, blinding his opponents as well as giving him more shadows. Kage literally jumped into a shadow and then started to rise out of Kaze's own shadow Hand cuffing him before falling back into Kaze's shadow and appearing in Isamu's before cuffing him as well. We all thought Kage could only use his own shadow, but it turns out he can use any shadow. At least for that technique. As soon as the battle started it was over, and the villains were declared the winner. When they walked back down Mr. Aizawa asked the same questions but we had no answers.

"Because of how quickly the battle ended i cant really critique any of you, but i can congratulate Kage for the excellent use of the flash grenade and your use of your quirk."

I went over to Kage and gave him a quick hug. "You did great" i say to him watching his grey skin turn red.

"Thank you, you did great yourself" he says looking at his feet.

"Thank you as well. Would you like to watch the rest of the matches with me?" I ask him. To that he nods biting his lip. I stand right beside him as Mr. Aizawa calls the next group.

"Next Ren and Kikai will be the heroes. Willow and Sekiyu will be our villains. Your 5 minutes starts now." As the rest of the class is watching the screen I'm making sure to get as close to Kage as i can without actually touching him, I'm being pretty obvious in my flirting and my interest in him. 'God i hope I'm reading the situation correctly and he likes me too' i think to myself. Before i know it the five minutes are up and as soon as Ren and Kikai enter the building they immediately slip on Sekiyu's oil and fall on their ass! I couldn't help but laugh as well as some of my other classmates.

"Did you see the look on their face?" Isamu laughs holding his sides.

The rest of us continue to watch as Ren creates spikes with his bones on the palms of his hands and the bottoms of his feet. Seeing that Ren is now able to stand KIkai does the same with his Machine like suit.

"They're using the spikes to create a smaller surface area that can be affected by the oil." I think out loud again.

"Wow Kyū you're pretty smart." Kage says brushing my arm with his. Thank god my face is covered in fur, otherwise I'd be as red as Ren's hair.

We watch Ren and Kikai run through the rest of the building using the spikes on their feet. Following the oil they quickly find where the villains are hiding. That room is also covered in oil and when Ren and Kikai are in the doorway Willow uses her telekinesis quirk to knock them off their feet. No matter what tricks Ren and Kikai try to use to find some kind of stable ground Willow uses her quirk to knock them back down again as Sekiyu continues to make sure the floor stays coated in the oil. The class outside cant help but laugh because of how funny it looks. Ren and Kikai continuously slipping and sliding all over the floor until time runes out. I'm not sure what's bruised more, their ass or their ego. Sekiyu was able to reabsorb most of the oil from the building on their way back down. When they got to the rest of us the class busted out laughing again, except Hari who just rolled her eyes.

"ENOUGH!" Yelled Mr. Aizawa his eyes glowing and hair raising. "I get how the slapstick of what you just saw could've been funny, but what if they were real villains! Would you think it was so funny if actual lives were in danger! I get that you are still kids but you're training to be heroes! Take this more seriously!" At that his eyes went back to normal and his hair fell back in his face. "Now Ren, Kikai I commend you on all you tried to do to capture your villains, their combo was just too great for you to do very much. Sekiyu, Willow, excellent use of your quirk you worked together well."

"Thank you sir," Sekiyu and Willow said in unison.

"Okay Next we have Toge and Martim as our villains. Dokuhabi and Akemi will be our heroes. Time starts now"

"Hey Kyū, what would your plan for them be?" Kage asks me.

"Well in not 100% sure on what their quirks can do. Martim in really Stretchy so he could be his own capture device. I remember Toge's quirk makes those giant flowers but I'm not sure what all he can do with them. Doku has those pit organs like a snake so he can read heat signatures. So tracking the villains wont be a problem. And with Akemi's Portals, if Doku can give her Good enough coordinates to All Might she could pop in grab All Might, go back to Doku and create another portal to the outside and not even have to battle the villains." Kage looked at me amazed. "I played a lot of strategy RPG games when i was younger. Being a good tactician helped you win the game." I said puffing up my chest a little. 'I like the way Kage is looking at me' i think to myself as the 5 minutes are up.

