
My Hero Academia: A New Generation

This story takes place after the graduation of Deku and the rest of class 1A when a new classroom of heroes takes up the mantle. The world agrees to send young heroes to train and learn customs from all over the world to bring the the world closer together against villainy! you can go to https://www.instagram.com/amethyst_stone93/ For artwork of my new class 1A. Please leave feedback, I want to improve my writing!

Amethyst_Stone · Fantasy
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8 Chs


At the end of the double battles Mr. Aizawa dismissed class so we had the rest of the day to ourselves. I thought this was the perfect chance to get to know Kage even more. After we got done changing out of our hero costumes i ran up to Kage, "Hey Kage, are you hungry? I was thinking about heading over to Lunch Rush before heading to the dorms. Would you like to join me?"

"Yes, I'd like that," says Kage with a small smile.

So i wrapped my arm around his shoulders and proceeded to walk to the cafeteria while Kage's face gets slightly red.

"You know you're really cute when you blush," I tell him glancing at him out of the corner of my eyes. And he gets even redder.

We then continue our journey i only take my arm of of his shoulders when we have to grab our trays for the food. I just had a small fish dinner with rice and veggies and a fruit salad. Kage had a bowl of ramen that even had egg, and pork. We started talking when we sat down.

"So tell me about yourself Kage, I want to know more about you" I say to him.

"Well I'm an only child, my dad can teleport and my mom has some telekinetic abilities. I enjoy being in the sun and because of my quirk I don't even get sun burnt. What about you?"

"Me? Well I have 2 siblings 1 brother and a sister. We are actually triplets. My brother has the quirk Kitsune also but he wanted to stay in America. My sister has the Quirk Inugami, its pretty much the dog version of our quirk so she has a white coyote like head instead of a fox. My mom could communicate with ghosts and my dad was quirkless, but we think that because he is Japanese, his heritage and my moms quirk mixed together to create our quirks. And my favorite thing to do is running through trees in a Forrest just the smells of the trees and the plants relaxes me. And you've probably realized this but I'm gay, and I think you're really attractive. And if you maybe felt the same way I want to take you on an actual date on one of our off days."

"Kyū, why me? You are a powerful quirk user, your smart and attractive so, why me?"

"I see something in you. You may be shy, but from your battle today that you're just as strong with your quirk. You took out your opponents in seconds. My time wasn't near as good, so you're not giving yourself enough credit. During the class introductions your eyes caught me, they are the color of iris' which are one of my favorite flowers. Also, and if I didn't have fur you'd see me blushing at telling you this, but in the locker room I have to force myself to look away. Don't worry I don't look lower but what I have seen I do like a lot. Please don't think I was perking on you or anything your just very attractive to me." At the end of my rant I was looking at Kage desperately trying to see what he was thinking.

Kage then reaches over and places his hand on mine, "Thank you Kyū, and I would love to go out with you. I think your attractive too, very much, but I'm not out of the closet yet. Nobody knows I'm gay, and I'm the only child. I don't know how my father would take it." He says looking down at the table.

"We don't have to tell anyone yet if don't want to. When we go on our dates we can go 'as friends' but we know its an actual date. All I ask is that when we are alone is you hold my hand and allow me to kiss you. Would that be alright?"I ask giving his hand a squeeze.

"I can agree to that" he says giving my hand a squeeze as well as a small smile. We then finish our meal making small talk about classes and talking about where we could go for our first date.

"Well I'm full, want to head back to the dorm?" I ask.

"Sure, um can we head to your room? You got to spend some time in mine yesterday but I haven't really been in yours yet. I didn't get a good enough look during the dorm challenge."

"Of course we can go to my room, your my boyfriend now so you can come in anytime." I say getting up from table. Kage blushes at the word 'boyfriend' but he gets up as well and we head to the dorms.

As we walk in our classmates ask us if we're hungry but we tell them that we ate at the cafeteria, and proceeded to head up to my room. Ayaka and Akemi look at as them at each other like they know we are now a couple but they don't say anything. Hopefully they don't until Kage is ready.

We walk into my room and I sit on my bed as Kage looks around my room. He picks up my family photo and smiles as he sees 2 normal looking humans with their 3 animal headed kids. "Hey you and your brother aren't completely identical. His eyes are more red, yours are more pink." He was the first person to really notice that difference. My family of course did but we lived together so they don't count. He looks at my little sketchbooks and almost picked up some war fans I had.

"Be careful with those," I tell them, "they are very old, they've been passed down from my dads side of the family from feudal Japan. So they are a few hundred years old."

He then brings back his hand, and just looks at them. "They are really beautiful." He says. "Were they given to you because of the Kitsune pictured on them?"

"Yes actually, my family has a large collection of war fans from back then, my ancestors thought discarding them would be dishonorable so they kept them all. My brothers fans also picture kitsune but his is talking a geisha. My sisters is inugami playing with the moon like its a ball." I laugh. I then pat the bad beside me for him to sit down. As he does I ask, "Kage, may I kiss you now?"

"Yes," he says leaning in and our lips come together its a little awkward because of my fox muzzle but the feeling of his lips on mine was still amazing, after our fist kiss we spent the rest of the night talking and just enjoying being together until it was time for all of us to head to bed.

"Before you go, may I have a kiss goodnight?" I ask holding onto his hand.

"Of course," he smiles kissing me again, this time was less awkward.

"Goodnight Kage, I enjoyed today"

"So did I, goodnight." At that he left my room and I was left with my thoughts. I couldn't wait for our real first date this weekend. Running different ideas in my head I eventually drifted of to sleep. Dreaming of my new boyfriend, Kage Senshi.