
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Others
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33 Chs

Press Conference

Gabriel had all the documents in front of him as the media was in front of them media were curious as to way the Lu was holding a press conference. And they were also wondering why the chief of police was here as well, Gabriel stood up and gave a slight bow and went up to the mic.

"I have gathered you here today if some very important news that we would like people to help us as well as the police. Yes you were reported to the divorce of Susie and George Zhou but that was not the whole truth today I will set the record straight." Gabriel said

He already spoke to the family about the plan last night and the documents what he had was truth but it was also a warning to whom ever was helping Susie and Greg.

"18 years ago Lilly Xaio was in an accident we all know and we all know she lost her memory what you don't know is that somebody wanted her died and they wanted their husband money. Susie along with a man name Greg Han made a plan to have Lilly Xiao away from her husband George Zhou. My mother in law Lilly was put in a coma two years ago by her stalker Greg Han if not for us looking into Susie past we wouldn't be able to find out that she was working with him and we are glad say the Lu, Zhou and Xiao family were able to find Lilly Xiao safe. We found her two nights ago in a cottage own by Greg Han where he kept her and kept her under comatose for two years and last night she was able to wake up and will be getting treatment at the hospital our three families would like our privacy and also we would like your help in find Greg Han as well as Susie and bring them to justice. The police chief will give you more information on the two suspects and again the Lu, Xiao and Zhou family would like our privacy for Lilly's recovery. Thank you" Gabriel said

Once he gave a bow and backed away the media was in a uproar asking questions about the two suspects as the chief police took over. Gabriel went out the back as his phone rang to see it was Elena.

"Are the roads clear to the hospital?" He asked

"Yes I'm with dad and mom. Jackson will be waiting there and he'll be explaining everything to us" Elena said

"Okay I will be there and will go back together I'm sure dad is going to stay with mom at the hospital" Gabriel said.

"That's what he was saying we have the begs pack and Jackson has the whole VIP floor ready and will you be sending body guards as well?" Elena asked

"Yes, they will be switching with Bradley's men" Gabriel said.

"Okay dad same time some people to be with Ariel as well just in case Emma try's to get in contact with and I called her about what was happening since she missed her plane" Elena said.

"How did she take it?" Gabriel asked.

He knew Emma and Ariel were close when they were kids so he felt bad for his little sister.

"She cussed and yelled she was mad but glad my mom is safe and she wants to met her. She said she'll be on the flight home this afternoon" Elena said.

"Okay we can get her in the morning" Gabriel said.

"Okay see you soon" Elena said

"Okay" Gabriel said.

They hung up the phone as Gabriel made his way to the hospital as for Elena and her parents they arrived at the hospital and her mother was taken to the private floor where her mother will receive physical therapy for the next two months or when she can walk again.