I was right in that Doku was using his pit organs to follow the villains. As they got to the second floor a 6 foot flower with white petals grew out of the ground and started shooting spiked barbs from the center. "He's using the flowers like sentinels" I yell out excited for how the heroes will progress. Doku and Akemi took cover from the flower and timing it just right Akemi used the flowers spikes against itself. She opened up a portal at the last second, the thorn went into the portal and when it came out it hit the flowers stem cutting it in half. Akemi and Doku continue climbing the floors battling flower after flower and winning the same way. Then we see Doku sniffing the air. He's using the pit organs and just as i would have done akemi creates a portal right behind All Might and Creates another outside with the rest of us. They were the first to go for the rescue instead of defeating the villains. Soon Mr. Aizawa had to call up to the to tell them that All Might was rescued and to come down. Mr. Aizawa asked his questions again and again there wasn't much to critique. Martim was depressed however because he wasn't able to do anything in the fight. 'I hope it doesn't effect his grade' i think to myself.

Mr. Aizawa then yells out, "Last up is Fotiá and Dawit as the Heroes, Ronbun and Ayaka you'll be the villains this round. Your 5 minutes starts now!" Ronbun and Ayaka take off toward the building with All Might while the heroes stay behind to plan.

"Any ideas for this one Kyū?" asked Kage sweetly.

"Well this one isn't as easy." I say to him. "Ronbun's sketch is kinda like Ryo's tattoos, but different enough to where I'm not sure exactly how it works. He can tattoo animate and inanimate objects can she do the same with her drawing and stuff like that. As for Ayaka it honestly depends on the insects she manifests. Then we look at our heroes. Dawit's wings won't be much help inside of a building but he has his echolocation. And Fotiá's quirk is such a mystery she's a complete wild card. There are too many unknowns to make a solid enough guess."

"Then I guess we just have to wait and see," Kage said bumping my shoulder with his.

When the 5 minutes were up the screen came on and the entire class was in shock, because right beside Ronbun was a DRAGON! Roughly 1 minute after the heroes entered the building on the seen we saw the dragon let out a ferocious roar. The roar was so loud it shook the building and the entire class heard it as well. On the screen Dawit doubled over grabbing his ears. "I think they used the dragon roar to disrupt Dawit's echolocation." I said staring up at the screen. As Dawit is recovering I noticed the look on Fotiá's face the roar left her terrified then suddenly a sternness showed on her face and her lower body began to change. Her legs fused together into a serpentine form. Once her form finished changing, she grabbed ahold of Dawit's wing and started to drag him toward the villains. As they got into the doorway of the villains room. Ayaka and Ronbun looked shocked at the form that Fotiá took. In their shock Fotiá let out a giant plume of red fire scorching the dragon to ashes and burning the villains in the process. Dawit ran over to Ayaka and Ronbun, looking and Fotiá in shock. Fotiá then produced green balls of flame and slithered over to the other girls. Dawit opened his wings to protect them. We couldn't hear what was being said but eventually Dawit moved aside and Fotiá was able to place the green fire of the girls. In the screen we could see the burns that the red fire caused start to disappear as if they were never there.

"The green fire heals, that's amazing!" I whisper to myself. Dawit and All Might carry the 2 girls out of the building to join the rest of the class. In front of us Fotiá's form reverts back to what it was originally.

"Dawit, All Might take them to Recovery Girl immediately. Fotiá what happened up there!?" Mr. Aizawa asked as Dawit and All Might left.

"I'm sorry, the other half took over. I couldn't gain control because of my fear until I saw what she had done. That's why I made the green flames to heal them." Fotiá said tears running down her face.

"Fotiá stop crying, you are a hero in training. This is only your second day. In the line of work there will be several days where you will have to face your fear. Are you going to make the same excuse if next time you hurt a civilian. You need to get better control of your emotions so that your other self can't make the same mistakes! Try instead of think of yourself as two halves try to blend them together so the other self has more compassion and thinks before reacting. And this self has a little more determination and drive!"

Wiping the tears from her face she says, "Thank you sir, I will sir"

"Good. I want you to succeed and make your country proud!" Says Mr. Aizawa. "Now everyone today you saw how challenging it is to be a hero, you need to be able to think quickly and not only analyze your opponent but analyze your surroundings as well. Use everything to your advantage. That's how you go PLUS ULTRA!"