
My Harem of Legends

[Read my new novel: The Devil in Space] He was the strongest man alive in Argoth. But from a bit of an accident, he was given the chance to transmigrate without losing his soul to the heavens. What shall he do now? As a non-leveling mage in a world where leveling is everything, he must thrive to survive the stronger beings... But one of his stats seems to be leveled to the max. His handsomeness. As a wildly handsome boy, he snatches every woman’s heart and shows the world that even a non-leveling mage can handle the world... But what if he manages to snatch the most powerful woman’s heart? [Despite the Harem... The plot is massive in the book. So anyone who enjoys a good plot can enjoy this novel too :3] Tags: #Harem #KingdomBuilding #MultipleProtagonists #Romance #Comedy #Overpowered (Not MC) #reincarnation #magic #system Volume 1: Looking at myself, but... Not from a double sided mirror. When he searches the world that was built up by himself, he finds himself looking at the suffering of his own people under his nose. And worst of all, he finds himself falling for one of the women he hated, one of the leaders who runs the most effective conspiracies against his own castle. But he died? How is he not dead? He’s transmigrated... And what was happening? He begins to search about this mystery but the struggle for a lower class human to even get past the castle walls is too much... (Caution: MC has a trash personality at first but will change in time :> People change. Also, the story is a little slow on progress. Try reading 30 chapters at least, before dropping it!) [By the way guys... I recommend you skip from chapter 59 - 73 because all those chapters were a bit rushed. I can’t edit the story completely because there will be plot holes then. Sorry... I will try editing these chapters later on. HONESTLY THEY SUCK) *** Author’s system, [Hit on those votes if u want more chapters and works from this author. Let’s reach the bloody top!] Follow me on Instagram for the latest news: @the_real_dark_fox Discord id: Despot#6898 Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/c6g4sVtx9g My other works, > I’m an OP Glitch!

The_Dark_Fox · Fantasy
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91 Chs

C26: Battling a 5th Grade Lightning Dragon (P1)

The crowd gathered at the edge of the harbor gazed at the 3 women and the young man as they sailed towards the large cloud of mist covering the dragon and the boy.

Each time a flash of lightning came from the cloud of mist, the hearts of the people gathered near the dock skipped a beat.

Lucy sensed the infuriating mana coming from the lightning dragon. It was on another level.

"5th grade, Lightning Dragon straight ahead." She muttered, summoning a bow to her hands. Alan glanced at her with an astonished look when she said this.

"Man... We are dead!"

He couldn't believe the most powerful man in the whole kingdom was saying this. 'No! I have soul power, Winry, and these two... I won't lose. Not here... Not till I take that crown back, which is rightfully mine,' he encouraged himself, tightening the grip on his blade.

Soon, the tiny boat sailed into the cloud of mist, closing the view of the docks behind. Now, there was no turning back.

The waters were unsteady in the cloud of mist, not to mention the furious flapping sound of wings coming from inside.

Flash! Flash! Three strikes of lightning blasted within, casting the enormous shadow of the dragon upon the mist. They were close... Very close.

Suddenly, the waters started to wave backward, pushing the boat away from the direction where the dragon was. It was because of the pressure of the air coming from the dragon's wings.

"Winry... Boost the speed." Riza finally declared something to the team and coming from her tone, it seemed like she knew some things about leadership.

Alan didn't know what she meant by that, but after seeing what Winry did, he got the idea.

Winry bent down by the edge of the boat, placing the end of the staff with a green crystal, in the surface of the water. "Wind magic! 1st-grade tornado!" She chanted.

Suddenly, a huge wind created by magic blasted through the end of the staff, speeding up the boat like a shark cutting through the water.

"Woah!" Alan uttered as the boat blasted through the water. His hair blew back to the wind and it was a feeling he had never felt before... Cutting through the water at such a speed.

"Okay, guys!" He could barely yell because of the pressure from the wind. Even his voice didn't come out clearly. "Slow down!"

Gladly, Winry heard this. "I'm sorry!" She cried out, lowering her wind magic, so it was fast enough just to overcome the waves pushing them back.

But their task was done. They've pushed through the whole cloud of mist, entering the middle of the huge cloud.

Alan wiped his eyes and finally got a good look at the scene. An enormous dragon, almost about 25 feet tall with a 15-foot long wingspan. The dragon had only had two hind legs and an utterly long neck with purple scales covering its skin. Just by looking at the arcs of lightning running through its horns, one can tell that it's a lightning dragon.

As soon as they exited the thick layer of mist and entered the area where the dragon was, an announcement came upon each of their retinas.

[You have entered a cursed area: Kill the 5th Grade Lightning Dragon to escape]

The announcement said.

"Yep... Get ready, girls!" Alan declared, stepping a little backward.

The waves created the flap of the dragon's wings. It was that large and the air pressure coming from the flapping was too high.

And under the gigantic dragon, on the top of a rock that stood high, poking its head through the water, a little boy stood.

The boy was surrounded by a magical barrier, created from the pendant hung on his neck. He was merely a child, possibly around the age of 11 or 12.

"Goddamn! That barrier... It's the only thing holding the kid! And it's —" before Alan could finish the words, the dragon fired another beam of lightning towards the barrier from its enormous jaws.

The kid screamed, crouching himself, but no sound came to the four adults standing on top of the boat. The beam of lightning shot the barrier and the literal sound of thunder came after it hit the barrier.

The roar of thunder was ear bleeding.

Everyone covered their ears and crouched on the boat, simply by instinct.

"If we don't beat that dragon soon, the kid will be roasted!" Lucy said, in a calm tone. Alan could tell that this wasn't the only time she had been in a fierce situation, just by her tone.

Alan gazed at the gigantic dragon, but his feelings were jumbled... He was scared. His legs were trembling. 'I've slain hundreds of 5th Grade dragons, yet, before this one... My legs tremble.'

The dragon finally flapped its wings faster and took further into the air. Astonishingly, the boy who's been squatting on top of the rock was still alive.

The barrier was still undamaged, but a few scratches were drawn on it.

"Ok girls! We need to attack the damn dragon! It's now or never!" Alan yelled, raising the sword and pointing it at the dragon.

However, the dragon had not spotted the few humans there, who were technically 4 times smaller than them.

"DRAGON!!!!" Alan yelled, his rage, burning him up from the inside. He was the king, and possibly... Feeling this humiliation from the whole world is possibly unbearable. He wanted to act on his own, and get his dignity back.

Alan's voice was seemingly unsuitable for a roar, but still, it dumbfounded the three girls on the boat and even the noble boy who was on top of the rock.

His voice finally breached the dragon's ears, making its deadly eyes turn. A single black and thin horizontal line were drawn across its fierce eyes.

Riza was astonished to see the bravery of the boy. And she was humbled at the same time. Slowly, she stepped forward and stood in front of Alan.

"Boy... No — Alan! The dragon is coming now... And you're a non-leveling mage... plus I can't let you die just like that," Riza said, smirking at him.

Suddenly, a tail appeared from beneath her thin silk dress, and the edge of the tail slowly cut the dress from her back, revealing the gorgeous body underneath.

Her cheeks turned red as the boy gazed at her gorgeous body.

A thin black silk strap ran down from her neck and through the point of her upper mountains, joining the thin straps back under the void below her waist.

Alan's nose started to bleed the moment he saw this flawless body. He couldn't bear it anymore. Even his dragon was roused.

She was half-demon, half-fae, but her beauty was on another level. However, she did not have hooves like the other fae, she had demonic feet with sharp nails.

She leaned closer to Alan and he was frozen, unable to move.

Winry's eyes darted towards the scene when the succubus came closer to Alan's face, close enough to feel her breath on his lips.


'No! No... Don't... Don't kiss my king —' Winry's hand reached out to stop her, but before she could, their lips met.

Alan's face went red when she kissed her lips. Riza held the kiss for 5 seconds and Alan didn't push back either. Slowly, she stepped back, breaking the kiss.

"I'm sorry... But I can't let you get hurt. No healers here."

Thank you so much for reading, many thanks to all who support the novel :3

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